Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Nicole Curtis Has THIS Important Message for Haters

Nicole Curtis is known on HGTV as the Rehab Addict.

But she also is known as a magnet controversy, especially when it comes to her children.

The home renovation expert has two kids, a son named Ethan from her relationship Steve Lane and another son (named Harper) from relationship with Shane Maguire.

In April of this year, Maguire filed his sixth motion against Curtis, alleging she’s been preventing him from seeing Harper.

This charge came just a few months removed from allegations that Curtis actually broke into Maguire’s home last summer and tried to steal Harper away.

Fast forward about a year from that ugly incident and Curtis acknowledges that things have been rough of late.

“I can’t say that my life is where I thought it would be,” she wrote on Instagram last week.

But she included those words as part of caption to a photograph that features her and her grandfather, adding immediately afterward:

“[I’m] so blessed and quite content…who wouldn’t be -2 beautiful children, 2 dogs, 92 yr old Gramps and love all around.”

A few days later, Curtis went into far more detail about her struggles.

She wrote that life as a woman in the real estate and construction business is no big deal; it’s a “piece of cake.”

But life as a woman in general? As a single mother especially? Well…

“Did my great-grandmother ever think we’d be in a position having to fight for our rights as mothers ? Our world is turning backwards,” she wrote on Instagram.

Curtis proceeded to elaborate on her specific obstacles, particularly what she has gone through while battling for custody of her two-year old.

“Ask me about the struggle of having my breasts discussed in an open court room, my child’s name sold to tabloids, being court ordered to pump rather than feed my baby the only way he knows how …

“… only to be ridiculed when I cry that I can’t produce enough milk with a pump, the humiliation of sitting in front of a stranger while topless hooked up to a breatpump so they could document that yes, indeed my body doesn’t produce enough milk by pumping…

“… then the humiliation of having to put that document on public record and sit in a court room of strangers all privy to an open discussion about my body – and the worst part of all this ? I’m not the only one.”

The HGTV personality, who is currently filming Season 8 of Rehab Addict, says she never intended her personal story to go public.

She wanted to have all court records sealed, but “was laughed at.”

So now that everyone knows abouther issues?

“I’m berated for speaking out —#WomensEqualityDay we have a long way to go -sadly, I thought we were actually getting somewhere before I experienced this firsthand…

“We shouldn’t have to #normalizebreastfeeding defend #attachedparenting preach #infantmentalhealth.

“Nothing is more natural than an infant’s attachment to their mother —and before we all assume that all the parties involved stripping mothers of their right to breastfeed are men—think again.”

Pretty harsh words from Nicole Curtis, huh?

We aren’t about to pass judgment, not being fully privy to all she’s gone through.

So we’ll just leave this right here and let readers form their own opinions.
