Showing posts with label Important. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Important. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Chelsea Houska Shares HUGE Baby Bump Pic, Important Message

According to Chelsea Houska, she doesn’t merely star on Teen Mom 2…

… she also has two weeks to go until she gives birth to her third child!

The veteran MTV personality has made this pointedly clear in a new Instagram photo.

The Teen Mom 2 cast member took to Instagram Stories on Tuesday to show off her 38-week-old baby bump, giving fans what may be their final glimpse at her growing tummy before she goes into labor.

In a nearly full body-length selfie, the 26-year old is donning a grey T-shirt, grey sweatpants and her hair is styled in a messy bun.

She’s cradling the aforementioned bump with one hand, but it’s so large at this point that it’s sticking out from underneath her shirt a bit!

How precious!

See for yourself:

Houska previously revealed her pregnant figure via a stunning set of professionally-done maternity photos.

Those images and this one here come a few months after Chelsea and husband Cole confirmed that a daughter is on the way.

“…GUESS WHAT! A sweet baby girl will be joining the DeBoer clan in a few short months! We could not be more excited!” wrote Chelsea alongside a picture of her ultrasound in March.

The couple welcomed sona son named  Watson in January of 2017, while Houska also has an eight-year-old daughter named Aubree from a previous relationship with ex-boyfriend Adam Lind.

(NOTE: Houska WENT OFF on Lind at this week’s Teen Mom 2 reunion.)

Prior to seeing this 38-week baby bump photo, some folks out there were wondering whether Chelsea had already welcomed her baby girl.

The answer, of course, is no.

And Houska responded to a few social media users a few days ago by explaining that fans will remain in the dark about her status until her daughter is actually here.

“I can promise everyone that whenever I AM in labor…nobody will know..and there def won’t be posts and silly little articles about it,” Chelsea wrote on Twitter last week, adding:

“I will announce when I have her. But the last thing on my mind when I’m in labor is going to be getting on social media.”

This sounds like a jab at those D-Listers and other celebrities who have gone online from their hospital beds during this critical time in their lives.

But… wait.

Is Chelsea being hypocritical here?

“If you want privacy though – why be on the reality show about your life? I guess I don’t get it,” wrote a follower to Houska, who elaborated on her previous point as follows:

“I watch a lot of reality television and I would never expect ANYONE to give up rights to any and all privacy just because they are on a tv show!

“That’s just my opinion though…

“Plus…all I was saying was that I don’t plan on being on social media or announcing to everyone when im in labor. Will definitely announce once she’s here!”

Sounds reasonable to us.

Best of luck with that while labor and birth thing, Chelsea!


Monday, March 26, 2018

Stormy Daniels" Lawyer Says Sex is the Least Important Issue

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, says his client’s sexual encounter with Donald Trump is interesting and salacious, but it’s at the bottom of the list in terms of importance. Avenatti will appear on “TMZ Live” Monday and he confirms our…


Stormy Daniels" Lawyer Says Sex is the Least Important Issue

Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, says his client’s sexual encounter with Donald Trump is interesting and salacious, but it’s at the bottom of the list in terms of importance. Avenatti will appear on “TMZ Live” Monday and he confirms our…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Tori Roloff Sends Very Important Message About Love

Tori Roloff just borrowed a social media page from her sister-in-law.

As loyal Little People, Big World fans are likely well aware of, it’s typically Audrey Roloff who uses her Instagram platform to spread messages about faith, family and relationships.

Take this new one, for example.

However, Tori couldn’t help but follow suit after she overhead a man say something to his wife the other day.

And she simply had to jump on her popular Instagram account in order to respond.

“So I was wandering target… as I do… when I heard a man say to his wife “well at least I’m taller than you,” Tori said at the outset of her photo caption.

(The sweet photo to which this caption was written is featured above. AWWWWW, right?)

Continued the TLC star:

“And the wife responded with ‘well I would hope so."”

It was this reply that did not sit well with Tori. Not at all well.

“Some of us just have the idea of beauty and love so backwards,” she wrote, adding:

“It doesn’t come from outward appearances but rather from inner beauty.”

It’s very possible that the unnamed man and wife in this story were just joking around.

But that doesn’t change the importance of Roloff’s message, which she expounded on as follows:

I don’t love Zach because of how he looks (although he is quite handsome if I do say so myself) but rather what things weigh on his heart.

It doesn’t matter to me that I’m taller than my husband. Honestly it gives me an excuse to never wear heels. Ever.

