Monday, April 3, 2017

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 19 Recap: Side Dishes and Side Pieces

Was Kandi and Todd’s restaurant venture a colossal failure? 

That was one of the more pressing questions as we went into The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 19, but it was actually just the tip of the iceberg. 

When the episode got underway, Todd was letting Kandi know they were way behind schedule if they wanted the restaurant opening to have an impact. 

Kandi, however, felt the best way to ensure they were not left red-faced was to put as much work in while they still could. More on that in a little. 

We switched gears to Kenya and Sheree talking about their recent breakups. 

“I just feel like I’ve been protecting [Bob] for so many years,” Sheree claimed. She felt that Bob’s comments in Hawaii helped her get over him. 

Kenya then opened up about her failed relationship with Matt. Yeah, the guy who seems to smash objects when he gets pissed with Kenya. 

“His desire to marry me has never gone away,” Kenya revealed, before saying she still loved him. 

“The more he revealed himself, the more I realized that he was not the one for me.”

Are these two women going to remain friends for more than two weeks? Time will tell. 

Things took a shocking turn when Todd received a phone call from Apollo Nida. Yes, he made an escape from jail and needed a place to crash. 

Of course, we’re kidding! The phone call from Nida was to boast about having a new girlfriend, who was “an upgrade” from Phaedra. 

He then said that Phaedra was trying to fleece him and divorce behind his back, so he said things were going to get ugly for her. 

With Phaedra’s divorce very much up in the air, Cynthia was ecstatic her own divorce was over, but it was a bittersweet affair. 

“Peter changed the course of my life, and for all of the great things that came out of that, I’ll always be grateful,” she revealed to the camera.

“I’m going to be 50 years old, and I feel like this first 50 was for the people around me that I love and this next 50 is for me.”

The day of the restaurant opening finally arrived, but Kandi worried Todd was not going to be able to pull it off. Todd then dropped the bomb that he was $ 100,000 over budget. 

That’s a lot of extra money to spend on a business venture that looked set to fail. Porsha never made the guest list, so Phaedra went to her house and spent the night. 

Things took a crazy turn when Sherien walked in with an attitude. 

“Boom, I’m here!”

With everyone shocked to the core, Sherien claimed she was only there to represent Apollo because he was in prison. 

“What am I supposed to do with this chick?” Kandi asked the camera.

“I don’t want any problems.”

Kandi then asked questions about the relationship and Sherien did not hold back. 

Wifey wasn’t around, so I was there more than she was,” Sherien replied with a smile. “He’s been away for two years. She’s only been there twice.”

Apollo then made a phone call and revealed that the divorce was not finalized. That made everyone question whether anything Phaedra said was actually true. 

It did seem like Sherien said anything she could to cause some drama and succeeded. 

What did you think of the developments?
