Showing posts with label Addict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Addict. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018

Henry Levy: Demi Lovato Is Dating a Fellow Addict and Fans Are Concerned

As we reported earlier today, Demi Lovato is out of rehab, and she’s not allowing her sobriety to interfere with her social life.

It looks as though Demi already has a new boyfriend, and while it’s nice to see her smile after such a difficult year, there may be cause for concern.

Typically, those who are new to recovery are discouraged from embarking on new romantic relationships.

But Demi’s new companion reportedly checks two boxes, as he’s both a source of emotional support and an expert on sobriety.

His name is Henry Levy, and he’s a clothing designer who’s been to rehab several times, having first sought treatment when he was 15 years old.

Now, that may sound like a recipe for disaster at first, as Demi’s latest relapse is so recent that she probably shouldn’t involve herself with another addict at the moment.

But those who know Henry best say he’s been sober for over a year and may actually be a good influence on Demi

His latest stint in rehab–where he reportedly re-connected with Demi–was apparently just a tune-up.

Although it can’t be that long since Levy’s last relapse, as here he is pouring himself a glass of whiskey in 2016. 

Henry Levy Photo

Sources close to the situation say Henry and Demi have been friends for years, but their romance is a recent development.

Though not exactly a household name, Levy is no slouch in the fashion world, and his clothing has been worn by Sophie Turner, Kanye West, Sophia Richie and, of course, Demi.

So Henry’s successful in his own right … but that doesn’t mean he’s stable.

As head of Enfants Riches Deprimes (which translates to “rich depressed children”) Henry has stirred up a good deal of controversy over the years.

“If I wasn’t Jewish I would kill myself. Because I wouldn’t be rich,” Levy wrote on Facebook last year, much to the chagrin of customers and employees.

In the Complex magazine interview that accompanied the whiskey photo, Levy said that one of his primary artistic motivations is the rage he feels toward his parents for sending him to rehab.

Asked by the interviewer at that time if he was sober, Levy answered simply, “No.”

Now, close friendships and romantic relationships are common among rehab patients, but experts generally caution against them for a number of reasons.

Every addict and every recovery is different, but fans are already troubled by the fact that Demi left rehab months ahead of schedule.

The fact that the new man in her life is relatively newly sober himself is likely to be greeted with even greater concern.

After all, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Demi’s overdose in July nearly claimed her life.

With the help of family, friends, fans, and an army of specialists, Demi recently celebrated 90 days of sobriety.

But just like every other addict, she’s always just one bad decision from throwing it all away.

Here’s hoping Henry is equipped to help her remain on the right path.


Friday, August 31, 2018

Azealia Banks to Elon Musk: Sorry! You"re Not Really a Balding Drug Addict!

One of the most amusing gossip items of August had to do with the highly unexpected feud between Azealia Banks and Elon Musk.

In case you’re unfamiliar with those names, they perfectly represent the two main archetypes of American egomania:

Banks is the gifted artist whose rage over the fact that she still has to ride the subway like a plebe has driven her to repeatedly sabotage her own career.

Conversely, Musk is quite successful financially but is consistently driven mad over the world’s unwillingness to recognize him as the heir to Einstein, Edison, Henry Ford, and Jesus H. Christ.

In other words, they may not seem to have much in common — Banks is a self-made creative, whereas Mush is a left-brain cyborg who could’ve spent his entire life blowing his family’s emerald mine fortune.

But at the end of the day, Banks and Musk are just two sides of the same narcissistic coin.

Perhaps that’s why they clashed upon first meeting, then later realized they were destined to join forces.

Allow us to explain:

Earlier this month, NYC-based Banks spent some time in LA with the intention of collaborating on a song with Musk’s girlfriend, Grimes.

So she paid a visit to Musk’s sprawling mansion and found it to have less of a “Tony Stark” vibe and more of an “Allison Williams’ parent’s house in Get Out” feel.

In addition to comparing her experience to Jordan Peele’s horror classic, Banks says she witnessed a wealth of appallingly self-destructive behavior from both Musk and Grimes.

Banks referred to Musk as a “giant d–k” and a “beta male who took steroids and hair plugs to convince himself he’s alpha.”

She also accused Musk of conducting business while tripping on LSD, and Grimes of being a meth addict.

