Showing posts with label Sophia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sophia. Show all posts

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sophia Floersch Fractures Spine After Horrific Crash at Macau Grand Prix

Sophia Floersch — a German Formula 3 driver — survived a terrifying crash during a race in China that easily could’ve killed her … but left her with a fractured spine instead. The 17-year-old was racing in the Macau Grand Prix Sunday when…


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner"s Partner, Sophia Hutchins, Wouldn"t Call Relationship Romantic

Caitlyn Jenner and her rumored girlfriend, Sophia Hutchins, apparently have more of a mutual partnership than a true romance … according to Sophia herself. TMZ obtained a clip of Sophia — who is also a transgender woman — doing an…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Farrah Abraham Brings Daughter Sophia to Court on Arraignment Day

Farrah Abraham’s taking Mommy & Me day to a whole new level — bringing her 9-year-old daughter to court to watch Mommy get arraigned for battery. The ex-‘Teen Mom’ pled not guilty Monday in L.A. for her June arrest in Beverly Hills. TMZ broke…


Friday, July 20, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Mother Seeking Custody of Sophia After Assault Charges!

There’s a lot going on with Farrah Abraham at the moment, huh?

And not one single bit of it is good.

This week, her dog died — a Pomeranian named Blue that she and Sophia had gotten five years ago.

As if that wasn’t sad enough, Farrah made the situation sad in a different way by filming a video of Sophia crying over the dog’s lifeless body and throwing it up on Instagram.

On top of losing poor, poor Blue, it was just decided that she’d face charges for assaulting that hotel employee last month in Beverly Hills.

You remember what happened: she started arguing with other guests at the hotel, and she got so annoying that a security guard came to kick her out.

She allegedly became violent with the guard, hitting him in the face with her arm and then grabbing and pushing his face with her hand, and police were called.

When officers arrived, she told them to “f-ck off” and “go f-ck yourselves” multiple times, and when they took her to jail, she stayed there until the next afternoon.

She’s been charged with battery and with resisting arrest — both misdemeanors.

And on top of that, Farrah has been pretty messy lately, more than usual, even.

Her frozen yogurt shop got shut down, she’s been feuding with other reality stars, she’s been messing with her face again

It’s a tough time to be an Abraham.

Since Farrah has been having such a tough time right now, her mother, Debra Danielsen, has been talking to anyone who will listen about how maybe she should have custody of Sophia instead.

And since Farrah could be facing up to 18 months in jail with her new charges, she just might have a point.

In a new interview with Radar Online, Debra discusses what’s going on with her estranged daughter.

“It’s sad to say,” she tells the website, “but you can’t disrespect other people and get away with it. It’s important for Farrah to learn she needs to respect other people.”

She also says that she agrees with the charges, so it sounds like she’s totally cool with her golden child spending some time behind bars.

Us too, Deb.

Thanks to all of this new criminal nonsense, and also because of who Farrah is as a person, Debra says she has “no doubt” that Sophia would have a better life with her.

“I would have Sophia in a great school,” she explains. “She can socialize and be a kid, just like Farrah. She needs to be a regular kid.”

“Go to school and achieve academically. She loves science.”

Doesn’t that break your heart, that Sophia loves science? Because realistically, how much science is she able to study while being homeschooled by Farrah?

Debra also believes that Sophia is too young to be traveling so much and going to the kind of events that Farrah attends.

“There are too many pedophiles out there who take advantage of minors,” she argues. “It’s a scary world out there.”

“Sophia is so precious. She is a blessing. I would not put my child on display.”

But even though she feels so strongly about this, she says that she won’t fight Farrah for custody — not because she doesn’t want it, but because as a grandparent, she simply doesn’t have the right.

“There are laws in this country that prohibit grandparents from protecting grandchildren,” she claims.

“Sometimes it’s in the best interest of the minor a grandparent could step in. Why? To give the parent a time out to take care of themselves. There is no harm in that.”

She says that even if she had a team of lawyers, she legally wouldn’t be able to get Sophia, which honestly seems a bit off to us.

There are so many grandparents who have taken custody of their grandchildren in situations like these.

That’s why Jenelle Evans’ mother has custody of her son.

Debra may be unsuccessful, but if she’s that worried about Farrah’s ability to parent, there’s absolutely no reason why she can’t at least try to get custody of Sophia.

