Showing posts with label Alcoholic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alcoholic. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2018

90 Day Fiance Recap: You"re an Alcoholic!

An Uber was used to take one couple to a certain destination on 90 Day Fiancé: Before 90 Days this week.

But a fight between this same couple in this same car left us unsure just where their future was headed.

Allow us to explain…

On the latest installment of this oddly popular reality show, Jesse traveled to New York because he thought it was time to end things with Darcey… for good.

However, the latter was optimistic about meeting her man and thought he was only coming to America in the name of eternal love and happiness.

“The way this relationship has been going, I don’t know exactly why he’s here. I just hope it’s to work things out,” Darcey said. “He wouldn’t come all this way if he didn’t truly love me.”

What an adorable and unfortunate way to look at things, right?

Once the two got in a the aforementioned Uber to head to the hotel, though, hell broke loose; chaos reigned; and accusations flew.

The reality stars started yelling at one another because Jesse discovered that Darcey was arrested for hitting her sister and never told him.

He also added that she needed to “get therapy for (her) alcoholism,” prompting Darcey to storm out of the car.

“You don’t love me. You never did, you liar,” she screamed. “Get out of my life.”

Elsewhere on this explosive episode:

Rachel and her child headed to Great Britain to be with Jon before their wedding day.

What should have been a glorious occasion, however, turned sour after she learned that Jon was corresponding with one of his exes over social media and voiced her very understandable concerns.

Evidently, Jon told his former girlfriend that he had loved her in the past, which is what really hurt Rachel the most.

Makes sense, right?

“It was like I was stabbed with a knife, and when I saw the world ‘love,’ the knife twisted,” she said sadly.

Jon tried to clear things up by explaining he was telling his ex about his great relationship and needed to apologize for breaking her heart. But this didn’t smooth things over much.

“I am ashamed of the person I was,” Jon said.

As for the other couples? A quick rundown:

– Angela gave Michael an engagement ring AND an American flag — and he reciprocated! It was a double proposal!

“It’s the best day of my life,” Michael said. “Donald Trump, I’m coming to see you.”

– Ximena was willing to forgive Ricky for coming to Columbia for another woman, as long as he leaped into a freezing cold lake.

“For Ricky to regain my trust if he wants, he will have to show me,” she said.

Ricky obeyed, the crew rushed in to help him — and then he proposed and she accepted!

– Karine decided NOT to divorce Paul so they could raise their kid in a loving home, leaving Paul very excited, yet also a tad bit nervous about being a dad.

Tragically, Karine then learned she had suffered a miscarriage.

“I was praying for him to be OK but it wasn’t like that,” she said. “It was unexpected for me to find out he wasn’t OK.”

– Finally, despite family members not approving of their romane, Tarik and Hazel pushed on.

“I definitely love you and I don’t care what anybody says,” the former said.

On the final day, the pair reconciled and Tarik proposed to Hazel by playing her a rap he wrote about her. A very awkward silence followed.

“She took a long time,” he said, and then turned to Hazel. “Why did you take so long?”

90 Day Fiance: Before 90 Days airs Sundays on TLC at 8/7c.


Monday, March 12, 2018

NFL"s Roy Miller Is a Violent Alcoholic Scumbag, Wife Says

As if being accused of domestic violence isn’t bad enough … the wife of NFL lineman Roy Miller now claims he’s a vindictive alcoholic who’s trying to drain the family’s bank account to leave her high and dry.  30-year-old Miller was cut…


Friday, March 9, 2018

Pamela Anderson: Tommy Lee is an Alcoholic Devil!

Earlier this week, Tommy Lee accused his son of assaulting him. He claimed that Brandon Thomas Lee punched him in the face in an unprovoked attack.

Though the alleged incident is said to have been brought on by Tommy’s outrageous tweets about Brandon’s mother, Tommy Lee is pressing charges and even seeking a restraining order.

Pamela Anderson is speaking out about the altercation between her ex and her adult son.

On Thursday, Pamela Anderson posted a statement about Tommy Lee, titled: “Alcoholism is the Devil.”

She starts things off with a clarification:

“For the record. I have made NO comment anywhere to anyone before this — beware of tabloid gossip.”

We should always be on the lookout for fake statements.

“This is a matter of life and death. I am surreally calm — I feel justice is at work. I am not frantic or ‘as reported’ — devastated. I am hopeful — this is not new to us.”