She later alleged that Musk had stolen her phone so that he could “delete evidence” of their encounter.

Needless to say, after all that it was quite a surprise to see that Banks had issued a public apology to Musk:

“I feel terrible about everything,” reads the now-deleted open letter that was posted to Banks’ Instagram page.

“Over the time spent liaising said collaborations [with Grimes], I was welcomed to a lot of personal information about you,” Banks wrote.

“The stuff made me feel awkward and uncomfortable about being privy to you, yet I never had the intentions of ever using the information against you.

She added:

“What started off as a cat-fight lead to some seriously unexpected consequences and I seriously apologize.”

Interestingly, Banks’ refused to use Grimes name throughout the letter, referring to her would-be collaborator only with a pair of empty quotation marks.

After posting the letter, Banks deleted her Instagram account, but now appears to have re-instated her account.

We’ll continue to monitor this weird-ass situation and let you know if it gets any weirder.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Stephen Belafonte: Mel B is a Drug Addict Who Gave HERSELF Those Bruises

The controversial saga of Mel B’s expensive divorce continues. This is an unpleasant ride with stories of a blackmail sex tape, physical abuse, and financial exploitation.

Once again, Stephen Belafonte claims that he never abused Mel. But he now argues that he can account for her history of injuries.

Because he claims that she’s a drug addict who injured herself.

This ugly divorce is getting even uglier, folks.

TMZ reports that Belafonte accuses Mel B of being a drug addict and an alcoholic.

And he’s reportedly claiming that these alleged substance abuse issues are the real culprits behind her history of troubling injuries.

He claims that she would walk into doors and overdose, resulting in bruising and hospital visits.

He says that she would try to cover for it by claiming domestic violence.

Finally, at the same time as he’s making these arguments, he’s lobbying for visitation with his stepdaughter.

Several years ago, fans noticed bruising on Mel B’s body when she appeared on television.

Given the locations of the bruises, many fans recognized them as what they’d expect from a victim of domestic violence. They voiced their concerns.

Mel B replied that Belafonte would never hit her

That’s what anyone would say if they’re not be abused. Of course, it’s also exactly what you’d expect to hear from someone who’s being abused by their partner but trying to make it work.

Now, however, the couple is embroiled in an ugly divorce, and Mel B had admitted that she was a victim of his alleged physical abuse for years.

She also says that he used his influence over her to force her to do a number of things, such as recording a threesome sex tape and making financial investments as he saw fit, whittling away at her fortune.

Belafonte has filed legal papers in an attempt to lobby for visitation with his stepdaughter, Angel.

Angel’s biological father is Eddie Murphy, but Angel has been with Belafonte for almost all of her life.

Belafonte claims that Mel B has “concocted” these accusations of abuse in an effort to turn Angel against him.

So now, on top if his demands for spousal support which Mel B dismisses as astronomical, Belafonte is demanding time with his stepdaughter.

And he says that all of Mel B’s injuries can be explained by her alleged substance abuse.

Belafonte refers to a 2014 incident in which he allegedly bashed Mel B’s head against a door.

He says that what actually happened is that Mel B overdosed and was rushed to the hospital.

The bruises and other injuries were then, in his narrative, the results of her IV needles and injuries that she somehow sustained at the hands of an EKG machine.

Out of embarrassment or some other unknown motive, she then tried to cover for the incident by claiming that he had abused her.

At least, that’s Belafonte’s version of events.

He also says that she will be so day-drunk that she walks into walls or will squat down and urinate on the couch in front of their children.

Mel B has claimed, on top of his alleged abuse of her, that he showed the children videos of Daesh beheading prisoners in captured cities.

He claims that this is untrue, and that he has never even searched for these videos.

It looks like they’re both making some claims that might be backed or refuted by evidence, such as testimony from hospital employees and perhaps some computer forensics experts.

Some evidence might be more ambiguous.

Mel B says she can prove that Belafonte made blackmail tapes. Belafonte says that his recordings prove that he didn’t force her into the three-way relationship because they show her as a willing participant.

This whole thing is a mess.

We can all hope that the divorce settlement is a just one and that, whatever happens, the children have the best possible outcome.


