Friday, October 9, 2015

Kris Jenner Talks Way Too Much About Sex


As if Kris Jenner and her children being referred to as America’s First Family on the latest cover of Cosmopolitan were not controversial enough… the notorious manager has gone ahead and made the situation even worse.

By revealing way too much about her sex life.

Responding to a question in the cover story, Kris thought back to an “embarrassing moment” when she was flying with then-husband Bruce Jenner in first class on a commercial flight.

“We joined the Mile High Club and we felt we got away with it,” she said, meaning her and Bruce had sexual intercourse in the airplane bathroom.

From there, according to Kris…

“We came out and nobody said anything. At the end of the flight, the flight attendant got on the microphone.

‘Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Jenner! You’ve just joined the Mile High Club. We’re so proud of you, and we decided to give you a bottle of champagne! Yay!’

“I could not squish down in my seat low enough. I was mortified!”

We have two reactions to this story:

  1. If true, why share it in front of children Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner, who, we assume, were all present for the interview?

  2. There is no way this story is true.

Then again, Kris Jenner has done plenty of things about which she should be ashamed, making a lie about the Mile High Club relatively harmless by comparison…