Clearly, it was some false stories about her reaction that prompted her to speak out.

“I am staying in France for the moment. I have complete faith in Brandon and his team to resolve this unfortunate and sad situation regarding his father.”

Despite the circumstances, she’s speaking from a place of compassion.

“I pray Tommy gets the help he needs.”

All things considered, that is very generous of her. It was Tommy’s tweet that bashed her that started all of this.

“His actions are desperate and humiliating — he is a disaster spinning out of control and he is not acting like a father.”

“But this is nothing new. My sons have made every attempt to help him in recent months — staying with him to make sure he’s ok.”

Her unnecessarily handsome sons, Brandon Thomas and Dylan Jagger, are both adults. It sounds like they’ve both been trying to help their father with his struggle.

“Just by being present with him they were hoping he’d feel loved and act differently.”

Pamela reveals that she had worried that something like this might happen.

“I feared things might escalate. But [I] knew this might be what it took to heal old wounds.”

As compassionate as she is towards Tommy, she is solidly only Team Brandon.

“Him blaming his son or us for anything is delusional.”

She says that he should really be thanking his sons.

“We have all tried to protect him and help him for too long. Hoping he’d look after himself better.”

“I do not like to comment about this. But feel like it’s necessary because of Tommy’s ‘Trump style’ no thought out rampage on twitter and IG?”

Glad to know that we’re not the only ones who thought of Trump when Tommy tweeted without thinking.

“This matter is ideally between just a father and a son — And rehab if the stars align.”

She won’t have further contact with the father of her sons unless he cleans up his act.

“I will never talk to Tommy again before he is sober and in his right mind. Though he’s made attempts to contact me. I have blocked him.”

That is somehow a lot more believable to many than Tommy’s claim that she asks him “every day” to take her back.

She goes on to say that, sometimes, Tommy is simply impossible to talk to.

“It is impossible to reason with crazy. I’m sure the world can see the truth. I stand beside my son who acted out of self defense and was scared for his life.”

We’d heard before that Brandon acted out of self defense.

“Nobody understands the lifetime of disappointment this man has brought our family. Consistently the centre of sadness, drama and confusion.”

It sounds like there are some major issues at play aside from alcoholism.

“Jealous of his sons talent and beauty from the day they were born.”

Pamela Anderson is no psychologist, but she has some diagnoses in mind.

“He is sick. The definition of narcissist/sociopath.”

Pamela levels an accusation at Tommy’s fiancee, Brittany Furlan.

“His fiancee keeps him drunk. This is what he wants — someone to behave badly with.”

Brittany is much younger and hotter than Tommy, but we’re not sure that she’s to blame for all of this.

“It’s terrible and unfortunately he has made this private matter very public.”

Tommy also accused his son of fleeing from the police, though the police have not made any such claim.

“I have always tried only to set record straight. Trying to paint him as not a bad guy. Just one who is human and made mistakes.”

This is a man who spent half a year behind bars for allegedly kicking her during their marriage while she held her young son. She’s … perhaps being too kind, here.

“He still cannot handle the guilt about his abusive behavior and has never taken responsibility for what he has done. Let’s hope this will be his saving grace.”

She hopes that this will be a wake-up call.

“I can only pray for him. And protect my sons. Who also fiercely protect me.”

“Brandon has asked me to stay in France and not come home right now.”

So that’s why she hasn’t flown out, as was likely her first instinct. Brandon’s an adult and probably wants to spare his mother as much as possible.

“He is happy and content that I am safe and loved where I am at — He has invaluable support and has everything under control.”

She cannot stop singing the praises of her son.

“His heart amazes me. He still does not want to see his dad in Jail. He just wants him to get sober.”

That’s very generous of him.

“He was putting together an Intervention (along with friends and people Tommy works with and admired). So that whatever is left of his life can be healthy and peaceful and maybe he will be a healthy part of their lives one day.”

It sounds like Brandon has inherited his mother’s compassionate nature.

“Maybe a positive part of our future grandkids life. Brandon has risked everything to save his father. He takes his career very seriously. He does not touch alcohol or drugs – (he understands his genetics) and is an example to many.”

She continues to praise Brandon.

“He is a tremendous talent that will show the world. But he has put all on hold for dealing with this.”

And his heart’s in the right place.

“His family – his brother and our family is his priority.”