Mel B"s Ex Stephen Belafonte Says She"s a Lying Drug Addict and Alcoholic

Mel B is a drug addict and alcoholic who has walked into doors and has been hospitalized for ODs, and she has covered up the bruises and other injuries from her addiction by claiming it was domestic violence … so says her ex-husband, Stephen…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Leah Messer Is a Cheating Drug Addict!

Sure, it’s technically a reality show, but at this point, we don’t think there’s any denying that Teen Mom 2 is one of the best soap operas on TV.

And of course, that’s largely because of Jenelle Evans, who’s really been stepping up as the show’s cartoonishly evil arch-villain in recent months.

In a new interview for Vince Russo’s The Brand podcast Jenelle did her damnedest to make sure she thoroughly pissed off the handful of TM2 fans who don’t already hate her.

First, Jenelle admitted to doing drugs while pregnant.

That may seem uncharacteristically honest of her, but the drug use is already a matter of public record thanks to a series of CPS investigations, so she was left with little choice.

From there, Jenelle did what she does best and went off on her castmates, who of course, weren’t there to defend themselves.

She started with Leah Messer, who recently appeared on Kailyn Lowry’s podcast and joked about the time that Jenelle’s husband, David Eason, stabbed a bunch of balloons at the reunion show taping.

This comment was apparently enough to earn the full wrath of Jenelle:

“My husband got tangled in five balloons on the way out the door. He couldn’t get out of them, so he started popping balloons, and he walked out. That’s it,” Jenelle explained.

“Leah wasn’t even near it, no one was near it. He was by the back door, the exit door. And she just gets on the podcast saying, like, my husband’s some crazy person.”

She went on to issue a vague threat about exposing Leah’s secrets, and then just went ahead and exposed Leah’s secrets.

(She’s not great at this whole blackmail thing.)

“And I hold, like, all of Leah’s secrets, and I have held them for years. Like, when she was on drugs and on pills — I was standing there talking to Jeremy [Calvert] every single day texting him, ‘Are you OK dude? I’m going through the same thing. I know Leah’s cheating on you, and I know she had her ex-fiance jump through the deer cam, but you know, I know I’m being cheated on too by Nathan and we’re both going through the same thing."”

She added:

“And he’s like, “I don’t know what to do.” And I’m like, “I don’t know what to do. You tell me what to do because I’m going through this too.”

Leah’s one of the less-confrontational Teen Moms, but she wasn’t about to just lie back and let Jenelle indict her as an adulterous junkie.

In a series of recent Instagram and Snapchat stories, Leah called Jenelle out in epic fashion:

“I don’t care, I think it’s funny. Crazy. Lies, lies, lies. Who can lie like that and think that it’s normal?” Leah asked of Jenelle’s behavior.

“So insane. And I tried to not say anything – OK, so I’m a timid person, but if you push me too far then I’m gonna pop, you know? I think that’s anyone. You can ask Jeremy about that.”

She went on to explain her decision to discuss the balloon-popping incident:

“In Kail’s podcast, guys, we were just catching up since the Reunion, since we last met. We were filming and they wanted us to kind of recap catching up the last time we saw each other, which was crazy.

“And that’s what happened. All I said was my girl was terrified and it was really crazy. We caught up! We weren’t throwing jabs at anyone in particular we were speaking facts.”

Something tells us Jenelle won’t just remain silent in hopes of squashing the beef.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more insanity from the Carolina Hurricane herself, Jenelle Evans.


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Dr. Phil Accused of Prividing Alcohol, Drugs to Addict Guests

Plenty of people aren’t surprised to hear that accusations are coming out about Dr. Phil. He’s been slammed with lawsuits and allegations before.

But this report, the published results an an investigation by The Boston Globe and STAT, allege something very different that goes right to the heart of the “treatments” that Dr. Phil claims to provide.

Dr. Phil’s show is accused of, among other things, providing addicts who are seeking treatment with the substances that they crave.

As we all know, Dr. Phil was made famous by Danielle Bregoli … with a little help from Oprah a couple of decades earlier.

He purportedly helps people with their problems, be it behavior or substance abuse issues using the sort of folksy “wisdom” that you’d expect from a towering Texan walrus in human form.

But does his show really help people … or does he march people out in front of the cameras, let his audience ogle that person’s problems, and then make a show of setting their life on track without really helping?