I can’t imagine my life if I had never given my husband a chance because he was shorter than me. Love people because of their minds. Not their bodies.

For those unaware, Tori is a quote-unquote regular person, of quote-unquote regular proportions.

Zach, however, was diagnosed with a type of dwarfism at birth.

The son to whom Tori gave birth in May is also a dwarf, but both halves of this beloved couple has made it clear that he will receive every ounce of love they have to give.

“You have to encourage a dwarf child a little more because it will take them five steps to do what others can do in two,” Zach told People shortly after becoming a father.

He added last spring:

“I want people to know that he’s just like his dad: being a dwarf is just part of the whole package of who he is.”

Tori, meanwhile, is typically pretty quiet and/or reserved.

She isn’t known for being especially outspoken.

But that’s been changing a bit of late.

A few weeks ago, for instance, she fired back at critics who think parents have somehow lost something because they now have some major responsibilities at home.

“Having a kid is honestly a gift I know i don’t deserve from God. Life isn’t over when you have a kid… it’s only just beginning!” she wrote, echoing how so many mothers how there feel.

It’s so great to see Tori to proud and excited to be a mom.

And who can blame her when she has such a cutie patootie back at home?

Just check out these photos of little Jackson!


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Taylor Swift Offers Important Advice to Sexual Assault Victims

On the entertainment front, Taylor Swift had a relatively quiet year.

She released a new album and announced a new tour toward the end of 2017, but she remained almost entirely silent for a solid three-quarters of the past 12 months.

In front of the camera or on social media, that is.

Outside of the music industry, Swift was actually involved in a lawsuit that perhaps helped set the tone for the #MeToo movement.

Following allegations that a DJ groped her during a 2013 photo opportunity, Swift testified under oath as part of her harassment lawsuit against David Mueller.

She had alleged that Mueller reached under her skirt and grabbed her butt during a meet-and-greet four years ago, an accusation that actually prompted Mueller to sue Swift for defamation.

But Taylor refused to back down.

First, her testimony and other pieces of evidence caused a judge to dismiss Mueller’s lawsuit.

Then, the singer won her countersuit against Mueller, earning raucous praise for how she handled herself on the witness stand amidst a barrage of victim-shaming attempts by Mueller’s lawyer.

(“I am not going to allow your client to make me feel like it is any way my fault because it isn’t,” she said at one point to the attorney.)

Due to how strongly she stood up for herself and, by extension, other victims of harassment, Swift was included this week on Time’s Person of the Year cover:

The issue honors the “Silence Breakers” who have helped exposed an unseemly number of sexual harassers and predators around the country.

Asked by the publication why she was so aggressive in her fight against Mueller, Swift replied as follows:

“I figured that if he would be brazen enough to assault me under these risky circumstances and high stakes, imagine what he might do to a vulnerable, young artist if given the chance.

“It was important to report the incident to his radio station because I felt like they needed to know.

“The radio station conducted its own investigation and fired him. Two years later, he sued me.”

Swift added that she spoke to Kesha at one point to find out more of what she went through after suing producer Dr. Luke for sexual misconduct.

To her fans and anyone else dealing with abuse or harassment, Swift has this to say;

My advice is that you not blame yourself and do not accept the blame others will try to place on you.

You should not be blamed for waiting 15 minutes or 15 days or 15 years to report sexual assault or harassment, or for the outcome of what happens to a person after he or she makes the choice to sexually harass or assault you.

The superstar also praised all the “brave women” speaking out in public about their experiences for helping “move the needle in terms of letting people know that this abuse of power shouldn’t be tolerated.”

The #MeToo movement got underway in earnest after Harvey Weinstein was exposed as a serial sexual predator.

After Alyssa Milano sent a Tweet that asked women (and men) to use the hashtag #MeToo if they had been the victim of any sort of unwanted sexual act or comment, an endless array of social media users followed suit.

As a result, celebrities such as Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer have lost their jobs (and their statuses) in the wake of troubling allegations.

We can likely expect more and more famous men to be outed as generally awful people in this regard in the coming weeks and months.

It’s depressing and disturbing to learn of these incidents.

But it’s clearly about time these perpetrators were held accountable for their despicable actions.


