Showing posts with label Phelps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phelps. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Michael Phelps & Nicole Johnson Welcome Baby #2!

Ever since the world learned that Michael Phelps was expecting baby #2, fans have eagerly awaited the child’s birth. Now, that wait is over.

On Monday, February 12th, 2018, Nicole Phelps gave birth to a healthy baby boy!

See this precious boy’s photos below with his mom, his dad, and his older brother, Boomer.

Michael Phelps is now a father of two!

Now, as we all know, Michael Phelps lives in the ocean, but swims upstream and into freshwater in order to spawn. Michael Phelps can lay hundreds of eggs at a time, but only a fraction of them will make it back to the ocean.

Wait … that’s salmon. Our confusion is understandable.

(And no, Michael Phelps’ children don’t battle each other in the womb so that only one emerges alive after devouring its siblings; those are sand tiger sharks).

No, despite his proficiency in swimming, Michael Phelps is still a human and so are his wife and two sons.

Michael Phelps shared this image of his wife, Nicole, his son Boomer, and his newborn son, writing:

“Magical moments yesterday… Nicole and I would like to introduce Beckett Richard Phelps to the world!”

Congratulations to their whole family!

“We had a healthy baby boy and a healthy mama.”

Remember, we can’t take it for granted that every birth is healthy. Not even for folks who can afford the best health care in the world.

“I truly do feel like the happiest man in the world. Being able to build our family to now 4 (6 with doggies) is so incredible! #familyof4now”


And no, that’s not the only photo:

Boomer Phelps’ Instagram account shared this image, accompanied by a caption that he almost certainly did not write but may have dictated with some parental guidance:

“I am officially a big bro!!! All I wanna do is hold him! I can’t wait til I get to teach him so many cool things about the world!! #bigbro”

This must be so excited for Boomer.

His face is visibly lighting up with excitement and wonder in every photo.

(Older siblings can become just as overwhelmed with affection as parents can; oxytocin impacts kids, too)

Nicole shared a photo of her own:

Nicole included this sweet caption:

“Our family grew by 1 yesterday [red heart emoji] meet Beckett Richard Phelps. I’m surrounded by boys and I couldn’t be happier.”

She followed that with three teal heart emojis.

The couple announced that they were expecting back in August. Since then, Michael Phelps has used the #BabyShark tag when talking about his wife’s pregnancy.

It’s both adorable and on-brand.

Michael and Nicole’s first son was born in May of 2016, when he and Nicole were engaged.

Boomer is now just 21 months old.

Opinions on how far apart in age children should be tend to vary, but most people agree that just about two years of difference is great. That’s enough for kids to attend the same schools for more years than not and perhaps even share the same interests.

Some kids aren’t enthused about sharing their parents’ attention, but Boomer seems delighted to be an older sibling.

Congratulations to the Phelps family!


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Michael Phelps" Fetus Hits 1st Concert

Michael Phelps took his wife and his fetus out on the town on Tuesday — treating the gang to a OneRepublic show!  Earlier that day, Nicole Phelps announced she was preggo with baby #2 — but it wasn’t until she hit the concert that she…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Michael Phelps and Nicole Johnson: Expecting Baby #2!

Olympic legend Michael Phelps and his wife Nicole are expecting their second child, the duo announced in dueling social media posts.

Phelps and the former Nicole Johnson are already parents to a little boy named Boomer … who seems pretty hyped to be a big brother!

The greatest swimmer ever wrote, alongside the photo above: “Number 2 on the way!!!! So excited!! Wonder if it’s a boy or a girl??”

We too wonder this, but there’s no debating that Boomer is about as precious as it gets as he holds his mom’s pregnancy test.

(Which we presume is positive, hence the post.)

Added Nicole in her own Instagram post featuring the same photo of herself and her son, “Lil mans going to be a Big Brother!!!”

The couple met in 2007, started dating in 2009 and temporarily broke up prior to the 2012 Summer Olympics before reuniting in 2014.

Michael’s been with her through a lot of ups and downs in life, but never has he seemed happier than right here, right now.

Not to be left out, Boomer, 15 months, says he’s looking forward to big brotherhood as well, according to his personal Instagram.

“So excited to see what mama is having!! Do I get to have a brother or a sister?!?” Phelps and Johnson’s son “wrote” earlier.

Nicole and Michael welcomed Boomer in May 2016, just months before he capped off his historic Olympic career in Rio that summer.

They also got married last year – two times!

Michael and Nicole, both 32, tied the knot in June and then wed again in late October during a larger event in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

Clearly, parenthood suits them, as he said earlier this year they were already thinking about number two in terms of when, not it.

“Nicole has recently brought up that she would like a girl!” Phelps told People. “We definitely want more kids, it just depends on when.”

“I’m sure I’m getting pressure.”

Hey, at least she knows the swimmer’s boys can … sorry, that’s not even that funny at the end of the day, but we couldn’t resist.

Phelps said Nicole’s pregnancy with Boomer wasn’t planned, but this time around revealed, “[We’re] trying to get moving on some things!”

“We are so fortunate to have a healthy and happy baby and hopefully more coming soon, but we don’t know when,” Michael added.

“We’re going through life everyday happy and blessed with what we have. But I hope to have more kids in the future,” he said.

Now in retirement, the winner of an eye-popping 23 Olympic medals from 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 combined is quite content.

He may miss the competition sometimes, but having devoted his whole life to the sport, extra time at home with the kid is great as well.

So many milestones, every day.

“I think that is the coolest thing, watching him grow,” he said of his adorable young son. “Just watching him figure out new things.”

Congrats to the whole family!


Michael Phelps: I Knocked Up My Wife Again!

Swimmers gonna swim.  Michael Phelps just announced his wife Nicole is pregnant with baby #2 — a little over a year after she gave birth to their first kid. “Number 2 on the way,” the Olympic legend said .. “So excited! Wonder if it’s a boy…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Michael Phelps Defends Shark Race, Says Viewers Should Have Known What it Was

Michael Phelps isn’t taking a shred of blame for viewers’ disappointment over him not racing an actual great white shark, and says he stands by the “incredible” made-for-TV event. The 23-time Olympic gold medal winner opened himself up to his…


Michael Phelps vs Shark: Twitter Responds Hilariously!

Remember how Michael Phelps raced a shark for Shark Week?

We all saw the promotions for ages, that Michael Phelps was going to race a great white shark in a special titled: "Phelps vs Shark: Great Gold vs Great White."

Some people saw that and actually believed that they were going to drop Michael Phelps and a great white into the same body of water and somehow get them to race.

A shark in a chlorinated pool would die.

Michael Phelps wouldn"t necessarily be devoured by a shark if dropped next to one in the ocean, but even if he were up for taking that risk … how exactly would Discovery have gotten the shark to race? By asking nicely?

So when people tuned in to watch Michael Phelps be lowered to his sharky doom as if by some James Bond villain, they had all sorts of reactions to watching him race a cgi shark that matched the speed of an actual great white.

Michael Phelps lost, but only by a couple of seconds. Super impressive for any human, and it just goes to show you that Michael Phelps" body is incredibly hydrodynamic in addition to just representing the human physical ideal.

Twitter responded to Shark Week"s ridiculous stunt, and their varying takes on the special are more entertaining than Shark Week itself has been in years.

1. This perfectly captures the mood

Shark 00

Twitter was already gearing up even before the race began. …

2. They really thought that he’d race a physical shark. Wow.

Shark 01

Look, she SAYS to call her crazy. We should respect her wishes, right?

3. Disappointment abounds.

Shark 02

To be fair, the digital shark’s speed was based upon actual sharks. What’s impressive is how close Phelps came.

4. Science is disappointing?

Shark 03

It’s a little worrisome that so many people apparently thought that they were going to sacrifice Michael Phelps to the deep.

