Showing posts with label Abuser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abuser. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2017

Ezekiel Elliott: "I"m Not an Abuser"

Ezekiel Elliott says he’s willing to fight his domestic violence suspension for as LONG AS IT TAKES TO CLEAR HIS NAME … because, “I’m not an abuser.” The Dallas Cowboys running back just explained why he’s so insistent on fighting the NFL instead…


Friday, July 28, 2017

"Spotlight" Priest, Convicted Child Abuser Paul Shanley Released from Prison

Paul Shanley – the ex-Boston priest convicted of child abuse and profiled in the movie “Spotlight” — is out of prison after serving 12 years. Shanley was released for good behavior — he’d been sentenced to 15 years. Shanley was convicted…


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Cat Killer/Sexual Abuser Robert Farmer Sentenced to 16 Years in Prison

Robert Farmer will be behind bars 16 years for shocking crimes … killing 21 cats and sexually abusing the carcass of one of them. Farmer, who’s dad is a retired captain from the San Jose PD, was apprehended at a Home Depot … sleeping in his car…


Friday, February 10, 2017

Amy Duggar: My Abuser Is Mad I Called Him Out!

From the moment we learned that Amy Duggar and Dillion King would appear on Marriage Boot Camp, the couple’s decision was fraught with controversy.

For one thing, they had only been married seven months when they agreed to do the show, leading many to believe that either their problems were unfixable, or they were appearing on MBC for a little free publicity.

Scrutiny of the couple became even more intense when a trailed appeared to show Amy accusing Dillon of abuse.

It was later revealed that she was referring to a different “male family member” in the clip, but for the time being, that’s as much as Amy is choosing to reveal.

In a recent interview with Fox News, Amy stated that her abusers name will be revealed in an upcoming episode of Marriage Boot Camp.

And not surprisingly, the guilty party is less than thrilled about it.

In fact, in a shocking turn of events, Amy says she forgave her abuser long ago, but he’s having a hard time forgiving her for accusing him on national television.

“I’m grateful I had the opportunity,” Amy told Fox News.

“I wished I could have done it behind closed doors… It’s not that I regret saying his name.” 

She added:

“Well, I regret talking about it on camera, but it’s something that just literally blew out of my mouth and the doctors could tell that I was bothered by something.”

Amy has hinted at an abusive childhood in the past, and she says the incident in question happened many years before she even met King.

“The question was, ‘Who hurt you when you were a little girl? Who was someone that first brought you pain? And this person — I tried to hide it, I did,” Amy says of the revelation she made on the show.

“But the doctors were like, ‘No, there’s something there. There’s something bothering you.’”

Amy says she was reluctant and regrets discussing the incident for the first time in front of a camera crew, but is still grateful that she had the opportunity to begin working through issues from her childhood:

“And before I had the chance to really think about it and clear my mind, [the name] came out in therapy. And I forgave this person. This person is having a hard time forgiving me for mentioning it on camera.

“But in the moment, I literally forgot cameras were even there.”

Sounds like yet another scandal for the beleaguered Duggar family.

Watch Marriage Boot Camp online in order to get caught up for Amy’s big reveal.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

NY Giants Kicker Josh Brown -- "I"m a Wife Abuser, Porn Addict" ... Police Docs Say

NY Giants kicker Josh Brown admitted to abusing his ex-wife, viewed himself as “God” and her as a “slave” and acknowledged a porn addiction … this according to police documents. 


NY Giants Kicker Josh Brown -- "I"m a Wife Abuser, Porn Addict" ... Police Docs Say

NY Giants kicker Josh Brown admitted to abusing his ex-wife, viewed himself as “God” and her as a “slave” and acknowledged a porn addiction … this according to police documents. 
