Saturday, December 2, 2017

Meghan Markle: Racy Magazine Photos Surface; Will They Cause a Royal Uproar?

Now that Meghan Markle is officially a global celebrity, the Internet is hard at work digging up old photos of the future Mrs. Prince Harry.

There was this throwback picture of Markle as a student at Northwestern, one that is clear evidence she doesn’t ever age.

And now there’s another intriguing image making the rounds, one that is clear evidence Harry is marrying a hottie!

TMZ has uncovered a trio of photos of Markle that were snapped back in 2013 for a spread in a Canadian magazine called Sharp.

Which is apt.

Because the following snapshot puts Markle’s beauty in sharp focus, wouldn’t you say?

Markle, of course, has worked as an actress for years.

So it’s only natural that she has a history of revealing photo shoots and/or certain scenes that Queen Elizabeth likely wishes did not exist.

She did pretend to give a fellow 90210 character a blow job several years ago, remember:

We’re passing no judgment on the magazine spread or the scene above, of course. That would be a silly and misguided thing to do.

But it’s impossible not to wonder if there will be any sort of uproar in Great Britain over these pictures, considering the prim and proper traditions of the Royal Family.

Markle is set to officially join in May.

She and Harry have confirmed they’ll be wed this spring at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

The exciting news was announced two days after Kensington Palace also announced the actual news of Harry and Markle getting engaged, doing so via the following statement:

“His Royal Highness and Ms. Markle became engaged in London earlier this month. Prince Harry has informed Her Majesty The Queen and other close members of his family.

“Prince Harry has also sought and received the blessing of Ms. Markle’s parents.”

On Friday, meanwhile, the newly engaged stars stepped out together holding hands on Friday in Nottingham, England at the Terrence Higgins Trust World AIDS Day charity fair.

Not counting the photo shoot below, it was their first public appearance as two people who have agreed to marry.

The 36-year old actress was greeted with a very warm welcome by all who saw her at the event.

The palace noted in a statement that Harry has been extremely vocal about his passion in raising awareness for HIV/AIDS and was “looking forward to introducing Ms. Markle to a community that has become very special to him.”

Markle, it should be said, has also been deeply involved in humanitarian work for years, which is a major reason why the two hit it off last July after they were set up on a blind date.

Harry and Meghan are both very attractive. That probably also helped with the initial attraction.

Click through precious pictures of the gorgeous couple below and then join us in wishing them a long and very happy life together.