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Tyler Shields Says Kathy Griffin"s Voice is Important

Tyler Shields — the artist behind the Donald Trump “bloody head” spoof that landed Kathy Griffin in hot water — says Griffin’s message is important for people to hear. We got Tyler Sautrday at LAX, and he told our photog he’s in touch with Kathy…


Tyler Shields Says Kathy Griffin"s Voice is Important

Tyler Shields — the artist behind the Donald Trump “bloody head” spoof that landed Kathy Griffin in hot water — says Griffin’s message is important for people to hear. We got Tyler Sautrday at LAX, and he told our photog he’s in touch with Kathy…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Jeff Gordon Praises Bubba Wallace, Black NASCAR Driver Is "Important, Positive"

Jeff Gordon says Bubba Wallace isn’t just important to NASCAR for being the first Black full-time driver at the top level in 46 years … he’s also a LEGIT badass behind the wheel.  Wallace will drive the legendary No. 43 car for Richard Petty…


Jeff Gordon Praises Bubba Wallace, Black NASCAR Driver Is "Important, Positive"

Jeff Gordon says Bubba Wallace isn’t just important to NASCAR for being the first Black full-time driver at the top level in 46 years … he’s also a LEGIT badass behind the wheel.  Wallace will drive the legendary No. 43 car for Richard Petty…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Master P Tells Why He Talked To Tomi Lahren, And Why It"s Important

Master P says people need to stop trippin’ out about his FOX News interview with Tomi Lahren — telling TMZ Sports the mission was about peace and love … not war. The No Limit founder appeared on “Fox News Insider” this week to talk about…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Nicole Curtis Has THIS Important Message for Haters

Nicole Curtis is known on HGTV as the Rehab Addict.

But she also is known as a magnet controversy, especially when it comes to her children.

The home renovation expert has two kids, a son named Ethan from her relationship Steve Lane and another son (named Harper) from relationship with Shane Maguire.

In April of this year, Maguire filed his sixth motion against Curtis, alleging she’s been preventing him from seeing Harper.

This charge came just a few months removed from allegations that Curtis actually broke into Maguire’s home last summer and tried to steal Harper away.

Fast forward about a year from that ugly incident and Curtis acknowledges that things have been rough of late.

“I can’t say that my life is where I thought it would be,” she wrote on Instagram last week.

But she included those words as part of caption to a photograph that features her and her grandfather, adding immediately afterward:

“[I’m] so blessed and quite content…who wouldn’t be -2 beautiful children, 2 dogs, 92 yr old Gramps and love all around.”

A few days later, Curtis went into far more detail about her struggles.

She wrote that life as a woman in the real estate and construction business is no big deal; it’s a “piece of cake.”

But life as a woman in general? As a single mother especially? Well…

“Did my great-grandmother ever think we’d be in a position having to fight for our rights as mothers ? Our world is turning backwards,” she wrote on Instagram.

Curtis proceeded to elaborate on her specific obstacles, particularly what she has gone through while battling for custody of her two-year old.

“Ask me about the struggle of having my breasts discussed in an open court room, my child’s name sold to tabloids, being court ordered to pump rather than feed my baby the only way he knows how …

“… only to be ridiculed when I cry that I can’t produce enough milk with a pump, the humiliation of sitting in front of a stranger while topless hooked up to a breatpump so they could document that yes, indeed my body doesn’t produce enough milk by pumping…

“… then the humiliation of having to put that document on public record and sit in a court room of strangers all privy to an open discussion about my body – and the worst part of all this ? I’m not the only one.”

The HGTV personality, who is currently filming Season 8 of Rehab Addict, says she never intended her personal story to go public.

She wanted to have all court records sealed, but “was laughed at.”

So now that everyone knows abouther issues?

“I’m berated for speaking out —#WomensEqualityDay we have a long way to go -sadly, I thought we were actually getting somewhere before I experienced this firsthand…

“We shouldn’t have to #normalizebreastfeeding defend #attachedparenting preach #infantmentalhealth.

“Nothing is more natural than an infant’s attachment to their mother —and before we all assume that all the parties involved stripping mothers of their right to breastfeed are men—think again.”

Pretty harsh words from Nicole Curtis, huh?

We aren’t about to pass judgment, not being fully privy to all she’s gone through.

So we’ll just leave this right here and let readers form their own opinions.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Bachelor in Paradise Airs a "Very Important Episode"

To open the second part of the Bachelor in Paradise premiere, Chris Harrison told viewers this was a “very important episode.”

In the end, however, most fans thought it was a lot closer to a very lame and scripted episode.

On Monday night, of course, Season 4 kicked off with Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson getting very close and cozy in a pool after downing a few drinks.

This installment concluded on a quasi cliffhanger, as producer asked to speak to Corinne and DeMario and we watched as contestants looked on in confusion.

Would the season actually be canceled?