But there could be a chance Deb is making that excuse because she doesn’t want Farrah to cut her out of her life completely, which she could very well do if a custody battle were to begin.

“I do believe it can be fixed,” she said of her relationship with Farrah.

“Farrah, I love her very much. She is my daughter. I have sacrificed and given my life to her. I wish her nothing but well.”

Who would do a better job at raising Sophia?

Honestly, it’s hard to say.

We believe Debra when she says that she’d get her into a nice school, which would be so much better for her than being dragged around the world with Farrah.

But on the other hand … Debra raised Farrah.

She’s also filmed abusing her on Teen Mom more than once.

We’re not exactly confident in her ability to raise a child, either.

Best of luck, Sophia. You’re going to need it.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Losing Custody of Sophia to Her Own Mother?!

Farrah Abraham is not a good mother.

It’s not even really a matter of opinion at this point.

Odds are that you’re extrememly familar with many of her questionable parenting choices, but if not — and even if you are, really, because don’t act like you’re too good to check out this train wreck — let’s review some real quick.

Remember earlier this year when she revealed that she and her nine-year-old daughter Sophia take nude photos of each other and save them on their phones?

Or how about the time, also earlier this year, when she got butt injections and had Sophia film the whole thing on her phone?

Or hey, how about that time that she thought it was a good idea to advertise her porn on the kid’s Twitter account?

Farrah’s spoiled her child with hundreds of dollars, cash, from the tooth fairy, she tried waxing her brows when she was a toddler, she’s left her for months at a time to do reality shows or perform in strip clubs or even to just do whatever.

After all, this is the girl who, when discussing how she wasn’t seeing her kid that much, actually said the words “It’s healthy that we have a braek. She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I’m doing mine.”

Sophia was four years old at the time.

On top of all of that, it’s become increasingly obvious that Farrah just has no idea to how raise a child, and she’s also never had any interest in learning.

That became clear when she made the decision to homeschool Sophia so that she could work on her child modeling career and galavant around the world with Mommy Dearest.

There have also been some disturbing moments that Farrah just never dealt with, like when Sophia started telling her that she wanted to die so she could see her late father, Derek Underwood, in heaven.

Or on last season of Teen Mom OG, when they were at a restaurant with Farrah’s mother, Debra Danielsen, and Sophia started growling and punching herself.

There’s just an overwhelming amount of evidence that Farrah is the worst mother.

But you know who probably wouldn’t be any better?

Good ol’ Debra herself.

Still, in a new interview with The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Deb actually tries to make the case that Sophia would be better off in her care.

“I would go after Sophia in a heartbeat to save her and make her happy, she says. “Sophia loves me no matter what brainwashing other people do to her.”

“That harms her and you shouldn’t use a child as a battleground.”

She’s referring to the falling out that she and Farrah had over her new husband, Dr. David — the whole family went on vacation together last year, and it sincerely did not go well.

Since then, Farrah has said that as long as David is in the picture, she won’t have a relationship with her mother, and Sophia has said the same.

And regardless of whether or not Farrah is coaching Sophia to hate David or if she really doesn’t like the guy, it seems like they kept their promise.

In the interview, Debra says that “I think that if people are harming children by separating them from the people they love, the people who have been there for them, then we ought to allow our courts to get in there and save that child.”

“In the United States of America, we do not protect children or children’s rights.”

She explains that “When you separate a child from the main caregiver, the sole caregiver, that’s their security, that’s their mental stability and suddenly you plunge them into a different environment and say bad things about these people, that’s not helping.”

“That’s not good for anybody,” she adds. “I don’t condone that. I don’t care if it’s a divorce. I don’t care if it’s grandparents. I don’t care if it’s anybody. That’s not good for the child.”

Was Debra Sophia’s main caregiver before all of this? It’s definitely possible.

Farrah’s always done a lot of traveling, but Sophia has just recently begun going everywhere with her, so it makes sense that she’d have stayed with her grandmother in years past.

Debra seems to confirm that when she says “I just think that Sophia is doing a lot of traveling and through different time zones.”

“She needs some stability and children need a place to call home and some stabilization and I think Sophia would really benefit from that.”

But as intensely as she feels about all of this, it sounds like she’ll only try to go for custody as a last resort — what she wants most of all is for Farrah to just get it together.

“I just love Farrah,” she says, “and I support her and I hope that she comes around and i want her and Sophia in my life.”

So … that’s a lot to take in, huh?

It’s hard, because Debra does make some good points, and not many people would disagree that Sophia probably isn’t in the best situation right now.

But at the same time, Debra is the one who raised Farrah. Why would anyone trust her with another child?

Ideally, there would be a sane adult in Sophia’s life who could step in and save her. Someone who isn’t so obsessed with fame and fortune, someone who actually has her best interest at heart.

Preferrably someone who hasn’t already ruined a child (sorry, Deb).

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be anyone like that available.

Thoughts and prayers for Sophia, please.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Sophia Bush Confesses: I Never Wanted to Marry Chad Michael Murray

Sophia Bush has been divorced from Chad Michael Murray for well over a decade.

The former One Tree Hill co-stars got married in April of 2015 and split up just five months later, shattering the hopes and dreams of all who watched and adored their WB drama.

This all played out a very long time ago, yet Bush stopped by Andy Cohen’s Sirius XM radio show this week and dredged up the ancient and awkward past.

In an interview with the Bravo executive, Bush actually said she didn’t even marry Murray out of love.

She agreed to the legal union due to pressure from those associated with One Tree Hill.

“It was like the second season, but everyone’s been 22 and stupid,” Bush said of the relationship, adding that marriage “was not a thing I actually really wanted to do” and later explaining:

“Ladies have to learn how to take up space in the way that men are taught that they are entitled to.”

Interesting, huh?

And very layered and sort of vague and confusing, right?

“If you didn’t want to get married, how do you get to the point of being talked into it?” asked Cohen.

“How do you let everybody down?” the actress responded, continuing:

“And how do you – what’s the fight and when you have bosses telling you that you’re the only person who gets a person to work on time and 200 people either get to see their kids at night or they don’t because our days start on time?”

So… Bush was talked into being with Murray because she could control him on set?

“Life is always loaded,” she told Cohen. “What the public knows ever is never – it’s not the tip of the iceberg.

“Hilarie [Burton] and I used to laugh and we were like, ‘If we had a behind-the-scenes show, the drama would be so much f-cking better than the drama that the writers write."” 

Shortly after her interview with viral, Bush tried to walk back her apparent criticism of Murray.

She Tweeted that she was making fun of herself, not her former co-star and husband.

“When you’re taking the piss out of yourself – b/c people can’t let the past go & you really wish they would – & gossip rags try to turn it into inappropriate drama rather than self-deprication,” she wrote.

“Don’t twist people’s words, y’all. If it wasn’t clear, I was making fun of MYSELF.”

bush tweets

Murray, however, was among those who took offense to Bush bringing up their marriage all this time later.

Especially when she did absolutely say that the romance had as much to do with her professional obligations as how she actually felt about Murray.

“This story is ludicrous,” a rep for the actor said in a response statement, adding:

“Chad conducts himself in a completely professional manner and would never marry for any reason but love.

“Thirteen years since his divorce from Sophia, he has a very happy family life with his wife and children.

“He has completely moved on and doesn’t feel the need to engage in this type of behavior.”


Debra Danielsen: I Need to Get Sophia Away from Farrah Abraham!!

Late Tuesday night, Farrah Abraham was arrested after allegedly striking an employee at a Beverly Hills hotel. Police say that she was intoxicated, but Farrah blames everyone else. Classic Farrah.

Her mother has expressed her concern for her 9-year-old granddaughter. She says that Sophia would be better off with her.

In the mean time, Farrah has released her own statement about the incident. And it is bonkers.

Debra Danielsen is horrified by Farrah’s arrest. It doesn’t sound like she’s surprised, or even especially worked up over her daughter.

As she tells RadarOnline, Debra fears for her granddaughter, 9-year-old Sophia.

“She needs to be with her family,” Danielsen insists through tears.

Farrah is her daughter, but she’s also an adult. Sophia is just 9 years old. Her mother’s arrest could be traumatic. Especially since Farrah remained in jail for a while.

And Danielsen says that she knows exactly what isn’t a healthy environment for a child.

Sophia, she says, needs to be somwhere that’s not “Not [around] strangers and volatility and her mother being arrested.”

For the record, Sophia was at the hotel, but was up in her room and was presumably asleep. Hours earlier, she had been hanging out with her mom by the pool.

Reports say that Sophia remained with her nanny during her mother’s time behind bars.

Debra Danielsen, who is clearly feeling very emotional about this situation, laments:

“It’s very disgusting,” she says.

It sounds like there’s so much more than just Farrah’s arrest that’s on her mind, and it all comes boiling to the surface.

The emotional grandmother says: “She needs to go to school…”

Farrah homeschools Sophia, which … is probably very interesting but perhaps not what is best for the innocent 9-year-old.

Keep in mind that requirements for homeschooling vary from state to state, but many of those requirements are inadequate and none require a healthy level of socialization.

Danielsen makes it clear that she’s worried about more than just Sophia’s education and socialization.

“She needs to not be dragged on a party all over the world,” she says.


Visiting places like Capri is cool, but arguably not as cool as being a well-adjusted child who knows how to interact with strangers, make friends, and function in society.

(Which we of course hope that, no matter the obstacles, Sophia will nonetheless manage to do)

Farrah Abraham was released from jail on Wednesday, and took to Instagram to share the news.

“Looking great in @prettylittlething,” she writes beside a paparazzi shot of her exit.

That’s right, folks; she begins her post with some of the least appropriate product placement that we have ever seen.

“No charges & no jail time,” she brags.

This is Farrah, so … the truth of that statement, if any, is unclear.

Farrah begins her rant, which takes on the usual word salad elements that remind us to be worried about what she may be teaching Sophia.

“I chose this life and I handle being targeted as a public figure & public punching bag,” she says.

So … she seems to be suggesting that she is being framed or harassed because she is famous-ish.

“ALL is Fair In Farrah’s world,” she says. “I will never believe the lies that people need to sell to make a dollar off me.”

Why would someone believe lies about themselves? Sorry, we know better than to try to make sense of Farrah’s words.

The rant continues.

“Happy it’s all recorded and documented,” Farrah says. “As I should never feel unsafe and be targeted at a hotel I’m staying at.”

She accuses the hotel itself of misconduct.

“The Beverly Hills hotel truly allowed misconduct by staff to a paying guest.” She then adds: “There’s no need for me or anyone else to be treated this way.”

Farrah is accused of having gotten into an argument with another guest, and then of having struck and pulled the ear of a security guard.

Farrah also has a bone to pick with the police.

“The Beverly Hills Police officers should stop having power trips and lying and selling stories to TMZ,” she writes. “While you let all of Beverly Hills be robbed, car break ins, stealing go on…”

We must have missed that story about the largest heist in history — entire neighborhoods of multimillionaires — stripped bare while the ingenious thieves used Farrah as a distraction.

“Focus on really protecting the public and doing good for Beverly Hills,” Farrah advises. “Instead of creating made up problems.”

Farrah is a real piece of work, but there’s no sign that Sophia was actually exposed to any of the hotel drama.

Still, it may have been a scary experience for Sophia. When mommy’s in jail, you can feel alone and powerless and afraid for the future.

But while Debra Danielsen may have been responding emotionally to Farrah’s arrest, she has a point.

Maybe Sophia deserves to have a real life beyond her mother’s globetrotting adventures.

That said … Danielsen might not be the answer. Remember, this is the woman who raised Farrah Abraham.

This is also the sort of mother who gives out tearful, backstabbing interviews while her daughter is in police custody.

Sophia deserves … so much better.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner: Skipping Her Own Son"s Wedding to Spoil Gal Pal Sophia Hutchins?!

We know that Caitlyn Jenner’s own family barely speaks to her. But that’s the Kardashian side of things.

On the other side, they still want her in their lives. In fact, Brody Jenner invited Cait to his wedding.

Curiously, Cait has said that she can’t attend — and a report claims that the blame for that lies at the feet of gal pal Sophia Hutchins.

From what a source tells RadarOnline, Sophia is holding Caitlyn back from attending her own son’s wedding.

“Cait can go to Brody’s wedding if she really wanted to.”

Caitlyn Jenner’s estimated net worth is somewhere in the ballpark of $ 100 million dollars. She can attend just about anything at any time.

“But she can’t and won’t because of her boss Sophia.”

That’s a bit of hyperbole, but … this source claims that Sophia has quickly become the center of Cait’s world.

According to this source, Cait is willing ot miss a major milestone in her son’s life.

“The truth is, Sophia’s Cait’s number one priority.”

This really fuels the rumors that these two are closer than ever.

“And they’re inseparable.”

Apparently, Cait and Sophia have a scheduling conflict with Brody.

“Brody’s wedding date and all the traveling screws up things that Cait already has planned with Sophia.”


This source says that it’s mostly Sophia’s cold feed that are keeping them from attending.

“Sophia wasn’t up for all the wedding extravaganza and because she wasn’t, neither was Cait.”

They say that Caitlyn indulges her much younger gal pal at every opportunity.

“Caitlyn spoils her rotten.”

Apparently the two of them share more than similar interests and a mutual love of dogs.

“Everything she wants: clothes, vacations, jewelry, all of Cait’s attention, she gets.”


That may lend some credence to the rumor that Caitlyn and Sophia are planning a wedding of their own.

We should note that, though some may have doubts about whether or not this can be blamed on Sophia, Caitlyn not attending Brody’s wedding is not fake news.

Cait has had a strained relationship with the children she had before marrying Kris Jenner.

Cait has been able to reconnect with some of her kids through a shared love of sports. Cait is an Olympian and she likes that sort of thing.

But since none of that interests Brody, their relationship has remained strained.

However, TMZ reports that Caitlyn did attend the bridal shower.

They also say that she does not disapprove of Brody’s fiancee or of the marriage.

But she told Brody that she can’t attend due to a business opportunity that she just can’t pass up.

And that has left Brody feeling very hurt.

It’s easy to lay the blame at Sophia’s feet, but it may be that, quite simply, family and family relationships are complicated.

Sophia and Caitlyn have a lot in common and are rumored to be in a relationship, but Cait could make time to go to her son’s wedding.

If she really wanted to.

Turning down an invitation or canceling plans can be stressful, but it is also a relief to not have to prepare for an awkward occassion. We totally understand that.

It’s sad that Cait won’t be attending Brody’s wedding.

It’s probably even sadder for Brody, since apparently neither Kendall nor Kylie even bothered to RSVP that they wouldn’t be coming.

Family is complicated.


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner and Sophia Hutchins: Wedding Plans Revealed?!

Caitlyn Jenner and gal pal Sophia Hutchins have seemed practically inseparable for months now. Though they were initially coy about their close bond, they’ve loosened up in recent weeks.

Is this a sign that these rumored girlfriends are getting more serious? Many fans have been hoping so for a while.

And now it’s reported that Cait and Sophia are planning to get married.

RadarOnline reports that Caitlyn Jenner plans to marry Sophia Hutchins, but that she’s hoping to keep things low-key.

“They consider each other soul mates and freely admit they couldn’t imagine a life with anyone else at this point.”

The two have felt a close bond, despite the hefty age difference between the 68-year-old Olympian and the 21-year-old hottie.

According to a report, the push to marry may come from Cait recently missing out on some major milestones with her former stepchidren.

“Caitlyn would have loved to have helped Khloé through the tough time in the delivery room.”

Of course, it’s been clear for a while that Caitlyn will never see Khloe’s daughter, True Thompson.

“But the Kardashians have kicked her out of the family.”

Ever since Cait wrote her tell-all book, the Kardashians want nothing to do with her. It’s sad for everyone involved.

As for the wedding itself, it’s apparently set for a bluff near Cait’s Malibu home.

“Cait has a wedding planner to handle all the details.”

The guest list will include close friends and family … but no one with the name “Kardashian.”

“This is a dream come true for Cait because her rejection by the Kardashians — and even her own daughters — had left her feeling isolated and suffering from a crippling depression.”

Oh, that is heartbreaking.

“Sophia has changed all that.”

That’s so nice to hear!

Despite their age difference, the two have forged a powerful bond.

“She and Sophia have a lot in common.”

Not only are both women trans — Sophia transitioned as a teen, in college — but they both hold conservative political views that often put them at odds with the larger trans community.

(Though Caitlyn is aware that Trump is devastating for trans rights and seems to regret that she ever supported him)

But Cait and Sophia have been practically joined at the hip for months, ever since they were spotted vacationing in Mexico last year.

“The age difference doesn’t seem to matter at all.”

That’s wonderful to hear.

That is some very exciting news.

That said … we’re leery of hearing wedding plans, no matter the source, when the alleged couple has yet to confirm their romance.

There are plenty of good reasons to keep a relationship under wraps.

One, it’s not necessarily anyone’s business. Two, though Sophia has been Caitlyn’s plus-one a time or two, she is not herself a celebrity.

Three … a lot of people are going to have a lot to say about Cait allegedly dating a woman who’s younger than most of her children.

If these two marry … Sophia would be Stormi’s step-grandmother, right? Even though she’s only about a year older than Kylie herself.

The closest that Sophia and Caitlin have actually come to announcing that they’re dating is Sophia’s reference to getting James Corden’s “approval” on Instagram.

That’s not the same as full confirmation, even though they seem incredibly close and are widely believed to be living together.

If this report of wedding plans is true, this is exciting, and maybe they’ll announce it after the fact.

If so … well, summer begins next month, and lasts until September. So that’s the time frame that we’re seeing for a summer wedding.

Best of luck to them both!


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

"It" Kid Stars Jaeden Lieberher and Sophia Lillis Will Make More Than Double for Sequel

A couple of the young stars of last summer’s blockbuster “It” have big paydays coming their way for ‘Chapter Two’ of the horror franchise … according to their contracts. The docs, obtained by TMZ, show that Jaeden Lieberher — who plays young…


Monday, December 18, 2017

"It" Actress Sophia Lillis Banks $50k to Play Amy Adams

It’s a good thing to look like Amy Adams – but if you’re 15-year-old Sophia Lillis it’s even better –because those looks come with a hefty paycheck. Lillis, who plays Beverly Marsh in “It” just signed on to play the young version of…


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner: Gal Pal Sophia Hutchins" Mom Reveals All!

Caitlyn Jenner’s romantic life remains a mystery, but she has been closely linked to a hot blonde 21-year-old.

Her much younger gal pal, Sophia Hutchins, is also a trans woman. But, until now, we didn’t know that much about her.

But Sophia’s mother is willing to talk about her daughter, Caitlyn, and their relationship.

Caitlyn and Sophia didn’t announce their friendship so much as just … allow people to find out.

They tend to crop each other out of photographs, but it’s been abundantly clear that Cait and Sophia are spending a lot of time together.

Caitlyn has featured bits of Sophia’s legs in a photograph of the sunset, which puts Sophia in Caitlyn’s hotel room, lounging on her balcony.

And Sophia has been photographed multiple times with Caitlyn Jenner’s dog and in Caitlyn Jenner’s home.

Their bond isn’t really a surprise.

Cait has been rejected by many members of the trans community because her self-serving political views and endorsements are seen as harmful to trans women and others.

(Caitlyn has praised the likes of Ted Cruz and openly endorsed Donald Trump. Sure, she regrets that now, but buyer’s remorse isn’t getting her a lot of sympathy or forgiveness from vulnerable minorities who are threatened by the Trump administration)

By definition, as a celebrity, Caitlyn is a representative of trans women — but she is not representative of most trans women. She is a rich white celebrity.

But Sophia comes from a similar world to Caitlyn’s, and even credits Caitlyn with inspiring her to go forward with her transition, something that she’d hesitated to do because she hadn’t felt able to relate to other famous trans women.

Speaking to RadarOnline, Sophia Hutchins’ mother, Amy, refers to Caitlyn as being very “supportive.”

Amy herself says that she’s proud of her daughter for speaking publicly about her transition — as Sophia shared the news in her university newspaper.

“It’s pretty awesome,” Amy said, praising her daughter’s courage. “She’s got a lot of guts. … Caitlyn’s got a lot of guts, too.”

“Caitlyn has been a real supportive friend to her,” Amy says, though also shooting down rumors that Caitlyn is paying for Sophia’s current lifestyle.

That said, and despite Sophia’s numerous photos from Caitlyn’s home, Amy says that her daughter is not living with Caitlyn on a permanent basis.

Amy uses the word “friend” there, but that’s not quite the same as a denial that there might be something more romantic going on between the two.

Adding further steam to the rumormill, Sophia Hutchins was spotted accompanying Caitlyn to Kendall Jenner’s 22nd birthday party.

That seems like something a little beyond the normal boundaries of a totally platonic friendship, right?

And yet it’s still nothing definitive.

