Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cats. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Taylor Swift Is Making Big Money Off Her Cats and Also "Cats"

Taylor Swift is going all in on this cats thing, not only starring in the “Cats” movie … but making some cash off her actual pet cats. Every Swiftie knows Taylor’s 2 cats, Olivia Benson and Dr. Meredith Grey … and now Taylor is making cash off…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

"Shahs of Sunset" Star GG Wants Estranged Husband to Stay Away From Her and Her Cats

“Shahs of Sunset” star Golnesa ‘GG’ Gharachedaghi believes her estranged husband is out to get her — literally and figuratively — and is asking a judge to keep him away … from her cats too. GG filed docs alleging Shalom Yeroushalmi has…


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hemingway Home Cats Won"t Starve Post-Irma on 4-Week Supply of Chow

The Hemingway Home cats are making it out better than some humans post-Hurricane Irma because there’s enough food to feed all 55 of them for the next 4 weeks. We spoke with a Hemingway Home employee who told us the place picked up 300 lbs of cat…


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Ryan Edwards: I Didn"t Actually Kill Cats, I Just Wanted Attention!

After bragging about it all over social media, Ryan Edwards now claims that he does not kill cats.

Maci Bookout’s ex-boyfriend is currently being investigated by the Humane Educational Society, who have solid evidence to back up their belief that he is maliciously killing animals at his Tennessee home.

The organization obtained a search warrant, which allowed police and animal control to search and take photos of the property.  There, they found animal remains and cat food.

“If you have a cat problem, you don’t put food all over the place,” director of the Humane Educational Society, Bob Citrullo told local site,

“He’s saying he made it up and was just doing it to build hype … He didn’t think he’d get this much aggravation out of it,” Citrullo said.

The issue authorities are facing now is how to move forward, Citrullo explained, adding that the law is a little vague when it comes to protecting cats.

“It’s very specific on companion animals and livestock, but feral cats are falling in between [the laws],” Citrullo said.

Still, Edwards is not off the hook.

“I hope we can do something for all the issues he’s caused,” Citrullo added.

“We are putting a lot of effort into this.”

Earlier this month, Edwards bragged about his killing spree and his ability to keep those vandalizing cats from ruining his life.

Edwards loved the horrified comments from his followers, and made no apologies for his actions.

“When they start living under you [sic] house and having 100 babies that scratch your car and boat and piss on everything and get into your garbage let me know,” he wrote.

“Lol and you can go to jail for vandalizing people’s property and trespassing so I guess I’ll call the cops next time lol. Like you ppl are stupid.”

No, sir.  You are. You also might be a bit of a sociopath.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Ryan Edwards: Maci Bookout"s Ex Kills Cats, Brags About It

Ryan Edwards kills felines, and he’s not sorry about it.

Maci Bookout’s ex and baby daddy starting bragging about killing cats on social media, which upset a lot of people.

Why does the Tennessee native do it?  

According to Radar Online, Edwards explained to everyone who doesn’t understand that these evil cats are vandals!  And car scratchers!  And all-around unpleasant animals that pee on everything.  They are the worst!

Edwards, always so eloquent with words, posted this message to all them haters:

“When they start living under you [sic] house and having 100 babies that scratch your car and boat and piss on everything and get into your garbage let me know,” he wrote.

“Lol and you can go to jail for vandalizing people’s property and trespassing so I guess I’ll call the cops next time lol. Like you ppl are stupid.  

“I’m sure ya’ll will come fix my boat and car after they scratch the s**t out of it… wait no you won’t so SHUT THE F**K UP!” 

We’re guessing Animal Control was too busy to come over and help with the problem.

Y’all need to google what ppl do to cats in different countries if you worried about me, ” he continued.

Not one to let a few goody two-shoes harsh his vibes, Edwards updated everyone on his latest kill.

“I got a full size brown one tonight,” he wrote I think I got all the little ones so just the devil black cat is left.”

Eager to rile up those opposed to his killing of cats, Edwards shared a photo of his rifle at the dinner table with the caption, “LOL.”

“Fucking savage,” one person wrote.

“This is so sad for these poor cats,” another wrote.

And in a move that makes us think he might be a sociopath, Edwards wrote this response:

“You ppl make me laugh this is such great entertainment.

Just double-checking on this, but Bookout has full custody of Bentley, right?

Speaking of terrible Teen Mom exes:

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Leah Messer: Accused of Endangering Cat"s Life on Teen Mom 2

If you watched Teen Mom 2: Season 7 Episode 5, you probably remember the scene in which Leah Messer lost her cool while attempting to get her 6-year-old daughters to a choir performance on time.

“Are you f–king kidding me right now? Why is my life so f–king horrible Like, what the f–k,” Leah shrieked while searching for a part of Ali’s outfit.

It may have seemed like a bit of an overreaction, but Leah’s inability to get her kids to appointments on time has been a major issue, and it even cost her custody of her daughters at one point.

But for many fans, it wasn’t Leah’s lack of punctuation, but her lack of compassion that caused concern.

You see, while Leah was scrambling to get Ali’s outfit together, one of her other daughters put the family cat in her car.

Leah realized this, but decided to leave the animal in the vehicle for the duration of the performance.

“Can animal services go & get Leah’s cat??” one user tweeted. “It should be against the law for her & Jenelle to have animals & babies.”

(Jenelle Evans was accused of mistreating her dog last year. The animal was eventually taken away from her.)

“My heart is breaking for that cat! I feel like I need to go on a rescue mission,” wrote another fan.

“Leah never has her s–t together! Late…again. Chaos…cat in the car! This is why Corey doesn’t trust you!!”

Leah did leave a window open so the cat “could have air to breathe,” but that only earned her further criticism.

“Leah didn’t give a s**t about the window being down and the cat getting out. Lovely,” tweeted one of her followers.

It looks like Hot Messer just can’t catch a break again.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Leah’s questionable parenting.