Showing posts with label Tasted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tasted. Show all posts

Thursday, November 23, 2017

19 Famous Side Dishes These Stars Should Not Have Tasted

This just in:

Not all famous people are loyal.

Some cheat. Many cheat, in fact.

And, in turn, the people with whom they cheat become famous themselves.

Below, for example, is a rundown of well-known men and women who allegedly slept with celebrities while those celebrities were in relationships…

1. Sara Leal

Sara leal us weekly cover

Sara Leal was the 22-year old who told Us Weekly all about the time Ashton Kutcher had sex with her in a hot tub…while he was still wed to Demi Moore.

2. Rachel Roy

Rachel roy picture

She sort of outed herself as Jay Z’s mistress after Beyonce released an album titled “Lemonade” that clearly accuse her husband of cheating. (We said Rachel Roy, people. Not celebrity chef Rachael Ray.)

3. Rachel Uchitel

A rachel uchitel photograph

Patient zero of the Tiger Woods scandal. She later went on to serve as David Boreanaz’s side-piece.

4. Ava London

Ava london video still

London’s dalliance with Hank Baskett is still stirring up drama. We hope for her sake that she’s working on scoring a reality show deal.

5. Cady Groves

Cady groves photo

Cady Groves was a little-known singer songwriter…until she (allegedly) broke up the biggest marriage in country music. We don’t know if Cady is any good when it comes to writing country songs, but she sure knows how to live one!

6. Chloe Bartoli

Chloe bartoli hot on the beach

Photos of Chloe canoodling with Scott Disick led to the reality star getting dumped by Kourtney Kardashian. She still says the pics were misleading, and nothing happened between them.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Chris Brown: I Tasted Blood When I Beat Rihanna

Chris Brown says he’s still haunted by the night he beat Rihanna — and remembers going into a blind rage when he busted her lip and she spit blood in his face. Brown gave the graphic blow-by-blow in a documentary called, “Chris Brown: Welcome to…