Does Dr. Phil actually make things worse, endangering guests for the sake of good ratings?

Todd Herzog won his season of Survivor: China in 2008. But in 2013, it seemed like he wasn’t going to survive much longer.

When he appeared on Dr. Phil’s show, he was so wildly intoxicated that he literally had to be carried out to his chair.

According to the investigation by STAT and The Boston Globe, the audience never knew the whole story.

“Herzog, who was battling alcoholism, told STAT and the Boston Globe that he was not intoxicated when he arrived at the Los Angeles studio.”

You’d think that, even if he had shown up drunk, they would have worked to sober him up, right?

“In his dressing room, he said he found a bottle of Smirnoff vodka. He drank all of it. Then someone handed him a Xanax, he said, telling him it would ‘calm his nerves."”

Oh. Wow.

That’s just one allegation.

“Guests have been left without medical help as they face withdrawal from drugs.”

And there’s a very disturbing allegation included in the report of, well, another variety.

“One person said she was directed by a show staff member to an open-air drug market to find heroin for her detoxing niece.”

Neither of those should happen for someone who is seeking treatment for addiction issues.

A representative for the show, Martin Greenberg, denied the accusations about Herzog, the bottle of vodka, and the Xanax.

“We do not do that with this guest or any other.”

He goes on to refer to the allegations as “absolutely, unequivocally untrue.”

We think that it’s possible for a single isolated incident to be the actions of a rogue producer who makes bad choices.

But we’re talking about an alleged pattern of behavior on the part of the series, here, not about one bottle in the wrong room.

It’s also worth noting, as the report does, that some of Dr. Phil’s own employees have spoken out before.

“Some of McGraw’s own employees have raised alarms about the treatment of guests.”

And about the treatment of employees.

“In one lawsuit filed last year against McGraw and his production company in Los Angeles Superior Court, a former segment director, Leah Rothman, accused McGraw of false imprisonment for trapping employees in a room to threaten them over leaks to the media.”

Yikes. And it sounds like guests fare even worse.

“Rothman also alleged that guests complained that their lives were ‘ruined.’ One guest attempted suicide after the show, according to a deposition with another staff member.”

This is hardly the first time that Dr. Phil has been accused of exploiting vulnerable people for entertainment purposes.

(Remember when his dubious interview with Shelly Duvall?)

But the accusation that Dr. Phil’s producers are directing addicts on where to buy drugs before filming is a little unsettling.

It’d be nice to believe that maybe producers just want to make sure that addicts buy drugs from safer dealers if they’re going to buy them somewhere.

But none of that would explain away that alleged vodka bottle. Or that Xanax.

And considering the massive profits that Dr. Phil — the show and the man — rakes in, you have to look if they have a motive to make things look worse and more sensational for the cameras.

And perhaps less of a motive to make sure that everybody gets helped.

These accusations are alarming. Will further accusations follow?


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Nicole Curtis: Rehab Addict Host Mom-Shamed for Breastfeeding Her Toddler!

Usually, you don’t want the words “rehab” or “addict” anywhere near a story about parenting, but things are a little different when you’re talking about Nicole Curtis, star of Rehab Addict.

But Nicole has stirred up controversy over breastfeeding.

Unlike many such stories, it’s not over feeding her baby in public (gasp!) … but over the fact that, well, her kid’s not really a baby anymore.

Rehab Addict is a long-running reality series about fixing up and restoring old homes, particularly when it comes to classic architecture.

Essentially, saving houses whenever possible. It’s a neat concept.

Right now, that show’s star, Nicole Curtis, is being mom-shamed.

Now, mom-shamers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Like that daddy blogger who leashed his kid, which we don’t understand but which some people blew way out of proportion.

Or like when fans flipped out and accused Chelsea Houska of “poisoning” her baby when, in reality, she had him get his vaccinations, as responsible parents do.

But breastfeeding seems to really get people’s garters in a twist.

(Probably because of our society’s bizarre love-hate fixation with women and with women’s breasts — which we call “bizarre” because … they’re just breasts. What’s not to love?)

Moms using their breasts to feed their babies seems to freak people out when it’s in public. It’s ludicrous, but it happens.

But sometimes, people do weird stuff.

