Showing posts with label Salvador. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Salvador. Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2017

Salvador Dali"s Body Ordered Exhumed for Paternity Test

Maury Povich ain’t got nothing on this paternity test — a judge has ordered the body of Spanish painter Salvador Dali be exhumed to get to the bottom of a baby daddy dispute. The court handed down the order Monday after a Spanish woman…


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Derick Dillard on El Salvador: People Get Sexually Assaulted Down Here!

Even if you’re not a fan of the family or its reality shows, you’ve probably heard about the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

In case you somehow missed it (or managed to successfully block it out of your memory), here’s a brief rundown:

Don’t click on that after eating, or before bed, or any other time that you don’t want to be exposed to nightmare fuel more potent than anything Stephen King could dream up on his best day.

Anyway, Josh won’t appear on Counting On, because even the Duggars occasionally demonstrate good sense.

So why are talking just days after the show kicked off its second season?

Well, it all has to do with a newly-released “extended trailer” for Counting On Season 2.

You see, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after a year of missionary work in Central America.

Part of the reason for that is that they’ve apparently decided El Salvador is simply not a safe place to raise a family.

Derick explains why in the clip below:

“There are a lot of dangerous realities that do come with living in a place like Central America,” Der tells the camera.

“Kidnappings, rape, murder – those are realities that everyone here has to face on a daily basis.”

He went on to say that we should build a wall around El Salvador and make their government pay for it.

Okay, we may have made that last part up.

And Derick’s point is a valid one in that there is more violent crime in many South and Central American countries than in the US.

Even so, it’s not hard to see why some fans were upset by his remarks.

The man is sitting next to his wife, who was molested by Josh Duggar, and saying that he’s looking forward to returning home because people get sexually assaulted in these parts, by golly!

It’s another indication that for all their lip service regarding the seriousness of Josh’s crimes, the Duggars and the men who married into the Duggar family aren’t really cognizant of the fact that they live with a child molester who evaded the authorities with the help of his parents.

If they really internalized that, there would be no way that they wouldn’t be seething with anger at Josh and Michelle and Jim Bob for helping him get away with his crimes.

And there’s no way that Derick would sit there and bemoan the prevalence of unpunished sexual assault in El Salvador.

Watch Counting On online at TV Fanatic for more obliviousness from the Dugz.

Derick Dillard on El Salvador: People Get Sexually Assaulted Down Here!

Even if you’re not a fan of the family or its reality shows, you’ve probably heard about the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

In case you somehow missed it (or managed to successfully block it out of your memory), here’s a brief rundown:

Don’t click on that after eating, or before bed, or any other time that you don’t want to be exposed to nightmare fuel more potent than anything Stephen King could dream up on his best day.

Anyway, Josh won’t appear on Counting On, because even the Duggars occasionally demonstrate good sense.

So why are talking just days after the show kicked off its second season?

Well, it all has to do with a newly-released “extended trailer” for Counting On Season 2.

You see, Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard recently returned to Arkansas after a year of missionary work in Central America.

Part of the reason for that is that they’ve apparently decided El Salvador is simply not a safe place to raise a family.

Derick explains why in the clip below:

“There are a lot of dangerous realities that do come with living in a place like Central America,” Der tells the camera.

“Kidnappings, rape, murder – those are realities that everyone here has to face on a daily basis.”

He went on to say that we should build a wall around El Salvador and make their government pay for it.

Okay, we may have made that last part up.

And Derick’s point is a valid one in that there is more violent crime in many South and Central American countries than in the US.

Even so, it’s not hard to see why some fans were upset by his remarks.

The man is sitting next to his wife, who was molested by Josh Duggar, and saying that he’s looking forward to returning home because people get sexually assaulted in these parts, by golly!

It’s another indication that for all their lip service regarding the seriousness of Josh’s crimes, the Duggars and the men who married into the Duggar family aren’t really cognizant of the fact that they live with a child molester who evaded the authorities with the help of his parents.

If they really internalized that, there would be no way that they wouldn’t be seething with anger at Josh and Michelle and Jim Bob for helping him get away with his crimes.

And there’s no way that Derick would sit there and bemoan the prevalence of unpunished sexual assault in El Salvador.

Watch Counting On online at TV Fanatic for more obliviousness from the Dugz.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Jill Duggar: Derick Dillard Almost DIED in El Salvador!