This is where Pamela’s statement could potentially become problematic.

“Believe me. He punched him in the nose for all of us who he has hurt. Now, Tommy feels humiliated — and is attempting to destroy his own son.”

The line about Brandon’s motives for the punch could come back to bite her son if there’s an assault trial. Everyone hopes that it won’t come to that.

“This is the Devil – This is the disease of alcoholism.”

That’s some serious family drama, folks.


Mel B"s Ex Stephen Belafonte Says She"s a Lying Drug Addict and Alcoholic

Mel B is a drug addict and alcoholic who has walked into doors and has been hospitalized for ODs, and she has covered up the bruises and other injuries from her addiction by claiming it was domestic violence … so says her ex-husband, Stephen…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

WWE"s Eva Marie: "I"m an Alcoholic," Went to Jail for DUIs

Former WWE superstar Eva Marie says she is, and always will be, an alcoholic … and her disease almost cost her everything before she was able to come to terms with it. “I will be an alcoholic for the rest of my life … and admitting that…


Friday, July 14, 2017

Shia LaBeouf: I"m Not An Alcoholic! I Just Can"t Stop Drinking!

Last weekend, Shia LaBeouf was arrested for disorderly conduct and public intoxication after drunkenly freaking out on a police officer in Atlanta.

The incident didn’t do exactly do wonders for the actor’s already-damaged reputation, and things only got worse when police released footage that showed LaBeouf launching a racist tirade at the arresting officer.

LaBeouf has apologized for his appalling behavior, but it seems he’ll be skipping step two in the Racist Celebrity Rant Damage Control Handbook.

According to a statement from his lawyer today, LaBeouf will not be checking into rehab, as is customary in these situations, and will instead continue.

In the statement, obtained this morning by TMZ, the attorney explains that Shia’s not an alcoholic – he just can’t stop drinking once he starts.

Somewhere, a recovery counselor’s head exploded.

The explanation makes a little more sense when the lawyer explains that LaBeouf has no trouble abstaining from drinking entirely, but once het gets that Sweet Mother Booze in his belly, there’s no turning back.

Picture Will Ferrell in Old School talking about how “it’s so good, once it hits your lips!”

Apparently that’s Shia at the beginning of a bender.

For obvious reasons, a lot of people aren’t buying LaBeouf’s excuse that he’s too busy for rehab at the moment.

It probably help that the movie he’s working on is called The Peanut Butter Falcon.

We hate to judge a flick by its title, but … The Peanut Butter Falcon.

To make matters worse, Shia described himself as an addict in his public apology:

“I have been struggling with addiction publicly for far too long, and I am actively taking steps toward securing my sobriety and hope I can be forgiven for my mistakes,” he said in a press release.

Speaking of his arrest, he sounded genuinely contrite:

“It is a new low. A low I hope is a bottom,” the 31-year-old stated.

Troublingly, this is not the first time LaBeouf has been arrested for behaving erratically while drunk in public.

It’s also not the first time he’s issued a statement expressing his remorse and promising to get help.

We understand the need for LaBeouf to complete filming on his current project, but here’s hoping the once-promising star finds the help he needs soon after it wraps.


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Forget Ryan Edwards, Maci Bookout is an Alcoholic!

Farrah Abraham doesn’t exactly get along with the other girls on Teen Mom OG.

But then again, if you have eyes and ears and have found yourself on parts of the internet that discuss Farrah Abraham, you already know this.

She and Amber Portwood used to be friends, but they became enemies after Farrah dared to point out that Matt Baier is a giant, good-for-nothing creep.

Amber didn’t appreciate it, and she even tried to throw a swing at Farrah over it.

She and Catelynn Lowell haven’t been getting along either, and Catelynn takes every possible opportunity to slam her somehow.

But, if you can believe it, the feud between Farrah and Maci Bookout predates all of these spats.

Remember, when Teen Mom first returned to our televisions, Farrah wasn’t involved. When producers brought her back mid-season, Maci threatened to quit the show.

The issue, she said, was that she didn’t want her son to share screen time with a porn star — which, hey, that’s her prerogative.

Though Maci eventually gave in, she and Farrah have been catty towards each other ever since.

To this day, really.

During one of her many birthday parties, Farrah was approached by In Touch, and she was asked about Ryan Edwards’ newly revealed drug issues.