5. Why do they hate Michael Phelps?

Shark 04

Realistically, the bigger problem would be getting the shark to cooperate with the race. They’re not actually as ravenous as bad movies make them look.

6. This person wanted the shark dead, huh?

Shark 05

Putting a shark into a chlorinated swimming pool would kill the shark, and might lead to some people getting crushed or bitten while the shark died. Big yikes.

View Slideshow

Monday, July 24, 2017

Michael Phelps Races a Shark, Viewers Lose Badly

Having devoured all human competition for years, Michael Phelps dove into the water on Sunday night against his most formidable opponent of all-time:

A great white shark.

The most decorated athlete in Olympic history helped kick off Shark Week on the Discovery Channel with a primetime special titled “Phelps vs. Shark: Great Gold vs. Great White."

It was a winning concept.

Who would NOT tune in to see a man with 23 gold medals swim 100 meters against the most dangerous animal in the ocean?

"I’ve raced the fastest swimmers on the planet, except for one," said Phelps in promos leading up up to the race.

The event took place in Cape Town, South Africa… and Phelps was an underdog from the outset.

Consider: When he broke the world record in the 100 Meter Butterfly back in 2009, he averaged 4.5 miles per hour during his swim.

Equipped with a monofin in the shape of a shark’s tail fin, he said he had been ramped up to 8.5 miles per hour during training.

But a great white shark can swim 25 miles per hour in short distances, especially when it is on the hunt for food, making this sharp-toothed predator even more of a favorite than Russia was against the United States hockey team in 1980.

Yet… we all know how that game turned out, don"t we?

Could Phelps pull off a similar upset?!?

No. He lost by two seconds.

He wasn"t exactly racing alongside an actual shark, either, which left many viewers feeling like the real loser.

Watch the following video to see what we mean and then decide: Did this race live up to the Shark Week hype?

Or it totally bite?

Michael phelps races a shark viewers lose badly

Michael Phelps vs. Shark has a Winner

Gold medal winning Olympian Michael Phelps took on a great white shark … and now we know who truly reigns supreme in the water … sort of. THE SHARK WINS!!! Phelps kicked off Shark Week 2017 on Discovery Channel with a primetime special,…


Friday, July 14, 2017

Ryan Lochte Says Michael Phelps Has No Chance in Shark Race

Does Ryan Lochte think Michael Phelps will win his race against a great white shark?? “HELL NO.” The 12-time Olympic medalist was leaving the Treats Party at the Dream Hotel with his Playboy model fiancee, Kayla Rae Reid … when he…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Michael Phelps & Nicole Johnson Celebrate Wedding With New Year"s Bash!

Back in June, Michael Phelps married Nicole Johnson in a small, private ceremony in Arizona.

Phelps and Johnson had recently welcomed their first son, and they were eager to tie the knot, but sought to keep the news under wraps, so as to not distract from his preparation for the Rio Olympics.

Now, Phelps has retired as the most decorated Olympian of all time, which means he’s finally free to party like all the non-superhumans he shares a planet with.

Phelps and Johnson celebrated their marriage in style on New Year’s Eve, with a huge party for their families, as well as for the many friends who weren’t able to attend the previous, more low-key reception.

Celebrity-ish guests in attendance included Olympic swimmers Allison Schmitt and Elizabeth Beisel, as well as Johnson’s makeup artist, Lisa G.

“I am headed over to get Nicole, her mom and besties makeup ready for the evening!!” Lisa wrote on Instagram before the party.

“I can’t wait for all of the festivities and to dance the night away!!”

Phelps and Johnson had a second ceremony back in October, and now they’ve celebrated their love once again with a Gatsby-themed soiree that would put Fitzgerald to shame.

We guess when you’re one of the most celebrated athletes in American history, your have your wedding last all year and no one will complain.

As for why the couple decided to get hitched in June rather than just waiting until after the Rio games, Phelps says they were motivated by logistics:

“Simple reason,” Phelps recently told Sports Illustrated.

“Boomer’s last name was Phelps and Nicole’s was Johnson, and that was going to make overseas travel more difficult.”

He added:

“We were getting married anyway, so we just did it.”

Phelps has said little about how he plans to spend his retirement, but it seems like he’ll be focusing on family life and shooting Intel commercials with Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory.

Hey, with everything he’s accomplished, the guy could spend the rest of his life in a recliner and still get mobbed for autographs when he leaves the house to stock up on Hot Pockets and Miller High Life.

He may never return to the pool for competition, but at least swim fans can look forward to the Olympic debut of Lil Boomer.


Friday, December 16, 2016

Michael Phelps" Wedding Day Video (VIDEO)

And now there’s one more thing Michael Phelps does better than everyone else — his big wedding to Nicole was captured in a Hollywood-style video. The folks over at Brides got a hold of the video, which set the stage for the Olympic…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Michael Phelps -- Baby"s 1st Swim Lessons ... 6-Month-Old Hits the Pool (VIDEO)

Only 15-and-a-half more years ‘til the 2032 Olympics … and Michael Phelps is wasting no time getting his 6-month-old son, Boomer, ready for action!  The Olympic hero took his kid to his old training pool in Baltimore — where Boom got a…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Michael Phelps & Wife -- Parents Night Out ... Raging In Vegas with Famous DJ (PHOTOS)

The couple that does Vegas together …  Michael Phelps and his (sorta) new bride, Nicole Johnson, hit Sin City together this weekend for the first time as man and wife (as far as we know) … and partied their faces off with Diplo!  The…


Monday, October 31, 2016

Michael Phelps and Nicole Johnson: Married! Again!

Michael Phelps and Nicole Johnson are married.

This time, however, the ceremony was not a secret.

Last week, we reported on Phelps tying the knot with Johnson many months ago, prior to the former even leaving for Brazil and winning even more Gold Medals at the Summer Olympics.

TMZ broke the news that Johnson and Phelps got hitched in Arizona on June 13.

But now they have gone ahead and done so again.

As confirmed by Nicole’s wedding dress designer in a statement, the couple got married this past Saturday in Cabo San Lucas. And we have the photos to prove it!

“Truly the happiest day of my life @m_phelps00 thank you @boonestudios for capturing this day,” Nicole wrote as a caption to one of the two images featured here.

It’s worth noting that she is now going by the name Nicole Phelps, as well.

Michael, meanwhile, wrote “My best friend…. I love you!!” as a caption to the main picture he shared with followers from his (second) big day.

Johnson was a mainstay in the audience in Rio while Phelps once again excelled in the water.

The camera would often cut to her holding the couple’s baby, a son named Boomer, in her arms as she cheered on the most decorated Olympian in the history of the universe.

During these Olympics in August, Phelps told People Magazine that the couple had a date set for a wedding, but it’s now clear that he was misleading the publication a bit.

Unless he was talking about this follow-up ceremony in Cabo at the time.

“I really can’t wait to get married. It will be a small destination wedding later this year. It’s the next big milestone I’m looking forward to,” Phelps said on August 23.

Phelps proposed Johnson in February of 2015.

In May, they welcomed little Boomer into the world. 

On the day Nicole and Michael got married in Arizona, Johnson shared the above image on Instagram.

“Such a memorable night with my liil fambam. boomer obviously didn’t want to hold still,” she penned as a caption.

At the time, of course, no one knew that her “memorable night” was a reference to a wedding ceremony.

But we know now!

And we’re so very happy for this couple!


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Michael Phelps -- My Secret Wedding Was Super Formal (PHOTOS)

Turns out Michael Phelps’ secret wedding was not a super casual affair at all … it was a full-blown, formal ceremony. TMZ Sports broke the story a few days back, that Michael and Nicole Johnson tied the knot June 13th and kept it secret from the…


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Michael Phelps and Nicole Johnson: Secretly Married!!!