Last week, fans became concerned about photos of Derick Dillard that were posted online by his wife, Jill Duggar.

The images showed Derick looking gaunt and generally unwell.

Coming, as they did, on the heels of rumors that the father of one had been experiencing health problems, the photos sparked rumors amongst fans that Derick had contracted an illness during his time abroad.

The Dillards have spent most of the past year performing missionary work in El Salvador.

During that time, the Zika outbreak and a handful of troubling images left fans concerned for the welfare of the young family.

Rumors about Derick Dillard’s health began to circulate several months ago, as the missionary veteran appeared to have lost 20-30 pounds in a span of just a few weeks.

Over the weekend, Jill acknowledged that Derick nearly lost his life during the couple’s time in Central America.

However, the danger didn’t come in the form of a virus, as so many fans expected.

In her personal blog, Jill offered a harrowing account of a recent incident in which Derick was nearly struck by lightning.

She says a bolt hit the ground not far from where he was talking with a friend on his way back home:

“A minute or so later while they were still talking a little ways from the house, a bolt of lightning hit the tree next to our house! The blast startled everyone around (Israel and I were in the house) and knocked our friend, who Derick was talking with, off his feet!

“We were talking later with some of our friends and realized that had this friend not stopped Derick to talk with him, Derick could’ve been walking through water as he headed to our house and could’ve been electrocuted by the lightening [sic] through the water on the ground.”

Many fans have expressed their relief that the “near-death” experience Jill referred to was not related to a serious illness.

The family will reportedly be returning to the States in the coming weeks.

Only time will tell if Derick will continue joking about the Zika virus.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard: Slammed For Using El Salvador Residents to Make Money!

Jill Duggar and husband Derick Dillard are scrutinized for nearly everything they do, but does this latest round of criticism have merit?

Their most recent scandal centers around an Instagram picture, depicting women part of their ministry in El Salvador selling jewelry.

Derick captioned the photo, shown below below:

“Jewelry on the display table this weekend made by local women to sell as part of our ministry. #economicempowerment #praiseJesus.”

Yes, hashtag #economicempowerment.

So what’s the issue? This immediately got Duggar Nation going off on the notion that Jill and Derk are using these women to make a profit.

Is this all just a shill for their ministry?

One upset fan wrote to Derick:

“By stating that the jewelry made by the women to “sell as part of [your] ministry,” do you mean they are selling it to make funds for your ministry?”

Another chimed in similarly:

“If it’s about economic empowerment, shouldn’t the funds go back into the pockets of the women and families who made the items?!?!”

“I don’t see you helping people at all,” said a fan on Twitter, echoing a familiar refrain to those who follow the lives of the two Dillards.

“How about posting pictures of you two actually doing charity to show the people who donate what you are actually doing with their money.”

Again, this is not the first time we’ve seen Jill and Derick accused of misusing mission donations. Heck, it’s not even the second or third.

The Arkansas couple has a donation section on their website, but have never fully disclosed what it is they do with the money raised.

Some believe that the young parents simply use the cash donations to fly back and forth to the U.S., which they do fairly often as fans know.

One fan posed that popular theory along with another:

“They must need money for another trip home. Fans always pay for their travel or TLC. The TLC train has derailed, they have not renewed you.”

“Maybe Jill, Jessa and Anna all get pregnant sn.”

There’s also talk of Jill getting pregnant to avoid getting canceled and searching for Derick’s mother’s biological mom as a compelling storyline. 

Bottom line: Jill is under a microscope and the accusations against the Dillards are clearly out of control, but do fans have a point?

Especially when it comes to their fundraising?

Hit the comments below and tell us what you think of this latest Duggar scandal – and whether the media and critics should ease up or what.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard: Slammed For Using El Salvador Residents to Make Money!

Jill Duggar and husband Derick Dillard are scrutinized for nearly everything they do, but does this latest round of criticism have merit?

Their most recent scandal centers around an Instagram picture, depicting women part of their ministry in El Salvador selling jewelry.

Derick captioned the photo, shown below below:

“Jewelry on the display table this weekend made by local women to sell as part of our ministry. #economicempowerment #praiseJesus.”

Yes, hashtag #economicempowerment.

So what’s the issue? This immediately got Duggar Nation going off on the notion that Jill and Derk are using these women to make a profit.

