Friday, December 2, 2016

Adam Lind: Screw Teen Mom 2, My Fake Integrity Is More Important!

Adam Lind just might be the worst guy to ever appear on the Teen Mom franchise.

Those are harsh words, sure, especially when Jenelle Evans is out there making her consistently horrific choices in men, but it’s true.

He’s so bad that he actually has warrants out for his arrest. His crime? Not paying child support.

At the time the warrants were issued, he owed the darling Chelsea Houska $ 3,805 in child support for their daughter, Aubree, and he owed his ex Taylor Halbur $ 5,489 for little Paislee.

A source explained that “He isn’t paying because he’s an idiot and thinks the amount isn’t fair,” which sounds about right.

Adam himself has commented on the child support debacle, saying of Chelsea that “She feels $ 945 a month is necessary. Guess her lil pig, 6 dogs, new jeep and house just isn’t enough and needs extra $ $ .”

About Taylor, he said that she “alsooooo filed for more support. And she already gets $ 551 for Paislee. Whom I have some custody of.”

Kids cost money — who would have thought?!

As if being a deadbeat dad financially wasn’t enough, he’s also guilty of just not seeming to care all that much about his children.

On Teen Mom 2, he talks a good game sometimes, but, as they say, actions speak louder than words.

Remember when he stood Aubree up for the father-daughter dance last season? Or how about when Aubree told Chelsea that he wouldn’t even play with her on the rare occasion he does have her?

It’s just a little heartbreaking.

But still, Adam likes to get on Instagram and pretend to be Father of the Year. He shares photo after photo of Aubree and Paislee, because what’s more important, actually taking some responsibility for your kids or some cute social media posts?

In one such photo that he’s apparently deleted, one of Adam walking his dogs with both of this daughters, some delusional fan commented to tell him that “I sincerely hope that MTV shows moments like this instead of bashing you and bad mouthing you all the time.”

“I’ve seen so many precious pictures with you and your girls on here and you never get the credit you deserve. You are a wonderful father and those girls love you to pieces.”

And Adam actually had the nerve to respond to that nonsense.

“They won’t,” he wrote, “which is why I ended the show … won’t give them what they want anymore… idc how much $ $ they offer…”

But Adam … how much $ $ … did they offer … you?

Adam claims that “Season stacked up to be 285,000$ a year….. told em keep your f-cking money I don’t want the sh-t anymore … I wasn’t raised that way I’d rather have a 9-5 and a mortgage struggling with bills…”

“Ppl say I’m crazy for turning it down… well I say they are crazy for wanting that kind of attention trust me… it’s not worth it.”

And see, this is wrong for a couple of reasons.

One, Adam definitely may be crazy for turning down $ 285,000 for getting filmed sometimes — after all, he does have arrest warrants for failing to pay child support.

Two, it’s kind of strange how this guy is up on his very, very highest horse, saying that he quit the show and that he’s too respectable to lower himself like that, when he’s definitely in the trailer for the new season of Teen Mom 2.

And don’t worry — he looks just as terrible as always.