Like using breastmilk to make brownies for a bake sale, weirding approximately everyone the eff out.

Or breastfeeding their baby while having sex, which is a kind of multitasking that makes people really, really uncomfortable.

Nicole Curtis’ alleged breastfeeding weirdness is a little different, however.

Her issue isn’t that she’s feeding her child in an art gallery (gasp!) or on a bench in a public park (no!), but that … he’s 30 months old.

For those of you who don’t enjoy math, that’s two-and-a-half years. 

Speaking to People, Nicole Curtis defends breastfeeding him despite his age.

“I keep saying, it’s not like he’s 7 or 8 — he’s still a baby.”

As critics are quick to point out … he’s literally not, though. Harper (for that’s his name) is a toddler.

Nicole advocates letting children decide on their own when to stop breastfeeding.

“It doesn’t force children to eat — it allows them to discover it and gradually wean at their pace.”

That is a great idea … up to a point. The question is, of course, where that line is and whether or not Nicole and Harper have crossed it.

Apparently, plenty of critics have decided that they have.

“Every single day I have to weather criticism about how my child is too old to breastfeed.”

Nicole wants Harper to make this choice for himself.

“But when he weans, it’s going to be his decision. I truly believe it’s the child’s choice.”

Plenty of children are allowed to decide when to be weaned. Plenty of them quit the breast earlier rather than later, as babies and toddlers like exploring and learning and experiencing the world.

Self-weaning might see a baby leaving boobs behind before they’re a year old. But Harper is clearly on the other extreme end of the spectrum.

Nicole didn’t bring this up with the world because she wants them all to know what an extra special snowflake she is, or whatever people imagine motivates minor celebrities from talking about their lives.

It’s actually a legal issue for her. A custody issue for her.

A judge has literally ruled about this. (There have been a couple of rulings, actually)

Speaking of her young son, Nicole laments a sudden change in his dietary routine:

“He had never had a bottle before, and then all of a sudden that was his only option while he was with his dad.”

That’s a rough transition for a kid to make.

“I had no idea that a judge could say, ‘You’re court-ordered to not feed your exclusively breastfed child."”

She also had trouble producing enough milk through a pump. Until then, she’d never needed to.

“It’s important that children have both of their parents. But [preventing] me from breastfeeding my child just so he can see the dad is not right.”

Nicole says that she’s sharing this story because it’s important for people to know that it can happen. And because she wants to effect change.

“I’ve always been a fighter. If something’s not right, I’m the first person to stand up.”

She hates that her divorce is impacting Harper in this way.

“And I don’t believe that my child should have to wean because of our situation.”

A judge later ruled, giving her once-a-day visits with Harper during Harper’s time with his father. (They exchange him on alternating weeks)

Honestly, in Western countries, it’s normal to wean between ages 1 and 2, right? Sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later.

Worldwide, though, it’s not uncommon to see children who don’t wean until between ages 2 and 6.

That may sound bizarre — most children in the West don’t grow up with conscious memories of breastfeeding. The idea of breastfeeding when you’re old enough to read is, to many, shocking.

But Harper isn’t there yet. We’d say that, right now, he’s right on the threshold.

If he’s still breastfeeding when it’s time for preschool, then yeah, it might be time for Nicole to make that choice for him, before it hinders his social development.

Right now, though? All of that mom-shaming seems wasted when there are plenty of bad moms out there.

Also, we should note that Nicole seems to almost welcome the criticism. She told a recent critic that she’s also against infant circumcision (a view shared by many human rights advocates) in case people are looking for other things to hold against her.

Like she said, she’s a real fighter.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Chelsea Houska to Adam Lind: You"re a Drug Addict! Stay Away From Our Daughter!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, you know that, as always, each of the ladies is dealing with a considerable amount of personal drama.

These days, Chelsea Houska is enjoying the most stable home life of all of the moms, but she’s still tormented by the mistakes of her difficult past.

And the chief architect of that torment is her douche bad baby daddy, Adam Lind.

Back in April, Lind tested positive for meth just before a scheduled visit with his youngest daughter, Paisley.

Not surprisingly, Paisley’s mother, Taylor Halbur is now fighting Lind for full custody and seeking to have him stripped of all visitation rights.

