Showing posts with label Bookout's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bookout's. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Ryan Edwards Threatens to MURDER Maci Bookout"s Husband?!

Ryan Edwards … what can we say, the guy is an absolute mess right now.

Between his recent arrest, his problems with wife Mackenzie Standifer, and what many people think is a relapse, things aren"t as good as they could be, that"s for sure.

And with the orders of protection Maci Bookout recently filed against him for herself and her family, he"s falling even further in his downward spiral.

We"ve heard a few details of the kinds of things Ryan"s been doing that made Maci feel the need to take the matter to court, but this latest little tidbit of information?

It"s easy to see why Maci is taking action.

1. Where to Start?

Ryan edwards mug shot

So, uh, yeah, it’s not the greatest time to be Ryan Edwards right now, huh?

2. What a Mess

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Things have been unravelling very very quickly for him since last week, when we heard the news that he’d been arrested for violating the terms of his probation.

3. … Probation?

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Right, because apparently he was arrested last year for having heroin in his possession and somehow, some way, nobody heard about it. He was on probation for that, and he did something last week to mess it up, so he was arrested again.

4. Come On, Mack

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Mackenzie claims that the arrest was no big deal, that it was one of the terms of his probation that he’d have to be booked, but that doesn’t make sense. Why would he be handcuffed at his home a year after the original arrest, taken down to the police station, and held there for several hours until his family bailed him out if it was just some formality?

5. What’s the Truth?

Ryan edwards sad

Some reports have said that Ryan violated his probation by missing a mandatory drug test, but again, that doesn’t make sense — a big issue he’s had with Maci for a while now is that she wants him to take a drug test before he sees their son but he doesn’t want to do it. Why would it even need to be an argument if he was already taking the tests for his probation?

6. Hmmm …

Ryan edwards holds water bottle pic

We don’t have all the details yet, but he was on probation, he messed it up somehow, and now his whole entire life is falling apart.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer: It"s Maci Bookout"s Fault Ryan Edwards Did Drugs!

On last season"s Teen Mom: OG finale, Ryan Edwards hit rock bottom in shocking fashion, passing out behind the wheel while driving to his own wedding.

Shortly thereafter, Edwards checked into rehab, and he"s reportedly been clean and sober ever since.

But as we learned from last night"s TM:OG season premiere, Ryan"s substance abuse is still very much on the minds of his loved ones, especially wife Mackenzie Standifer, who expressed some surprising thoughts about Edwards, his addiction, and his relationship with ex Maci Bookout.

Here"s a rundown of exactly what happened and how fans reacted to Standifer"s bold claims:

1. A Terrifying Low

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Fans were stunned when Edwards nodded off behind the wheel while driving to his wedding on last year’s season finale. This week, we learned new details about just how dangerous his addiction had become.

2. A New Start

Ryan edwards wedding photo

Ryan checked into rehab shortly after his wedding, and he’s reportedly been drug-free for the past several months.

3. Take Two

Mr and mrs ryan edwards

Ryan and Mackenzie held a second wedding earlier this month. The ceremony represented a new beginning for the couple, but it’s clear that Edwards’ demons are still hanging over their heads.

4. Maci vs. Mackenzie

Maci bookout interview with mtv uk

Mackenzie butted heads with Ryan’s baby mama, Maci Bookout, during last season’s reunion show, resulting in an explosive on-stage fight.

5. The Conflict Continues

Mackenzie standifer picture

Comments made by Mackenzie on last night’s season premiere revealed that the discord between the two women in Ryan’s life won’t be letting up any time soon.

6. Blaming Bookout

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Asked by a therapist about Ryan’s addiction triggers, Mackenzie didn’t hesitate in her respone, revealing that she feels Maci is the primary cause of Edwards’ substance abuse. Needless to say, fans were stunned…

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Monday, August 15, 2016

Ryan Edwards: Maci Bookout"s Ex Kills Cats, Brags About It

Ryan Edwards kills felines, and he’s not sorry about it.

Maci Bookout’s ex and baby daddy starting bragging about killing cats on social media, which upset a lot of people.

Why does the Tennessee native do it?  

According to Radar Online, Edwards explained to everyone who doesn’t understand that these evil cats are vandals!  And car scratchers!  And all-around unpleasant animals that pee on everything.  They are the worst!

Edwards, always so eloquent with words, posted this message to all them haters:

“When they start living under you [sic] house and having 100 babies that scratch your car and boat and piss on everything and get into your garbage let me know,” he wrote.

“Lol and you can go to jail for vandalizing people’s property and trespassing so I guess I’ll call the cops next time lol. Like you ppl are stupid.  

“I’m sure ya’ll will come fix my boat and car after they scratch the s**t out of it… wait no you won’t so SHUT THE F**K UP!” 

We’re guessing Animal Control was too busy to come over and help with the problem.

Y’all need to google what ppl do to cats in different countries if you worried about me, ” he continued.

Not one to let a few goody two-shoes harsh his vibes, Edwards updated everyone on his latest kill.

“I got a full size brown one tonight,” he wrote I think I got all the little ones so just the devil black cat is left.”

Eager to rile up those opposed to his killing of cats, Edwards shared a photo of his rifle at the dinner table with the caption, “LOL.”

“Fucking savage,” one person wrote.

“This is so sad for these poor cats,” another wrote.

And in a move that makes us think he might be a sociopath, Edwards wrote this response:

“You ppl make me laugh this is such great entertainment.

Just double-checking on this, but Bookout has full custody of Bentley, right?

Speaking of terrible Teen Mom exes: