Showing posts with label Surface. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surface. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2018

"Survivor: David vs. Goliath" White Contestant"s N-Word Tweets Surface

One of the ‘Survivor’ contestants from the upcoming season is catching heat before the show even airs … for using the n-word so much on Twitter, you’d think she was Jay-Z. 19-year-old Jessica Peet is a cast member on “Survivor: David vs.…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Cheyenne Floyd: Losing Teen Mom OG Gig After Disturbing Tweets Surface?

Over the weekend, we learned that Cheyenne Floyd, star of MTV reality shows like The Challenge and Are You the One?, would be taking Farrah Abraham"s place on Teen Mom OG.

It seemed like a weird choice, but it also seemed like a choice we were stuck with.

At least, that"s what it seemed like a few days ago.

Now? Well, after some very questionable posts that Cheyenne once made on Twitter have come to light, Cheyenne"s place on Teen Mom OG isn"t looking so certain anymore …

1. Meet Cheyenne

Cheyenne floyd photo

If you weren’t familiar with this girl, here’s Cheyenne. You may know her from shows like MTV’s dating show, Are You the One?, or from another of their reality shows, The Challenge.

2. … And Now Teen Mom!

Cheyenne floyd and a beverage

Or you may know her from hearing the recent news that she’s joining the cast of Teen Mom OG, taking over Farrah Abraham’s spot.

3. "Teen Mom," Eh?

Cheyenne floyd and cory wharton with daughter

Cheyenne shares a one-year-old daughter named Ryder with Cory Wharton, another MTV reality star. She’s 25 years old herself, which means that she was never even a teen mom, which is odd.

4. So …

Cheyenne floyd and daughter

That’s pretty much the deal with Cheyenne. Not a teen mom, never a teen mom, but still, going to be a cast member on Teen Mom OG. She’s reportedly all set to start filming sometime this week, if she hasn’t started already.

5. What’s Up, Ladies?

Catelynn lowell amber portwood and maci bookout

So far, none of the other Teen Mom OG cast members have commented on the news, though we can’t imagine they’re too thrilled — Catelynn has specifically stated that she thought they should leave the show alone with just herself, Amber Portwood, and Maci Bookout as the main cast.

6. Uh Oh …

Cheyenne floyd breastfeeding

But after this new little piece of news, we imagine lots of people will have lots of feelings.

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Friday, June 15, 2018

Chris Hardwick Removed from Nerdist Site After Sexual Abuse Allegations Surface

Chris Hardwick’s been scrubbed from the Nerdist website he founded after accusations of emotional and sexual abuse by his ex-girlfriend, Chloe Dykstra, seem to clearly implicate him. Legendary Entertainment removed all references to Hardwick on the…


Monday, May 21, 2018

Prince Harry & Meghan Surface After Wedding

If you wondered how Prince Harry and Meghan spent their first day married … the looks on their faces Monday should answer any questions. The royal newlyweds had a certain glow about ‘em as they arrived back at their home at Kensington Palace in…


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Meghan Markle: Racy Magazine Photos Surface; Will They Cause a Royal Uproar?

Now that Meghan Markle is officially a global celebrity, the Internet is hard at work digging up old photos of the future Mrs. Prince Harry.

There was this throwback picture of Markle as a student at Northwestern, one that is clear evidence she doesn’t ever age.

And now there’s another intriguing image making the rounds, one that is clear evidence Harry is marrying a hottie!

TMZ has uncovered a trio of photos of Markle that were snapped back in 2013 for a spread in a Canadian magazine called Sharp.

Which is apt.

Because the following snapshot puts Markle’s beauty in sharp focus, wouldn’t you say?

Markle, of course, has worked as an actress for years.

So it’s only natural that she has a history of revealing photo shoots and/or certain scenes that Queen Elizabeth likely wishes did not exist.

She did pretend to give a fellow 90210 character a blow job several years ago, remember:

We’re passing no judgment on the magazine spread or the scene above, of course. That would be a silly and misguided thing to do.

But it’s impossible not to wonder if there will be any sort of uproar in Great Britain over these pictures, considering the prim and proper traditions of the Royal Family.

Markle is set to officially join in May.

She and Harry have confirmed they’ll be wed this spring at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

The exciting news was announced two days after Kensington Palace also announced the actual news of Harry and Markle getting engaged, doing so via the following statement:

“His Royal Highness and Ms. Markle became engaged in London earlier this month. Prince Harry has informed Her Majesty The Queen and other close members of his family.

“Prince Harry has also sought and received the blessing of Ms. Markle’s parents.”

On Friday, meanwhile, the newly engaged stars stepped out together holding hands on Friday in Nottingham, England at the Terrence Higgins Trust World AIDS Day charity fair.

Not counting the photo shoot below, it was their first public appearance as two people who have agreed to marry.

The 36-year old actress was greeted with a very warm welcome by all who saw her at the event.

The palace noted in a statement that Harry has been extremely vocal about his passion in raising awareness for HIV/AIDS and was “looking forward to introducing Ms. Markle to a community that has become very special to him.”

Markle, it should be said, has also been deeply involved in humanitarian work for years, which is a major reason why the two hit it off last July after they were set up on a blind date.

Harry and Meghan are both very attractive. That probably also helped with the initial attraction.

Click through precious pictures of the gorgeous couple below and then join us in wishing them a long and very happy life together.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Meghan Markle"s Photos Surface in Sheer Black Dress

Photos of Meghan Markle striking some sexy poses raise one very important question — what the hell took Prince Harry so long to propose??? Megs posed for the photo shoot back in 2013 for a Canadian magazine called Sharp. She was already starring in…


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Ewan McGregor Split from His Wife in May, Mary Elizabeth Winstead Kissing Photos Surface

Ewan McGregor has reportedly been split from his wife, Eve Mavrakis, for as many as 5 months … which became clear after he was seen sucking face with his TV co-star. Ewan and Eve quietly separated back in May of this year, according to People ……


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Slammed AGAIN For Bad Parenting After New Pics Surface!

Farrah Abraham is many things: a reality star, a mother, a porn star, a recipient of cosmetic surgery, and even a self-described feminist.

But there"s one thing that she is not: well-liked.

Sure, she has her fans, but between how desperately she seems to court negative attention to her inexcusable racist outbursts that have been caught on camera, Farrah Abraham has given haters a lot of ammunition over the years.

Some criticisms are unfair — there"s nothing wrong with doing porn, for example. Though Farrah may have done it for the wrong reasons, porn is a perfectly fine 

And that"s the biggest point of contention for Farrah"s critics — Farrah"s parenting. She has a 8-year-old daughter Sophia, whom she is homeschooling, which is intensely controversial.

Farrah gets dragged for the photos she snaps of Sophia and for the parties that she throws for her. Sometimes critics go too far, but sometimes they"re right on the money.

This time, Sophia"s Twitter account — controlled by Farrah or another adult, of course, because Sophia is 8 — has shared photos of their trip to the island of Capri off of the coast of Italy. It"s one of the most beautiful spots in the world.

But, though a handful of tweets were encouraging, a majority of Twitter users who responded slammed Farrah Abraham for bad parenting.





1. The original post

Farrah 00

Seriously, Capri is the most beautiful place you could ever go in your life. Photos do not do it justice. But is it really the place for an 8-year-old to be during the school year? Signs point to: no.

2. This one’s a mixed bag

Farrah 01

Should Sophia be in school — a real school with qualified teachers and, most importantly, peers her own age? Absolutely. To say that she’s being groomed to be like Farrah is unfair to Sophia.

3. Homeschooling isn’t supposed to be a vacation every day

Farrah 02

We maintain that “normalcy” isn’t a word, no matter what Warren G. Harding says.

4. This one’s clearly mistaken

Farrah 03

You’re not allowed to use social media like Twitter until you’re 13. Also, not even Farrah would subject her daughter to internet trolls at age 8. Someone else, possibly Farrah, runs Sophia’s account.

5. This is true.

Farrah 04

This tweet could apply to a LOT of celebrity kids, actually. It’s not their fault.

6. Well-placed sympathy

Farrah 05

We’d say that Sophia definitely has a chance. But Farrah is definitely cutting her off from real opportunities to bond with her peers and develop healthy social skills that she could only receive at a public school.

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Monday, October 2, 2017

Mike Tyson"s Bizarre Personal Treasures Surface At NC Thrift Shop

Time for Mike Tyson to listen up … because if he wants some of the personal (and bizarre) items he USED to own back, TMZ Sports has a way for Iron Mike to recover his crap. What kinda stuff are we talking about here? Autographed porn covers (S/O…


Mike Tyson"s Bizarre Personal Treasures Surface At NC Thrift Shop

Time for Mike Tyson to listen up … because if he wants some of the personal (and bizarre) items he USED to own back, TMZ Sports has a way for Iron Mike to recover his crap. What kinda stuff are we talking about here? Autographed porn covers (S/O…


Monday, July 10, 2017

Hot Mugshot Guy: Dumped, Dissed by Wife After Alleged Cheating Photos Surface

Jeremy Meeks rose to viral fame in 2014 because he was an attractive felon.

Three years later, however, “Hot Mugshot Guy” is no longer a wanted man, at least not by his hurt and irate wife, Melissa Meeks.

One week after Meeks was spotted getting VERY friendly with Topshop heiress Chloe Green on board a yacht in Turkey, Melissa has told The Daily Mail that she plans on divorcing her cheating husband.

We can’t exactly fault her.

While we don’t know for certain what transpired between Meeks and Green – who is the 26-year-old daughter of Sir Philip Green, the British billionaire behind the aforementioned international clothing store – paparazzi photos from last week depict the two cuddling and kissing while on vacation.

“The first I learned of it was when I woke up and checked my phone,” Melissa told the Daily Mail, elaborating as follows:

“Some random person I don’t know sent a direct message with the photograph of my husband kissing that woman. I went into shock. I felt nauseated.

“It was like a bomb had gone off and my whole world had been blown apart. I’d never heard of Chloe Green. I thought Jeremy was working.”

Not really. He was actually, it seems, working it.

Holding nothing back, Melissa describes the images and her husband’s duplicitous actions as being akin to a “dagger through the heart” that left her feeling “humiliated.”

“I know it takes two to tango but she knew he was married. To me, that’s unforgivable,” adds Mrs. Meeks.

“My whole world has been torn apart by this. What do I tell our children? My heart is broken. My marriage wasn’t perfect but I thought it could be saved, until this happened.”

Jeremy and Melissa share a seven-year old daughter, while the former has two kids from a previous relationship.

“What they did destroyed my entire world,” Melissa says, asking:

“Did either of them think about the children and how this will affect them? They’re the innocent victims in this. And so am I. They weren’t even trying to be discreet.

“I’ve been publicly humiliated, which makes the pain so much worse.”

Meeks was arrested on weapons charges in 2014 and the Internet immediately went wild over his mugshot.

He even landed a professional modeling contract as a result of this unexpected popularity.

Melissa tells the British newspaper that this fame “changed” Jeremy and that he “started hanging out with celebrities” over the past several months.

The two talked about separating, but had not arrived at that decision when the photos with Green were sent to her last week.

On Wednesday, husband and wife finally had it out.

“I told him how devastated and angry I am,” she says. “He kept apologizing – not for the affair, but for the way I learned about it. I feel humiliated, not just because my husband was caught with another woman but for the fact they were so brazen about it.

“He told me, ‘I didn’t mean it to happen like this.’

“Those pictures will haunt me forever. He kept saying, ‘I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve this.’ We talked about divorce. I told him I didn’t think the marriage could be saved.

“He agreed. The marriage is over.”


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Manchester Bombing, Screws, Backpack and Battery Photos Surface (PHOTO GALLERY)

Pics of what appear to be the remnants of the backpack bomb that exploded in the foyer of Manchester Arena have surfaced … and they show the nuts, screws and trigger used to kill 22 people and injure 59. You see pieces of the blue Karrimor…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mel B"s Home, Fire Sale After Domestic Abuse Allegations Surface (PHOTO GALLERY)

Mel B clearly wants to move on with her life, because the very same day estranged husband Stephen Belafonte was kicked out of the family house that has been up for sale for only 2 weeks, she lowered the price by a million bucks. The Hollywood Hills…


Monday, February 20, 2017

TMZ Live: Kim Kardashian: Crime Scene Photos Surface!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Bill Clinton Breaks Down In Tears Jay Z & Beyonce Take On Mardi Gras! Aaron Carter Attacked Onstage! David Cassidy: Drunk Onstage?


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Kim Kardashian Robbery Crime Scene Pics Surface (PHOTO GALLERY)

Crime scene photos of the Kim Kardashian Paris robbery have surfaced  … and some of the images are chilling.  France’s TF1 news channel released photos of the crime scene as well as surveillance video of several of the alleged…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Jana Duggar Lesbian Rumors Surface, Roil Conservative Family

Jana Duggar is no stranger to speculation regarding her personal life, but Counting On fans may be taking it a bit too far with this latest rumor.

Or a lot too far, to be honest.

As the first girl of Jim Bob and Michelle’s 19 Kids & Counting, and a talented, sweet and beautiful one like that, her dating life is a hot topic.

Dating life, or lack thereof.

Michelle and Jim Bob have often leaned on her the most when it comes to helping with her (many( brothers and sisters as they arrive.

You don’t have to watch Counting On online to know that the 19 children span nearly three decades and require insane levels of effort.

But despite that chaos, and some might say burden, Jana has always remained level-headed and happy, by and large – at least publicly.

Lately, with Jinger Duggar getting married and Joy-Anna Duggar courting Austin Forsyth, Jana rumors have been running wild, however …

Jana’s quest for love is the subject of all the chatter following Joy’s announcement and the release of the Counting On Season 3 trailer.

Not even two months shy of 27, she has yet to enter a courtship, while Jill, Jessa and Jinger are all married and Joy, 19, is now courting.

There have been rumors Jim Bob and Michelle hkeep Jana prisoner, essentially, to raise her siblings and since JBD calls the shots?

We’d semi-believe that, sadly.

Now there’s even more outlandish speculation, however – that perhaps the reason she’s never courted is that she may be a lesbian.

Again, these are only rumors with no real evidence to support such an idea, but you can see why such talk would upset Jana’s family.

Rumors that she may be a lesbian are troubling, and not just because that would go against what her very conservative family believes.

Implying Jana is a lesbian is somehow a bad thing, or the only explanation for a 26-year-old girl being single, are both ridiculous notions.

There has even been talk that Jana was interested in a few men in her life, but decided that at the end of the day, they weren’t worthy.

So she has high standards and that’s why she’s single?

Also, Jana may not be willing to date right now because she’s busy focusing on her business, having just purchased a building in town.

It’s not clear what she intends to do with said building, but whatever it is, perhaps just leading her own life is taking priority over courting.

Here’s Jana in her own words earlier this year …

One can assume that when the time is right, our girl will find someone to spend the rest of her life with, and that we shouldn’t worry.

Nor should we speculate about her sexual orientation, or anyone’s, whatever it may be, just because they aren’t currently in a relationship.

To do that certainly isn’t fair – either to Jana, or anyone who might have different priorities in life that don’t involve rushing to the altar.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Paris Jackson Relapsing? Family Fears Worst as Shocking Photos Surface

Is Paris Jackson headed down a dark path again?

The troubled, 18-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson proudly claimed to be a member of Alcoholics Anonymous earlier this year. 

She seemed to be on the right track, but are new photos of Paris with her rocker boyfriend, Michael Snoddy, 26, cause for alarm?

The entire Jackson family is reportedly “terrified” over her outrageous behavior and believes things could get out of control fast.

At issue? Radar published shocking photos of Jackson and her much older man while on vacation in Palm Springs, California.

Jackson and Snoddy have been inseparable since they started dating just a few months ago, when she broke up with Chester Castellaw.

She and Michael (Snoddy) met at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in L.A., and immediately hit it off … but are they off the wagon?

After she was seen buying Heineken beer on Wednesday, it’s understandable why those close to Paris are fearing the worst.

According to a source close the the Jackson family, “Paris is 18 now and there is not really much that anyone can do to stop her.”

Wouldn’t the law stop her from drinking, on a side note? We suppose her boyfriend could’ve legally purchased the beer. Forget it.

“Of course her family is worried! They are absolutely terrified and have worried about Paris non-stop since her dad Michael died.”

“But, up until now, they did not have any proof,” said source. “Paris tells her family that she is still sober and that her boyfriend is, too.”