Admittedly, the only thing more awkward than introducing your girlfriend to your daughters — something to which many parents can relate — would be introducing your girlfriend to your daughter who is older than she is.

Because Sophia is 21, folks.

The potential awkwardness of an encounter like that is almost enough to make us believe Caitlyn’s representive’s claim that Caitlyn and Sophia are not dating.

It’s way easier to picture Caitlyn bringing a friend along.

Caitlyn’s relationship with many members of her family — with the Kardashians, in particular — has been strained lately.

Not because she’s trans, but because of her book.

It turns out that writing a tell-all doesn’t really endear you to the people you’re spilling the beans over, even if you only talk about them in part of the book.

Who knew?

Is Caitlyn keeping Sophia close because she likes having a young, likeminded friend in her life?

Or … is she building a new romance?


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Sophia is Being Homeschooled So She Can Go to More Events!

When it comes to Farrah Abraham, this may not even rank as the most shocking thing she’s revealed this week, which says a lot, but …

Farrah told the media at last weekend’s MTV Video Music Awards that she’s homeschooling her daughter for a rather unorthodox reason.

If nothing else, this story offers a brief respite from discussion of Farrah’s vaginal rejuvenation, though it is somewhat troubling in its own way.

While many eight-year-olds were in bed on Sunday, you may have noticed that Abraham’s daughter Sophia joined her at the MTV VMAs.

How was Sophia able to attend the event?

School night, schmool night. Farrah answered simply that the youngster is being homeschooled these days, for precisely this reason:

More red carpets! More events! More time learning the ropes and sharing in her proud mom’s “career” pursuits in all their terrifying glory!

“She’s doing homeschooling, so she gets to come to more events and that’s awesome,” the 26-year-old Teen Mom OG star said of Sophia.

This isn’t the first time Farrah has referenced this – she previously hinted at homeschooling Sophia because other kids are jealous of her.

Her previous school’s administrators apparently told Farrah that her showing up with a face of makeup on was causing her to be bullied.

That’s according to Farrah, so take it with 2-3 grains of salt … Abraham has been in a serious relationship with #alternativefacts for years.

Regardless of any bullying that may have occurred, she says the move to homeschooling allows Sophia to “be the better her” 24/7.

“I decided to do that because, at school, I didn’t really want to make it about the bullying, dating, those things,” Farrah said.

“It’s focusing more on her studies, while also traveling the world if she wants to do that while she is going to school.”

Abraham, whose job as an educator evidently involves doing all she can to make Sophia the next big thing in entertainment, adds:

“She’s doing more runway so she’ll be at New York Fashion Week. She has a lot going on and this just helps her be the better her.”

“We do virtual schooling and with the help of me or a tutor, it’s easier for her to get through it,” Farrah says. “She can be home.”

“She can be anywhere! She’s virtual!”  

While the idea of Abraham educating anyone is enough to give us pause, remember that she perfected the art of the word salad.

The MTV reality star is, as The Ashley’s Reality Roundup and the gallery below point out, the literary genius of our generation.

Hey, when you could be in boring old second grade or focus on a modeling career, which would you rather choose if you were eight?

We suppose on the flip side, this was a woman who once said that she and Sophia do their own thing, so at least they’re bonding now?

Also, since Soph is already firing employees at her mom’s businesses, she might as well learn the ropes of the industry as soon as possible.

Farrah has taken heat for some of Sophia’s previous modeling jobs, but if you believe the young mom, this is just the little girl’s calling.

Posing suggestively in a bikini when your age doesn’t even have a one as the first digit yet sounds like a stretch to us, but hey, whatever.

What could possibly go wrong?!


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Farrah Abraham Admits to Forgetting Daughter Sophia In a Store

Usually, when we report on bad parenting from Farrah Abraham, it means something truly appalling and inappropriate took place involving her 8-year-old daughter Sophia.

Like the time Farrah talked about Sophia’s future sex tape.

Or the time Farrah allowed Sophia to have a Snapchat account, and she predictably wound up chatting with strangers late at night.

Sadly, we could go on with a list of such incidents, but we think you get the idea.

So it’s almost a relief to share a story of less-than-stellar parenting that other moms might actually be able to relate to.

It’s not the kind of thing we would encourage anyone to try, but it is the sort of thing that could be classified as an innocent mistake … as opposed to whatever the hell talking about your grade school-aged daughter’s porn career would be called.