Would charges of sexual assault be brought against Jackson for what transpired in that pool?

No, we knew weeks ago that Jackson was cleared and an investigation revealed no wrongdoing on anyone’s part.

But ABC vowed to address toe scandal on Season 4 and that’s exactly what happened on part two of the premiere last night, as Harrison hilariously held a discussion on sex, consent and race.

(Which took place about 45 minutes after the show aired Carly and Evan’s wedding. Congrats to those two!)

“A lot of tears were shed that night,” Harrison said of the evening that featured Corinne and DeMario being grilled by producers. “It was really rough. It was brutal.”

This was pretty much all the detail he provided on what actually transpired between the contestants, neither of whom returned to Paradise after production was shut down for two weeks.

Added Harrison:

“Before I can officially declare Paradise back open, I think it’s very important that we sit down and have a serious talk, all of us, about what happened, what didn’t happen, and what we all need to do to start this show together.”

What followed can be described best by the following Tweet:

Let’s take a look at some of what the cast had to say about the incident, shall we?

Totally unprompted and not laid out to them beforehand by executives, we’re sure, right?

Raven Gates: I was confident that nothing happened between DeMario and Corinne that was bad. I trusted everyone that worked here, so I knew everything was going to be okay.

Alex: Woytkiw: I think there was a lot in the media regarding the producers as if they’re not our friends and they’re just using us to make us do things like we’re going to just do whatever they say.

Derek Peth: I think there’s a weird perception that exists out there that we’re not in control of ourselves when we’re here. … We all know how realistic the friendships are with and among the cast. … We are here to make our own decisions and develop real relationships with everybody.

Taylor Nolan: We’re responsible for ourselves and the things we say, how much we drink, who we kiss.

Kenneth Moreland: Obviously everything came out clean, but I empathize with DeMario a lot more just because obviously we had a black male, white female… I’m thinking of the long-term effects and I was really pissed about that.

Jasmine Goode, on DeMario: He’s a great guy from the guy I met here … and I never felt he was aggressive with any of us. … I just hate that he’s going to have this image stuck with him for a while.

Forget being a Very Important Episode.

This was really an Episode in Which Everyone Followed a Script and Basically Slammed Corinne.

But it ended with Harrison taking on the role of sex-ed teacher, telling the reality stars:

“The purpose of Paradise and what I’m hoping for all of you – and I’m sure you’re all hoping – is to fall in love here.

“Part of falling in love is physical intimacy. That’s a big part of any serious relationship.

“But for while you’re here, please keep consent issues in mind and actually that goes for forever, but it definitely should be something we all talk talk about and something we all think about.”

After each cast member voted to keep filming going (because one of them was really going to object, right? After being flown back out and the cameras turned back on?), Harrison wrapped up the two-night premiere as follows:

After we shut down for more than two weeks, with the power vested within me, I now declare Bachelor in Paradise back open.

This was really pretty pathetic all around.

You can use the video above to watch Bachelor in Paradise online and see what we mean now.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Helio Castroneves Has IMPORTANT Dancing Advice for Prince William (VIDEO)

Prince William needs help … ‘cause his dancing sucks … and Indy legend Helio Castroneves (who also won “Dancing with the Stars”) is offering up his expertise!  Helio joined the guy on the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs tonight on FS1) … and…


Friday, December 2, 2016

Adam Lind: Screw Teen Mom 2, My Fake Integrity Is More Important!

Adam Lind just might be the worst guy to ever appear on the Teen Mom franchise.

Those are harsh words, sure, especially when Jenelle Evans is out there making her consistently horrific choices in men, but it’s true.

He’s so bad that he actually has warrants out for his arrest. His crime? Not paying child support.

At the time the warrants were issued, he owed the darling Chelsea Houska $ 3,805 in child support for their daughter, Aubree, and he owed his ex Taylor Halbur $ 5,489 for little Paislee.

A source explained that “He isn’t paying because he’s an idiot and thinks the amount isn’t fair,” which sounds about right.

Adam himself has commented on the child support debacle, saying of Chelsea that “She feels $ 945 a month is necessary. Guess her lil pig, 6 dogs, new jeep and house just isn’t enough and needs extra $ $ .”

About Taylor, he said that she “alsooooo filed for more support. And she already gets $ 551 for Paislee. Whom I have some custody of.”

Kids cost money — who would have thought?!

As if being a deadbeat dad financially wasn’t enough, he’s also guilty of just not seeming to care all that much about his children.