The court case has resulted in a number of disturbing revelations, including the fact that Lind frequently boasted about hard drug use in public social media posts.

As far as we know, Chelsea has yet to take any similar legal action to protect daughter Aubree, but as we learned last night, the issue of Lind’s fitness as a parent is very much on her mind.

Asked by a TM2 producer if she was aware of the extent of Lind’s drug use, Chelsea replied:

“Yeah, it’s very serious—and it is scary.”

She elaborated:

“If I had my choice, I don’t want [Aubree] in the house because he’s doing drugs.”

Referring to the fact that Lind’s visits with his daughter are supposed to be supervised by his parents, Houska added:

“Obviously, he’s probably doing them at his house, you know? I mean, hopefully, his parents were doing their supervision…so that she didn’t see much.”

Chelsea went on to say she’s stunned by Lind’s behavior, as he showed no signs of substance abuse during their time as a couple:

“He was not on drugs when I was with him or knew him,” she said on last night’s episode.

“But that’s the thing is I can’t picture it—it’s just crazy to think that this person is doing that. It makes me sad for Aubree. The last thing you want to give your child is a drug-addicted father.”

Again, Chelsea didn’t reveal whether she plans to seek a family court intervention.

But don’t be surprised if she files legal documents in the very near future.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Chelsea and Adam’s turbulent relationship.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Chelsea Houska: Adam Lind Is a Meth Addict!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, then you witnessed one of the saddest scenes in the series history, which is really saying something.

We’ve known for several months that Adam Lind tested positive for meth shortly before a planned visit with his youngest daughter, but it was one thing to read about the news and another to see Chelsea Houska’s stunned reaction.

Like pretty much everyone else in Lind’s life, Chelsea doesn’t believe her ex’s drug use is a one-time thing, and she fears that he’s developed into a full-blow addict.

“You don’t just do meth and get off of it,” she told an MTV producer.

“You get hooked. The fact that he was doing it knowing he had to take a drug test every other week…It means he probably has a problem.”

Lamenting the hard road ahead for her daughter, Aubree, Houska remarked:

“I wish she didn’t have a drug addict father, obviously.”

At the time of his positive test, Lind was preparing for a visit with his daughter from his relationship with Taylor Halbur, and not surprisingly, Halbur is now fighting Lind for full custody with vitrually no visitation rights.

Her lawyers argue that Lind sqaundered those rights with his persistent hard drug use, and only when he’s able to prove that he’s sought treatment and gotten clean should he be permitted to visit his daughter Paisley again. 

It remains unclear if Chelsea will take similar action, but based on last night’s episode, it certainly seems that she’s deeply concerned for her daughter’s welfare.

Fortunately, there’s plenty of good news in Aubree’s life these days.

Houska married Cole DeBoer back in October, and based on what we’ve seen, he’s been nothing less than the ideal steapfather.

In January, Houska and welcomed her second child, and Aubree seems to be loving life as a big sister.

Of course, while all of this may serve to soften the blow of having a negligent drug addict for a father, Aubree is no still profoundly affected by her father’s idocy.

Here’s hoping that either Lind will find the help he needs ASAP … or Houska will do what she has to in order to protect her daughter.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to be reminded of just how atrocious a person Adam really is.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Jenelle Evans: I Was a Teenage Sex Addict!

As you may have heard by now, Jenelle Evans has published a memoir, and in keeping with her image as the most reckless and rebellious member of the Teen Mom cast, Evans has loaded the book with revelations that seem intended to shock.

The problem with the book is that it mostly consists of entries culled from a diary Jenelle kept as a teenager.

Now, teenage diaries aren’t typically known as repositories for level-headed contemplation of life’s great mysteries, and Jenelle being Jenelle, her journal is far more dramatic than most.

As a result, the 25-year-old is already back-tracking on some of the wilder claims made in her memoir.

In the book, Jenelle opened up about suicidal thoughts she suffered as a teen.

This week, she revealed that she never actually contemplated taking her own life.

Also in the book, Jenelle wrote about her pill popping habit.

It turns out she was referring to one occasion in which she swallowed several decongestants in hopes of achieveing a hallucinatory state.

A very dangerous thing to do, and certainly something that could’ve had serious repercussions, but not the sort of thing that comes to mind when one hears the phrase “pill-popping habit.”