“She claims to be going to A.A. meetings and working with a sponsor. In these photos it looks like Paris wants be [seen] carrying beer.”

“She could have had someone else carry the beer for her,” the insider notes, regarding how this story got out, “but she did not!”

Prior to turning 18, Paris was under a court-appointed guardianship of her grandmother, Katherine, 85, and cousin, T.J. Jackson, 37.

This had been in place even before the Paris Jackson suicide attempt of 2013, a disturbing incident that rocked her family to its core.

Even though she recovered, relations with her family remain strained – or at least tenuous – even in good times. Fast forward to this week:

“Katherine called Paris and told her to come back home to L.A. immediately. But Paris did not. Instead she hung up on her own grandmother.”

“She answering her texts or calls now. She’s not responding to anyone! Paris has a lot of money now and does not listen to what anyone says.”

“She knows that no one can cut her off from her fortune, and as much as she says she hates the attention, she absolutely loves it.”

Paris, scarily, “is getting a huge taste of fame now.”

Here’s hoping it won’t end very, very badly.

Michael Phelps: MARRIED to Nicole Johnson?! Rumors Surface in Run-Up to Olympics!

Hard to believe, but it’s been 16 years since Michael Phelps put the swimming world on notice – and became a household name.

Becoming the youngest male to make the U.S. Olympic team in nearly 7 decades, the Baltimore Bullet quickly became a legend.

This year, he will compete in his fifth Olympic games, and needless to say, a lot has changed in his life in the years since he first hit the global stage.

In February of last year, Phelps got engaged to Nicole Johnson.

In May, Phelps welcomed his first child, a boy named Boomer.

Needless to say, he’s come a long way since the brash, occasionally trouble-prone young man we met so many years ago.

And now, there are rumors that Phelps, still only 31, may have recently passed another milestone in his personal life.

You may have seen the headlines pop up in your social media feed:

Something along the lines of “Is Michael Phelps Married?”

Well, as it happens, that question mark is there for a reason.

Because, as far as anyone knows, Phelps and Johnson did not get hitched in a quickie pre-Rio ceremony, as some folks are claiming.

We imagine the couple will walk down the aisle shortly after the games, but thus far, they have yet to announce any specific plans.

And why rush things at this point?

They already have a baby together, and despite global health concerns, Phelps is going to the Olympics, not war.

They may as well wait, and hopefully Phelps will come home with some new hardware to wear to the ceremony.

Just kidding; there’s no way the guy could walk with all the medals he’s won around his neck at this point.

So our premature congrats go out to Michael and Nicole!

All these two have to do now is steer clear of those Brazilian mosquitoes and put past mistakes behind them.

Sorry, Taylor Lianne Chandler. We couldn’t resist.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Courtney Stodden: Fake Pregnancy Rumors Surface in Wake of Miscarriage

Early this morning, several media outlets reported that Courtney Stodden had a miscarriage just two months after confirming that she was pregnant with her first child. 

From day one, many expressed their doubts that the 21-year-old social media star (who first gained fame for marrying 56-year-old actor Doug Hutchison when she was just 16) was actually expecting.

Courtney and Doug have been known to engage in outlandish publicity stunts in the past, and even Courtney’s mother believed the pregnancy news to be fake.

Stodden posted nude pregnancy photos and images of herself in the throes of morning sickness to convince others that the reports were true, but many deemed the proof insufficient.

Now that her reps have released a statement claiming that Courtney lost the baby, a lot of folks on social media are speculating that it’s just the latest step in a bizarre effort to drum up media attention.

“It is with a heavy heart we inform you that last week Courtney Stodden suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage,” read a statement from her reps issued to People magazine this morning.

“Courtney and her husband, Doug, are at an emotional loss for words and are using this time to grieve with their close family and friends.”

Like we said, the news has been met with a great deal of skepticism, but for the most part, Courtney’s fans have been effusive in their support.

The model and aspiring singer has been mostly silent since the news went public, but she posted several brief tweets early this morning:

“I love you my sweet angel,” read one. “God is embracing you.”

She followed that up with a meme reading:

“Babies lost in the womb were never touched by fear, they were never cold, never hungry, never alone, and importantly, always knew that they were loved.”