On Teen Mom 2, he talks a good game sometimes, but, as they say, actions speak louder than words.

Remember when he stood Aubree up for the father-daughter dance last season? Or how about when Aubree told Chelsea that he wouldn’t even play with her on the rare occasion he does have her?

It’s just a little heartbreaking.

But still, Adam likes to get on Instagram and pretend to be Father of the Year. He shares photo after photo of Aubree and Paislee, because what’s more important, actually taking some responsibility for your kids or some cute social media posts?

In one such photo that he’s apparently deleted, one of Adam walking his dogs with both of this daughters, some delusional fan commented to tell him that “I sincerely hope that MTV shows moments like this instead of bashing you and bad mouthing you all the time.”

“I’ve seen so many precious pictures with you and your girls on here and you never get the credit you deserve. You are a wonderful father and those girls love you to pieces.”

And Adam actually had the nerve to respond to that nonsense.

“They won’t,” he wrote, “which is why I ended the show … won’t give them what they want anymore… idc how much $ $ they offer…”

But Adam … how much $ $ … did they offer … you?

Adam claims that “Season stacked up to be 285,000$ a year….. told em keep your f-cking money I don’t want the sh-t anymore … I wasn’t raised that way I’d rather have a 9-5 and a mortgage struggling with bills…”

“Ppl say I’m crazy for turning it down… well I say they are crazy for wanting that kind of attention trust me… it’s not worth it.”

And see, this is wrong for a couple of reasons.

One, Adam definitely may be crazy for turning down $ 285,000 for getting filmed sometimes — after all, he does have arrest warrants for failing to pay child support.

Two, it’s kind of strange how this guy is up on his very, very highest horse, saying that he quit the show and that he’s too respectable to lower himself like that, when he’s definitely in the trailer for the new season of Teen Mom 2.

And don’t worry — he looks just as terrible as always.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Taylor Swift Attends Jury Duty, Shares Important Driving Advice

Taylor Swift is just like the rest of us. 

How so? The singing sensation was summoned for jury duty in Nashville.

When do you ever hear of celebrities doing jury duty? Granted, it"s probably something they keep quiet to conceal details of the case. 

This probably makes it super clear she did not ditch the MTV VMAs because of her arch nemesis, Kanye West. 

As much as Kanye would like to take credit for the hit maker steering clear of the awards show, it was out of her control. 

That"s what happens when you get asked to do jury duty. Yes, Swift actually attended and gave all of the fellow jurors a huge shock in the process. 

How would you feel if you walked in to do jury duty and the one of the biggest stars on the planet was waiting to do the same thing?

The mind really boggles. Everyone was probably pretty star-struck at the shock of crossing paths with Swift. 

Swift was happy to rise to the occasion and take selfies with the crowd. 

It even resulted in a video with her doing shout outs to the family members of one of the jurors. 

The video didn"t stop there. 

She also gave out road safety advice to the family members. It"s all pretty bizarre, but great at the same time. 

Alas, it wasn"t all fun and games. 

Swift was excused from her duties after learning the severity of the crime. 

Ken Whitehouse, a spokesman for the Davidson County district attorney general’s office, said Swift couldn"t take part due to her ongoing sexual assault lawsuit against David Mueller.

“She asked to be left off out of concern for an upcoming trial in Denver where she was – she used the term – ‘groped’ by a fan at a meet-and-greet,” said Whitehouse.

It makes sense for her to steer clear of the case given the circumstances. 

Maybe she recruited some new members to her squad while she was there. 

What do you think about all of this? 

Hit the comments below!

Taylor swift attends jury duty shares important driving advice

Friday, June 3, 2016

Amy Schumer Posts Very Racy Photo for Very Important Cause

Wondering what the difference is between Amy Schumer and Kim Kardashian?

Take notes, people…

When you see a photo of Kim Kardashian nude, it’s because Kim Kardashian wants to increase her number of Instagram followers, which helps her attractive better ad deals and brands.

When you see a photo of Amy Schumer nude, it’s because she wants to see fewer people die in senseless, gun-related tragedies.

Allow us to elaborate:

Yesterday was Gun Violence Awareness Day, an occasion many people around the country honored by wearing orange.


Because the occasion was started three years ago Chicago locals who wanted to pay tribute to a friend who had lost their life to gun violence.

Individuals were asked to wear orange because it’s a bold color worn by hunters to protect them from being shot.

Schumer, of course, has an unfortunate connection to gun violence.

Last summer, a gunman opened fire on a crowded Louisiana movie theater during a screening Trainwreck, the comedy Schumer both wrote and starred in.

