Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Dog Owner Leaves Hilariously Detailed List of Rules for Nephew

Look, we all love our pets.

Some folks out there just love their pets more than other folks out there.

Or, to be more specific, some folks out there just have more specific and rigid guidelines for their pets than other folks out there.

The aunt of Tommy Rivers is one of these people.

In a hilarious string of Twitter posts, Rivers recently explained to followers exactly what his relative asked him to do while he took care of her beloved canine, Pepper, from how much the pooch should eat each day to the type of affection he"s allowed to receive…

1. This is Pepper

This is pepper

What a cutie, no?

2. All Aunts are "Too Much," Right?

All aunts are too much right

Can you expound please, Tommy?

3. For the Most Beautiful Girl in the World

For the most beautiful girl in the world

Those eating demands aren’t so crazy. If anything, we feel like Pepper deserves more food.

4. No Carbs?!?

No carbs

Does Pepper need to lose weight? She looked fine to us.

5. Who is Sniffing Who in This Arrangement?

Who is sniffing who in this arrangement

Perhaps we don’t want to know.

6. Is She Okay?!?

Is she okay

Where is the photo, Tommy?!?!?!?!?!?

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