Anyway, the story comes from Farrah herself, who shared it while she was shilling some memory supplement on her Instagram page.

“Ladies (and men) Ever returned to your car and realized you’ve left your child in the store! Omg, this happened once, but since starting @focus.factor Extra Strength there’s no way that will happen!” Farrah captioned the photo below.

Yes, it seems she once left Sophia in a store.

Not surprisingly, the comments on the photo were amusingly brutal.

“You’re telling the entire world that you NEED some bs pills to REMEMBER YOU HAVE YOUR DAUGHTER WITH YOU WHEN YOU GO OUT TO A STORE?” wrote one follower, adding:

“Wow. don’t have anymore children please until you become an actual responsible adult.”

Others simply threw Farrah’s own words back at her, reminding the reality star-turned-porn star that she once encouraged her co-stars to learn from her parenting example.

Most of the critics had the right idea and didn’t attack Farrah for briefly forgetting her daughter (these things happen), but rather for sharing the story as a means of trying to sell her followers on the virtues of some BS nootropic.

To be fair, we really know nothing about the product she’s hawking, but we generally don’t take medical advice from people who document their vaginal rejuvenation procedures on social media.

Also, gotta love the generous amount of cleavage worked into that shot.

Say what you will about Farrah, the woman understands marketing.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more of Farrah’s ridiculousness.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Simon Saran: Farrah Abraham"s Mom is Trying to Steal Sophia (and Bangs Guys While Babysitting)!

Farrah Abraham’s troll slash boyfriend Simon Saran is at it again, taking the Teen Mom OG star’s mom to task in a series of brutal tweets.

As usual, he does not mince words.

Simon’s latest salvo was fired at Debra Danielsen’s fiance, Dr. David Merz, for basically ignoring everyone else so he could watch golf.

Twitter users were loving Simon’s take on the Teen Mom OG scene in question, but Debra came to the defense of her beau by noting:

“It was the Masters and the final few holes,” Danielsen said, referring to the sport’s marquee tournament in April. “Nothing else.”

The conclusion of the 2017 Masters was pretty all-time, in David’s slight defense, but clearly Simon’s words hit a little close to home.

“Simon isn’t even in the know. Haha! Just says sh!t to make money. He hurts people with his lies and thinks it is ok!” Deb added.

Things only escalated from there.

When fans accused her of talking s–t, Debra defended herself, clarifying, “I speak truth! No hate. Just want things to be happy and healthy.”

Perhaps she needs to look up what “happy and healthy” mean, because Debbo’s comments caught the attention of Saran yet again.

“You beg Farrah for screentime,” Simon responded in an alarming allegation. “Heard you and an attorney are talking to take Sophia away.”

Say what now!?

We had no knowledge of any such plot by Danielsen to fight for custody of Farrah’s daughter, but it’s perhaps Simon was just trolling.

Whether it’s true or not, his comment about Deb and Soph caught the attention of none other than … Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans!

Jenelle tagged Simon and tweeted, referencing Farrah’s mom and her own, “shiiiiit is Debra and Barbara talking now?! they are twins man.”

In any case, Simon wasn’t done.

Not even close. Upping the ante, he proved he’s not messing around by dropping a megaton bombshell on his mother-in-law-to-be:

“Here’s a truth for you Debrah slept with two different guys in 2 days her basement in Nebraska while she was suppose to be watching Sophia.”

Uhh. Really? It’s scary to think that this could be true, and that Sophia (presumably) found out about it, but Simon went on to add:

“Debra hasn’t worked in years. Leaches off of Farrah and Sophia. She doesn’t care about them like [Michael Abraham] does!”

Turning his attention back to Deb’s fiance, he continued, “David has another motive. Just like I called out Matt, this guy is on that level.”

“He’s hiding something big!”

Matt, of course, is Matt Baier – another frequent target for Simon’s tirades and one who is hiding “something big” every week it seems.

He did not elaborate on what exactly Dr. Dave is allegedly hiding, but Simon took one final parting shot … at his own employer.

“Farrah is so much happier when she’s not brainwashed by @bhurvitz #mtv” Sarah wrote, not pulling any punches as always.

He shared that with the image of himself and Farrah above. Guy literally never misses an opportunity to throw shade and stir the pot.