Two people died in the incident.

The tragedy pushed Schumer to take an active role in trying to fix gun laws in this country, as she campaigned alongside Senator Chuck Schumer for gun control reform.

Fast forward to June 2, 2016 and Schumer’s attempt to bring attention to this important cause.

And what better way, on the Internet, to bring attention to a cause than to basically go naked?

Click on the photo below to see what we mean. It’s a snapshot of Schumer without any pants on… or any underwear on.

She is very much bottomless here, people…

“Today please #WearOrange for gun safety @Everytown,” she wrote as a caption to the racy image.

That Twitter handle is a reference to Everytown for Gun Safety, which a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence and build safer communities.

Schumer also shared a more PG-rated picture of herself and many friends wearing orange yesterday:

“Me and my honeys on set like to #wearorange thinking of you today and everyday Mayci and Jillian,” she wrote as a caption to this picture.

Mayci and Jillian are the names of the two people who died at that Trainwreck shooting last July.

We salute Schumer and everyone else who took a moment to honor Gun Violence Awareness Day this week.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Pays Tribute to "Most Important Men" in Her Life

While the Internet remains on fire due to the new man in Kourtney Kardashian’s life (IT’S JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!), Khloe Kardashian has come out with a tribute to the two “most important men” in her life.

James Harden? Lamar Odom? Nope and nope. Try again, folks.

In a new blog entry for her official website, Khloe instead turns her focus to Kourtney’s pair of songs.

She has nothing but nice things to say about six-year old Mason Disick and one-year old Reign Disick.

Referring to these small humans as “the two most important men in my life,” Khloe wrote of Mason, who celebrated his birthday yesterday:

“You are turning into such an amazing little man! I love our Auntie KoKo and Mason time and I can’t wait to celebrate with you today.”

As for Reign, who was born in December of 2014?

“For a one-year-old, you’ve got some serious style, LOL! Seeing your precious little face gives me life!!!” Khloe wrote.

So much for tough love, huh? These are just examples of love. Period. Full stop.

Khloe’s kind words came just over a week after she welcomed her third nephew, Saint West.

And his famous mother, Kim Kardashian, shared her own birthday messages for the boys on Instagram: 

“Happy Birthday Mason! You were the 1st born and changed everything! I can’t believe you are 6 years old! I love you more than you can ever imagine!”

She added of Reign:

“Happy Birthday to the sweetest baby Reign. Explaining to Mason that his little brother wanted to be just like him that he even took his birthday was a fun task lol.

“I can’t wait for you & Saint to be bff’s!”

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Little Boy Has Important Question About Maxi Pads

There are really only one of two possible explanations for the video featured below:


  1. This little boy does not understand how maxi pads work.

  2. This little boy"s mother used to do some really weird things with her box of feminine hygiene products.

And, hey, we aren"t judging either one! What you do in the privacy of your own home is nobody"s business but your own.

Moreover, it"s probably a good thing this child doesn"t comprehend the proper usage of maxi pads.

All of this is a long introduction to an adorable and hilarious piece of footage that depicts a young man asking his mother whether or not she uses tampons "for her butt."


Little boy has a question about maxi pads

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Taylor Swift Has Learned an Important Lesson

Taylor Swift knows she may have bad blood again in the future with a fellow celebrity.

But she tells the latest issue of NME that she’s learned how to handle it now.

Speaking to the British fashion magazine, Swift was reticent to talk about her recent feud with Nicki Minaj.

It went down in August after Swift took offense to Minaj Tweeting about how the MTV Video Music Awards only honor singers who “celebrate women with very slim bodies.”

Taylor took offense to the comment, believe Minaj was referring to her and the stars went back and forth for a bit on Twitter.

They buried the hatchet to the point where they actually appeared together on stage at the 2015 VMAs, but still.

“I send text messages now,” Swift says. “If there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding, I go to someone’s management, I get their number and I text them.”

Regarding the dangers of social media and how it can lead to some misunderstandings, Swift added:

“It’s an important lesson for anyone to learn in 2015.”

Overall, though, Swift has gotten pretty good at smoothing things over with one-time rivals.

Consider how far she has come with Kanye West, who notoriously interrupted her speech at the 2009 VMAs to say she won a trophy that ought to have gone to Beyonce.

“Me and Kanye are on such good terms now,” Swift said, explaining that she had dinner with the rapper a week after the Grammy Awards this year.

We assume she sent him a text message about where to meet up.