“From ages 14-17 I was addicted to sex,” reads a journal entry from the memoir Read Between The Lines: Diary of a Teenage Mom.

“I didn’t care who it was with or if it was unprotected until I got pregnant at 17.”

It seems Jenelle briefly believed she was experiencing some sort of extreme evolutionary imperative, and the universe was simply insisting that she pass on her crazy-ass genes.

In the book, she writes that the constant need for sex subsided after she gave birth to her first son.

Now, she doubts that she was ever addicted to sex at all, and believes she was probably just starved for affection.

“I don’t think I was really addicted to sex,” she said this week.

“I think I was addicted to love. I would do anything to keep a guy with me, so I used sex as a manipulative tool. I gave them what they wanted to get them to stay with me. I wasn’t a sex addict so much as a love junkie.”

Yet again, it seems like she could have left out some of the hyperbole, but in all likelihood, her hand was forced by a publisher looking for melodrama.

Jenelle has endured numerous hardships in her young life, and we in no way intend to dismiss her addictions and possible mental illnesses.

But perhaps publishing unedited excerpts from the teenage diary of a woman who’s prone to slanderous comments, exaggeration, and flat-out lying wasn’t the smartest move.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from Jenelle’s wild past.


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Scott Disick: I"m Not a Sex Addict, I Swear!

Scott Disick is, to be honest, a complete and total mess right now.

Since the beginning of this year, he’s been on a seriously scary downward spiral — one that apparently has friends concerned that he’s on the verge of killing himself.

Killing himself with booze, to be specific.

From where we’re sitting — and things could have happened differently privately, of course — the issue began back in January on the Kardashian family vacation to Costa Rica.

Before that, we’d been hearing rumors that Scott and Kourtney Kardashian may have been rekindling their romance, but for some reason, he brought along another girl for the vacation.

He tried to hide the girl in his hotel room, but Kim Kardashian found out about it, and she went off on Scott, calling him a whore and all sorts of other bad names.

He left the vacation early and went to Miami, where he was photographed with multiple women and multiple adult beverages.

And things just sort of went from there.

Scott’s been seen with countless hookups since then, including Bella Thorne, and it’s clear that he’s just not in a good place.

He’s been open about his issues with alcoholism in the past, and in response to the Costa Rica incident, he even confessed that he’s a sex addict.

But in a new interview with E! News, he’s trying to spin things in a more positive light.

“I would say I think it’s a little rude that everybody keeps addressing me as a sex addict,” he said. “I just like sex, but I’m not a sex addict.”

“I said that in a humorous, joking fashion on the show and now I’m getting billed as one, and it’s not the case. I do like sex, but I am not an addict.”

He was asked if he thought his appetite for sex was healthy, and he clarified that he does have “a gargantuan appetite,” but still, he’s “not an addict!”

Whatever you say, Scott. We’re sure all single fathers of three young children behave this way.

Oddly enough, when asked about his love life, he said “I just try to live and be decently happy … no girlfriends or anything like that.”

No girlfriends, just a never-ending string of hookups, right?

He also seemed to confirm Bella Thorne’s statement that she was never intimate with him by explaining that “We have nothing to do with each other romantically.”

As for Kourtney, he said “We love spending time together and with the kids. That’s never been a question.”

“I feel like sometimes the outside perspective thinks that maybe we are not on good terms, but we are. We stay strong for our three children, and that’s pretty much all we can do.”

He sounds good in this interview, but then again he’s never been one to be sloppy in interviews.

He usually saves it for paparazzi and Keeping Up with the Kardashians cameras.

Just … just do better, OK, Scott?


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Apologizes for Arrest, Racist Comments, Says He"s An Addict Who"s Hit Bottom

Shia LaBeouf just apologized for the events leading to his arrest and the racist rant at the police station, saying he believes he’s hit bottom and is taking steps to get his addiction under control. Shia says, “I am deeply ashamed of my behavior…


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Scheana Marie on Divorce Settlement: I Hate Giving Money to an Addict!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, then you’re likely aware that the brief marriage between Scheana Marie and Mike Shay didn’t exactly end on amicable terms.

Scheana and Shay’s divorce became public knowledge before we saw it fall apart on the show, but in the Vanderpump Season 5 finale (and the show’s 47-part reunion show), we finally found out just how ugly things really got.

