Showing posts with label Almufti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almufti. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Sherien Almufti SLAMS Phaedra Parks: Your S--T Does Stink!

Sherien Almufti is holding nothing back when it comes to trashing Phaedra Parks. 

If you recall, Almufti is now engaged to Apollo Nida, who just happens to be Phaedra’s ex-husband.

With Sherien apparently filming scenes for the Real Housewives of Atlanta, it made perfect sense that she would try and stir up some drama to at least make her scenes worthwhile

“Catching up on the #RHOA like oh wow!! So your s**t does stink after all,” Almufti captioned a photo of her watching the Bravo series.

She even went as far as hashtagging the snap, “#TeamApolloandSherien.”

This is probably a desperate attempt to try and get some new followers on the back of blatantly trashing Phaedra. Why else would she want to write that?

Unless she wanted to stick the knife in that Phaedra is no longer with Apollo. In fact, Phaedra is probably ecstatic to be rid of him. 

It should be interesting to find out just how annoyed Phaedra is about her nemesis appearing on the new season of the show. 

Another person who is not happy about Sherien filming scenes is the father of her 8-year-old daughter.

“She took my daughter out of school a week and a half ago to go to Atlanta to film,” Derrick Copes told Radar.

“Who takes their kid out school to go film when it’s not educational. That is not good parenting. I don’t want my daughter on the show.”

The dude definitely has a point. Another thing that got to him was the fact that Sherien was taking their daughter to visit Apollo in the prison. 

“I’m not giving her child support right now because she’s taking my daughter to prison and I have asked her numerous times to stop doing that,” he said of his $ 450 a month child support payments.

“My daughter is eight years old, she is not happy to go into a prison. If you want me to give you money, I will, but at the time you have a responsibility to our daughter.”

It really does sound like Sherien is doing her best to make a name for herself – even if that means burying her morals in the process. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Sherien Almufti: Apollo Nida Fiancee Revealed?!

Earlier this week, we reported that former Real Housewives of Atlanta star Apollo Nida is engaged, despite the minor issue that he’s currently serving an eight-year prison sentence for fraud.

At the time, the identity of Nida’s presumably thirsty fiancee was unknown, but the Internet’s done some sleuthing, and we now though the luckly lady who will soon be Mrs. Nida!

(…or is it Mrs. Prisoner #478920574830?)

That’s Sherien Almufti, a New Jersey real estate agent who, for some reason, has her own talent agent, and who is newly betrothed to Nida. 

Apollo (or whoever runs Apollo’s social media accounts while he’s locked up) confirmed the news that he’s engaged on Instagram, but still declined 

So how do we know this?

Well, Shirien apparently figured that since most of tea was already spilled she’d go ahead and dump the rest:

Ms. Almufti posted the above photo to Instagram this week, along with a caption reading:

“Oh how much I miss this MAN!”

In case there was any lingering doubt that Almufti is the former mystery woman who will soon be appearing on RHOA Season 9, Almufti also shared a photo of TMZ’s headline about Nida being engaged. 

She captioned it:

“That’s the thing about destiny, people meet at the worst time of their lives…” and added the hashtag “#summerthirteen,” seemingly to confirm that she met Nida before he went away, so that no one would think she’s some sort of ultra-thirsty fame hound.

Naturally, everyone who has any interest in this story still thinks that, anyway.

Also, “people meet at the worst time of their lives”?

Is that some sort of saying we’ve never heard of, or is that just Almufti’s way of getting involved with a married dude who was headed to prison.

Anyway, if the hashtag is an indication of when they met, then it seems those rumors about Nida cheating on Phaedra Parks are absolutely true.

In fact, the Apollo and Phaedra’s divorce only became final after he started serving his sentence.

We’re sure Ms. Parks is absolutely thrilled to be sharing screentime with Sherien on the show’s upcoming ninth season.

On the plus side, it should make some pretty compelling viewing for the rest of us.

Watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online to get caught up in time for what could be the show’s best season to date.

It’s not every day that we say that about a show creeping up on the decade mark.
