Showing posts with label Reversal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reversal. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2017

Arrow Season 6 Episode 4 Recap: Reversal

Michael Emerson is in the building!

On Arrow Season 6 Episode 4, the popular actor debuted as Cayden James a.k.a. the man who founded Helix.

He was not impressed with everything that happened to him, so he was ready to embark on a revenge mission, and that meant taking some people down. 

Alena revealed the truth to Felicity, and it sent Felicity right to her team to let them know there was something villainous on its way to Star City and they had to be prepared. 

Felicity and Alena joined forces to find a ghost mirror drive that would give them access to some of Helix’s most important files. 

When they found the device, their mission was thwarted by none other than Black Siren who showed up to cause some mayhem for them. 

Cayden revealed himself to both Alena and Felicity before ordering Black Siren to murder them. He also revealed that he saved Black Siren from death on Lian Yu. 

In a scuffle that involved all of Team Arrow, Alena was injured and made her way to the hospital. Felicity managed to confirm that Diggle was right about Black Siren’s murders being covers. 

They make their way to a place known as “the vault,” which the villains are trying to access. Oliver played Overwatch and Felicity managed to take the firewall down and save the internet, and of course, their lives. 

While it seemed the team won, it was quickly revealed that Cayden wanted her to take the firewall down so he could upload some malware of his own to get the upper hand. 

In a somewhat surprising move, Felicity, after conferring with Alena, decided to call her company Helix Dynamics. Alena wanted to become a permanent fixture at the company, but it seemed like Ms. Smoak was on the fence about the potential hire. 

She was worried about the trust because Alena’s loyalty wavered in the past, but would she really stick the knife into Felicity twice?

Also, Oliver and Felicity celebrated the third anniversary of their first date, but things were thrown into doubt when it emerged that the villains wanted to play a little game. 

The episode concluded with Oliver getting a phone call from Slade Wilson who wanted his help with a brand new mission. 

Could it involve his son?

We’ll have to wait to find out!

What did you think of all the action?

Sound off below!


Monday, July 24, 2017

Big Brother Recap: A Reversal of Fortune

It’s crazy to think that Jessica and Cody were once pariahs in the Big Brother house. With Paul successfully getting Cody out of the game, Jessica seemed poised to hang around and be a vote for people when they needed it. 

Apparently, they did not bank on America granting Jessica the Halting Hex power, which gives her the ability to cancel an eviction live on air. 

Jessica reacted in shock to the return of Cody and quickly revealed to him that he needed to keep his mouth shut because she had repaired most of the relationships in the house they fractured. 

Cody was happy to hear about it because he saw it as a reset for his game. He did reveal that they were going to be targeted from that point forward. 

Jessica then dropped the bomb that she had the Halting Hex and that she would be able to save them if they were on the block. Cody was excited to learn this. 

The other houseguests gathered to say it was ten against two and that they would find a way to get rid of Cody again. They understood they needed to ace the HOH competition. 

During the competition, the other houseguests kept punishing Cody, so he had garbage, cement and other things thrown at him. On top of that, he had to contend with a man who yelled at him over parking. 

Josh made it clear he and Jessica were his targets, and he would get one of them out of the house if he won the competition. He dropped out and immediately started trying to distract Cody. 

It worked, and Cody dropped out. In the end, it was Christmas and Jessica fighting for the top spot. In a surprise move, Jessica won the competition, effectively securing Jody’s safety for two weeks. 

They then noticed the houseguests who ditched them in the past appeared to try and get back in their good graces. Jessica revealed the only ones she could work with were Raven and Matt. 

They both agreed they would work as a four-person alliance, but would Raven and Matt actually defect now? Well, they want safety for this week. 

Josh tried to speak with Jessica, but Cody shut him down and said the pair would not be talking to him. Jessica ultimately decided to nominate Josh and Ramses. 

Did she make the right move?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Celebrity Apprentice Recap: A Reversal of Fortune

Did Team Prima manage to beat out Team Arete?

That was one of the more pressing questions on the latest episode of Celebrity Apprentice. Team Prima realized they were losing their ladies quickly after the loss of Snooki. 

The teams met up at the Peterson Automotive Museum to be briefed on their next task. Both teams were in charge of creating a full photo campaign for Kawasaki motorcycles. 

Kyle was named the project manager for Team Prima, while Carson was the manager for Team Arete. 

There was some confusion over what the men were actually doing, but it seemed like they were planning on using naked drag queens for their pictures. 

Kyle stepped back from giving ideas to the team because her most recent ones only got the team in trouble. Brooke decided to call in her husband for a photo shoot as the face of the campaign. 

However, tensions flared when David worried that he would not look masculine enough if he had his picture taken on the back of a bike. Is this dude for real?

In the boardroom, Gemma told Team Prima that David deciding at the last minute to sit at the front of the motorbike ruined their campaign. 

Team Arete won… again!

Kyle was upset that her team lost again and quizzed Patrick about what went wrong for them, but he was quick to point out that this was the third time she had cost her team a win. 

Kyle took Brooke and Porsha with her back into the boardroom. It was definitely odd that she opted to choose them when you consider the fact that the pair contributed a lot. 

After a huge argument about who was at faults, Kyle was terminated. 

Arnold grew concerned about the women losing pretty much every competition and decided that it was time for the teams to be changed up. 

Vince, Chael and Carson joined up with Lisa and Porsha, while Brooke and Laila joined Jon, Boy George, Matt and Ricky. 

The teams were then told they would create a candy, and the aim was to sell the most. Team Prima were quick to start selling, but Team Arete were concerned about the quality of the product. 

Team Arete was struggling, but then PK and Dorit showed up from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills with $ 80,000. 

In the end, Team Prima eked out the win by making over $ 378,000. 

Ricky refused to accept defeat and chose Jon and Laila to return to the boardroom. This was the first time this season that the right people were all in the boardroom. 

After much back and forth, Arnold was quick to reveal he could not get over the fact that Jon only sold $ 500 of products and he was terminated. 

They really are dropping like flies on this show. 

What did you think of the latest drama for the stars?

Hit the comments. 