Is this all just a shill for their ministry?

One upset fan wrote to Derick:

“By stating that the jewelry made by the women to “sell as part of [your] ministry,” do you mean they are selling it to make funds for your ministry?”

Another chimed in similarly:

“If it’s about economic empowerment, shouldn’t the funds go back into the pockets of the women and families who made the items?!?!”

“I don’t see you helping people at all,” said a fan on Twitter, echoing a familiar refrain to those who follow the lives of the two Dillards.

“How about posting pictures of you two actually doing charity to show the people who donate what you are actually doing with their money.”

Again, this is not the first time we’ve seen Jill and Derick accused of misusing mission donations. Heck, it’s not even the second or third.

The Arkansas couple has a donation section on their website, but have never fully disclosed what it is they do with the money raised.

Some believe that the young parents simply use the cash donations to fly back and forth to the U.S., which they do fairly often as fans know.

One fan posed that popular theory along with another:

“They must need money for another trip home. Fans always pay for their travel or TLC. The TLC train has derailed, they have not renewed you.”

“Maybe Jill, Jessa and Anna all get pregnant sn.”

There’s also talk of Jill getting pregnant to avoid getting canceled and searching for Derick’s mother’s biological mom as a compelling storyline. 

Bottom line: Jill is under a microscope and the accusations against the Dillards are clearly out of control, but do fans have a point?

Especially when it comes to their fundraising?

Hit the comments below and tell us what you think of this latest Duggar scandal – and whether the media and critics should ease up or what.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Jessa Duggar & Derick Dillard Preach About Importance of "Covenant Marriage" in El Salvador

It’s been less than two years since Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard got married, but apparently the couple has spent much of that time doling out marital advice to other couples.

The Dillards moved to El Salvador to perform missionary work not long after their son Israel was born, and now we know more about the exact nature of the work they’re doing in Central America.

It seems the couple is advising other young married or engaged folks in two different ways:

Derick gives regular sermons at their local church, and he and Jill both meet with men and women who are seeking advice or having trouble in their relationships.

The Dillards are in a “covenant marriage” – a type of union offered in three states (including their native Arkansas) that makes it very difficult to obtain a divorce.

The legal details vary from state to state, but usually, under the terms of a covenant marriage, a divorce can be obtained only if one partner commits adultery, abuse or a felony.

Generally, even in those cases, the couple must live apart for a minimum of one year before they can begin divorce proceedings.

El Salvador doesn’t offer legally distinct covenant marriages, but apparently the Dillards encourage those they’re counseling to treat their marriages like one.

Sources say Jill and Derick often remind those considering divorce that “love is unconditional” and that they’ll remain married “in the eyes of God” even if they obtain a legal divorce.

Their stance could prove problematic as Central America has an extremely high rate of domestic violence, and there are no doubt many cases in which divorce is the safest option, even if the abuse hasn’t occurred yet.

It is unknown if Jill and Derick have counseled any victims of spousal abuse, but they may have done so without being aware of it themselves.

Just one of the many reasons why it could be dangerous to preach the idea that God punishes those who seek divorces.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online for more of the Dillard family’s life in El Salvador.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Visit the Dillards in El Salvador: Is Jill at Risk??

Jill Duggar and her husband Derick Dillard embarked on a mission to El Salvador to do the Lord’s work, but their expedition has been marred with controversy almost since they left.

In the past few weeks, speculation arose that the Dillards cut their mission short and returned to Arkansas to avoid catching the Zika virus, which is currently rampant in the Central American country.

However, a new photo posted to Facebook confirms that the couple and their son Israel are definitely still in El Salvador, and even welcomed two guests: Jill’s parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.

“Jill’s parents surprised us recently with an impromptu visit for a few days,” Derick wrote on his blog. “It was great to have them with us and get to show them the work the Lord is doing here.”

He assured fans that 10-month-old Israel is doing well, loving the fruits and veggies there and was happy to see his grandparents.

“Israel definitely enjoyed all the attention when Grandma and Grandpa Duggar came to visit,” wrote Derick.

Fans have been concerned about the Dillards’ stay in El Salvador as Zika has been known to cause severe birth defects in pregnant women, and given the family’s stance on shunning birth control, Jill could be at risk.

Could Jill be making an exception and using birth control? If she did in this case, we can’t imagine anyone would fault her for it.