Specifically, she was asked about the Teen Mom OG scene in which Maci tearfully revealed to Amber and Catelynn that Ryan’s drug use had gotten out of hand.

“Everyone else around him is too afraid of what it will look like more than his health,” Maci explained on the show.

“I’m just sick of cleaning up his mess. I get tired of dealing with the sh-t. Just being the only one that f-cking sees everything and cares.”

It was a sad scene, one of the most intense things we’ve seen on the show in a while.

But Farrah didn’t see things that way.

“Who is she to talk about someone else’s substance abuse when she’s like an alcoholic?” she wondered.

Shots fired.

There are many Teen Mom OG fans who suspect that Maci may have a drinking problem — she’s often seen with a beer in her hand in her scenes.

There was also a widespread theory that she was drinking throughout much of her pregnancy with her third child, Maverick.

The “Maci is an alcoholic” went on for so long that she even confronted the rumors in her new book.

“Folks I am an adult, over the legal drinking age, and just because I’m a mom that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a beer on a Sunday evening with my husband,” she wrote in one section.

“Newsflash: Mothers Are Human Beings. We are flawed, hard-working, well-intentioned, exhausted individuals; we do our best, we make mistakes, but above all we love our children.”

She wrote that “obviously I don’t condone excessive drinking,” but “having a beer — or even smoking the occasional cigarette — does not warrant a call to Child Services, and it does not make you a bad mother.”

So if she even bothers to respond to Farrah, it looks like we’ll be in for a fun new chapter in the never-ending saga of Farrah vs. The World.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Eliza Dushku: I Used to Be an Alcoholic Drug Addict!

Isn’t Eliza Dushku just amazing?

She was easily one of the hottest stars in the early 2000s — of all time, probably — and she’s always just seemed so lovable.

Like, she played Faith in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She pretty much deserves sainthood for that alone.

But while Eliza has starred in so many incredible and/or delightful films and television shows, and while she’s always been just super, super beautiful, she has a dark side.

A dark side that no one really knows anything about it.

Earlier this week, Eliza spoke at the New Hampshire Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness.

“Why would she do that?” you may be wondering. “Is she related to someone with addiction problems? Are the kids at the summit big Bring It On fans?”

But, as it turns out, Eliza is the person who struggles with addiction problems.

And she’s been hiding those problems from the public for nearly her entire life.

In her speech, she said that “Something a lot of people don’t know about me is that I’m an alcoholic and I was a drug addict for a lot of years.”

“I’m always going to be that, but the difference between me and an alcoholic or a drug addict that still drinks and does drugs is that I’m sober. I don’t drink and I don’t do drugs anymore.”

These days, she’s got over eight years of sobriety under her belt, but she revealed that the first time she did drugs was when she was only 14 — that’s when she started smoking marijuana.

“I loved the first time I took a drug because I loved the way it made me feel. I loved the way it made me not feel — I didn’t have to feel.”

“It was fun — and I loved it — until it wasn’t. Drugs didn’t love me. They didn’t love my family. They definitely didn’t love my friends that died.”

She doesn’t describe exactly which drugs she’s taken, but if she had friends that died and if she’s speaking at a summit on opioid awareness … it’s probably safe to say that she got in deep with her addiction.

As for what made her decide to get sober, she simply said “I was depressed. I didn’t like myself, but I love my family.”

“I remember my brother telling me he didn’t want me to be around my niece because he didn’t trust me,” she elaborated.

“I’m a really good auntie today. But you know what? He was right. I’m a good person, but when I did drugs and drank, I didn’t make good decisions.”

“All it takes is one bad decision,” she pointed out. “You don’t have to live like that.”

Eliza concluded her moving speech by telling her audience that “If you’re in trouble, all you have to do is say, ‘I need help.”

“I’m a real badass and tough girl. It was the hardest thing in the world for me to ask for help, and it was the most powerful thing I’ve ever done.”

What an amazing story from an amazing person.

Congrats on the sobriety, Eliza, and congrats for being able to speak up and potentially help so many people.

God, she’s just the best, isn’t she?


Friday, February 10, 2017

Charles Oakley"s Wife: "He"s Not An Alcoholic ... Doesn"t Need Help"

Charles Oakley’s wife tells TMZ Sports the NBA star does NOT have a drinking problem — and any suggestion he does is pure garbage. We spoke with Angela Reed Oakley who says she and her husband are upset with the Knicks suggesting he needs to “get…