To say it’s been a big year for Michael Phelps would be an understatement on par with saying Ryan Lochte made a bit of a mistake in Rio.

In May, Phelps welcomed his first child, a son named Boomer.

In August, the fastest swimmer on the planet dominated in his fifth Olympic outing and gifted us with the glorious #PhelpsFace meme.

Now, Phelps has reportedly capped off his epic 2016 by tying the knot with his fiance, former beauty pageant contestant Nicole Johnson.

Actually, it seems we should rearrange that timeline.

TMZ is reporting that Nick and Phelps got married in a small private ceremony in Maricopa, Arizona back on June 13.

The news broke today when TMZ reported that the couple had been issued a marriage license on June 9.

Shortly thereafter, Phelps’ agent and longtime friend Peter Carlisle confirmed that Phelps and Johnson had indeed made it official.

Little is known about the ceremony, other than that it was a closely-guarded affair, attended only by family and a small group of close friends.

Judging from the pic Johnson posted the night of the ceremony, the newlyweds decided to make it a casual evening:

“Such a memorable night with my lil fambam,” Johnson captioned the image.

“Boomer obviously didn’t want to hold still.”

Hey, you can’t expect a guy who wears Lycra to the office to put on a tux for his wedding, right?

Phelps and Johnson got engaged when he popped the question back in February.

Just three months later, they welcomed lil Boomer into the world.

Naturally, Nicole and Boomer were on hand to watch Phelps scoop up his 23rd  gold medal at the Rio games.

Though they’d been married for over two months at that point, Nicole handled questions about the couple’s future wedding plans like a seasoned media pro.

“Now we get to have fun,” Nicole said when asked about Phelps’ retirement.

“We get to enjoy parts of life that everybody gets to on a daily basis that we had to step away from so Michael could go and do what he needed to do.”

Pressed about the wedding, she added:

“It’ll be small and intimate for the wedding, and then we’re throwing a massive bash for everyone in the states.

“I’ve been planning as we’ve been leading up to this, so I think I have the wedding in order and now it’s on to the party for the fun.”

It’s good that she’s do adept at handling public intrusions into her private life, as the media’s interest in one of America’s favorite athletes is unlikely to die down anytime soon.

Our sincerest congrats go out to the happy couple!


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Michael Phelps -- VIP at DMV ... Say CHEEEEESE!!! (PHOTOS)

Michael Phelps does the DMV the same way he swims — FAST.  The Olympic legend hit up the Dept. of Motor Vehicles in Arizona on Thursday — and unlike most people, this dude was in and out in a flash. People who happened to be at the office…


Friday, August 19, 2016

Michael Phelps Finally Comments On Ryan Lochte"s Lochmess

Ever since Ryan Lochte was caught lying about being held at gunpoint in Rio on August 14th, people are wondering what his teammate, Michael Phelps thinks about the whole ordeal.

E! News was able to get a comment from Phelps as he was leaving a Scottsdale, Arizona Starbucks.

“We have good people taking care of it, so hopefully,” Phelps said when asked Lochte would come out of the scandal “unscathed.”

According to sources at the coffee chain, Phelps “seemed relaxed” and graciously stopped to thank fans who congratulated him on racking up so many gold medals in Rio.

Phelps, 31, landed back in America after the games on August 17th, and has been spending his first days of retirement with fiancee Nicole Johnson and three-month-old son, Boomer.

Today, Lochte issued a mea culpa of sorts (kind of) after it was discovered that he and three teammates lied about being held at gunpoint in Rio.

“I want to apologize for my behavior last weekend — for not being more careful and candid in how I described the events of that early morning and for my role in taking the focus away from the many athletes fulfilling their dreams of participating in the Olympics,” the statement read.

“I waited to share these thoughts until it was confirmed that the legal situation was addressed and it was clear that my teammates would be arriving home safely.”

