Thursday, September 14, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Horrifying New Details of Child Neglect Case Revealed!

Remember a few months ago when the only things that were really going on with Jenelle Evans were her upcoming wedding and all her cool new landscaping projects?

Man, what happened?

For the past several months, many, many people truly believed that this girl had finally gotten her life together.

She hadn’t been arrested in such a long time, she had that precious little baby girl.

Things were good.

But, as we’re now learning, people only thought things were good because Jenelle went to such great lengths to hide the truth.

The truth, sad as it may be, is that she smoked weed during her pregnancy, resulting in a positive drug test for little Ensley.

And yeah, it would have been worse if she’d been drinking or doing her former favorite, heroin, but she doesn’t get a medal for doing the least dangerous drug while growing a child inside her body.

If nothing else, smoking is always bad during pregnancy, right?

So Jenelle couldn’t put down the bong for nine months, North Carolina found out about it, and an investigation was launched.

And now, thanks to some court documents obtained by The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, we know even more details about that investigation.

According to those documents, a DSS rep stated in March that “Mother and father tested positive for substances during the investigation.”

Meaning that at some point during the time DSS was involved with Jenelle and her family, both she and David tested positive for something — probably marijuana again, but the substance wasn’t specified.

After that, social services “visited the home and smelled THC and the child was present in the room at the time.”

The child in this scenario being Ensley, who, as we’re learning, has probably spent much of her eight-month-old life with a contact high.

“Neither parent cooperated in testing additionally when requested to do so,” the documents revealed.

So even after Ensley’s positive drug test, and after a couple of months of investigating, they still didn’t feel the need to just stop smoking for a while?


We also know now that Jenelle and David were assigned a social worker who visited them once a week, and they were given goals “to ensure parents do not use illegal substances in the presence of their children or while pending care.”

The rules were also set in place so that they could “make appropriate supervisions for child care” and “to be more responsible.”

Since the investigation was closed in May, we assume that they were finally able to follow those rules.

But according to another report, the investigation was closed because they were able to obtain medical marijuana cards in California.

Apparently the cards proved that they had a medical need for marijuana, and since they both work out in L.A. often enough, the case was dropped.

Which seems a little silly — regardless of “work,” Jenelle lives in North Carolina, where smoking weed is still all the way illegal, and she didn’t have a medical card when the investigation began.

Unfortunately, we don’t make the rules.

But hey, wouldn’t it be fun if we did?