Obviously, one of the main issues was Shay’s drug problem, but there were other factors in Scheana’s decision to split, as well.

For starters, it seems Shay had decided to devote his free time (which, as an unemployed dude, he had a lot of) to sexting other women and making terrible music with Nicole Arbour.

Unfortunately for Scheana, the divorce came just as she was starting to make some serious bank from her reality TV career.

She and Shay never signed a prenup, so naturally, she was forced to shell out a goodly amount of cash in the divorce, but it seems she feels it was all worth it in order to be free of a dude that was only dragging her down:

“Well, he got paid last year, so I would assume that’s already gone,” Scheana said in a recent discussion with WWE star Sean “X-Pac” Waltman (we live in strange times).

She added:

“He wasn’t a person who was ever really good with money. It was very amicable, and as much as I didn’t want to give $ 50 thousand to a person with a drug problem, I felt like… I don’t know, like he deserved it for just, you know, being a part of the show for so long and my life and my story.”

That’s actually awfully mature of Scheana.

Of course, these days she’s reportedly making close to half a million a season for Vanderpump (just one of her many revenue streams), so forking over 50 G’s to make a problem go away probably wasn’t all that hard on her.

She went on to say that she hoped Mike would be smart with the money – but she now fears he’s already blown it:

“And I’m like, look, I’m not trying to cut you out and leave you high and dry so like, here’s how much we have, is this OK? And he agreed,” Scheana said.

“And I was just like I recommend that you put $ 10 thousand into like SEP-IRA, start a retirement account or something that you know you can start getting interest on. And he was like, yeah that’s a great idea. I doubt he did that.”

She added:

“I don’t know, but I just hope that he’s doing something useful with it and not just wasting it like he wasted a lot of mine.”

Money aside, Scheana has indisputably “won” the divorce.

She’s already dating actor Robert Valletta, and she now gets to take the high road with meme-worthy comments about how she hopes he finds the contentment he’s searching for:

“I just wanted him to be happy,” Scheana told the wrestling dude.

“I put my life and my career on hold for the last couple years ‘cause I just wanted him to be happy. I wanted him to have everything, and I think that, I don’t know, maybe I did that a little too much.”

That comment is basically the divorce equivalent of a Mortal Kombat finishing move. #FlawlessVictory


Friday, March 24, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Concerned About Javi Dating Ex-Heroin Addict?

Earlier this week, we learned that Javi Marroquin is dating Madison Channing Walls, a fellow MTV reality star who appeared on a season of the network’s long-running Real World series.

Many fans expressed concern about the new relationship, as Madison frequently opened up about her checkered past during her time on the show.

Walls is a recovering heroin addict, and while she’s been clean for more than two years, her run-ins with the law have left many fans wondering if she’s the right choice for Javi, a single dad who’s already endured a tremendous amount of drama over the past year. 

And of course, fans are also wondering how Kailyn Lowry, no stranger to drama herself, is feeling about all of this.

Kailyn is pregnant with her third child these days, and she’s already taken a lot of flak from fans who believe she’s been reckless and negligent in her personal life.

Now, many are expressing their belief that Kailyn should come out and publicly condemn Javi’s relationship for the sake of her youngest son, Lincoln.

Unfortunately for those folks, it seems Kailyn is entirely cool with the situation.

“She knows Javi wouldn’t have her around if [drugs] were going to be an issue,” a source close to Kailyn tells Radar Online.

“She’s glad he’s moving on and hopes he’s happy.”

As if to drive the point home that Kailyn is completely chill about this whole thing, the source adds:

“She wishes him nothing but the best.”

Part of the reason she sees no cause for concern might be that Javi has apparently decided to hold off on introducing Lincoln and Chelsea, have a learned his lesson the hard way after breaking up with Cassie Bucka.

“I learned from my past mistakes where I introduced him way too early on in a relationship, so now I know better,” 

So hey, maybe Kailyn and Javi are capable of working out an amicable co-parenting relationship after all!

There was a while there when it looked like they would be able to remain friends, but things went south quickly.

(Javi breaking into Kailyn’s home certainly didn’t help matters.)

Here’s hoping these two are able to continue keeping the peace for their son’s sake.