Jack Conger and Gunnar Bent, two of Lochte’s teammates were with him that night, were pulled off a US-bound plane in Rio so that they could be interrogated by officials.

Jimmy Feigen, the third teammate, only got his passport back when he agreed to pay nearly. $ 11,000 to avoid prosecution.

“It’s traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country – with a language barrier – and have a stranger point a gun at you and demand money to let you leave,” Lochte continued.

“But regardless of the behavior of anyone else that night, I should have been much more responsible in how I handled myself and for that I am sorry to my teammates, my fans, my fellow competitors, my sponsors, and the hosts of this great event.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Boomer Phelps Sports USA Pants, Might Be Most Patriotic Baby On Earth

By know, most of us know Boomer Phelps as that adorable little chunker who snoozed through most of his dad’s Olympic races.

Boomer is just over three months old, and has replaced Kate Middleton as the most popular celebrity at any Olympic Games ever. 

Last night, Boomer got decked out to watch dad Michael Phelps go for the gold once again, one upping his outfit game from the night before when dad won his 20th and 21st Olympic gold medals.

“Wait to go daddy!!!” the caption for the photo read, earning over 76,000 likes and a slew of positive comments. Boomer has has own verified Instagram account, with over 277,000.

The Olympic swimmer did prep everyone for Boomer’s sartorial splendor.

“He’s going to have some cool outfits on, that’s for sure. You’ve got to check him out,” Michael told reporters before his August 9th races.

“I’ve gotten some photos of him — Boomer will be dressed to impress in the stands, that’s for sure.”

Boomer’s mom is former Miss California Nicole Johnson.  She and Michael got engaged in February 2015 after 8 years of dating on and off.  

Boomer was born May 5th of this year.

“It’s been a really fun journey over the last couple of years, and a journey that I think has made me the person who I am and helped me transform to me just being me,” Michael told USA Today a few months after their engagement.

“Nicole and I are so stoked.”

“I said to a couple of my friends if I ever had the chance to get her back, that would be it,” Phelps said Wednesday, a day before competing in the Arena Pro Swim Series here. “She was the one I loved the most.”

Michael’s gold medal tally in Rio is at three for  Men’s 4x200m freestyle relay, Men’s 200m butterfly, and Men’s 4x100m freestyle relay.

Tonight, he’ll swim in the Men’s 200m individual medley.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Michael Phelps: MARRIED to Nicole Johnson?! Rumors Surface in Run-Up to Olympics!

Hard to believe, but it’s been 16 years since Michael Phelps put the swimming world on notice – and became a household name.

Becoming the youngest male to make the U.S. Olympic team in nearly 7 decades, the Baltimore Bullet quickly became a legend.

This year, he will compete in his fifth Olympic games, and needless to say, a lot has changed in his life in the years since he first hit the global stage.

In February of last year, Phelps got engaged to Nicole Johnson.

In May, Phelps welcomed his first child, a boy named Boomer.

Needless to say, he’s come a long way since the brash, occasionally trouble-prone young man we met so many years ago.

And now, there are rumors that Phelps, still only 31, may have recently passed another milestone in his personal life.

You may have seen the headlines pop up in your social media feed:

Something along the lines of “Is Michael Phelps Married?”

Well, as it happens, that question mark is there for a reason.

Because, as far as anyone knows, Phelps and Johnson did not get hitched in a quickie pre-Rio ceremony, as some folks are claiming.

We imagine the couple will walk down the aisle shortly after the games, but thus far, they have yet to announce any specific plans.

And why rush things at this point?

They already have a baby together, and despite global health concerns, Phelps is going to the Olympics, not war.

They may as well wait, and hopefully Phelps will come home with some new hardware to wear to the ceremony.

Just kidding; there’s no way the guy could walk with all the medals he’s won around his neck at this point.

So our premature congrats go out to Michael and Nicole!

All these two have to do now is steer clear of those Brazilian mosquitoes and put past mistakes behind them.

Sorry, Taylor Lianne Chandler. We couldn’t resist.