Showing posts with label Potter'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Potter'. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Dominique Potter: Kailyn Lowry Cheated On Me With Chris Lopez!

Back in November of 2017, Kailyn Lowry briefly dated Dominique Potter, a longtime friend who eventually became a love interest.

The relationship was a short one — Kailyn and Dominique broke up after just a few weeks together — but Lowry is still feeling the fallout from her time with Potter.

Not only did the relationship recently play out on new episodes of Teen Mom 2, but Potter has been speaking candidly about her relationship with Kailyn in a series of eye-opening interviews.

And Dom"s latest comments might cause some viewers to look at Kailyn in an entirely new light.

Check out what she had to say in the gallery below:

1. Happier Times

Dom potter

At the start of their relationship, Kail and Dom moved at breakneck speed. Potter even relocated to Delaware to be closer to Lowry.

2. A Mutual Feeling

Dominique potter and kailyn

But it doesn’t seem that Dom was the only one rushing the relationship. Kail often took to social media to gush about Potter and post pics of the two of them together.

3. A Major Step

Dominique potter with kailyn lowrys son

Kail even introduced Dom to her kids, a step she’s said she only takes in cases where she feels that a romantic partner will be around for a long time.

4. Promising Signs

Kailyn lowry dominique potter photo

Fans really began to think that Kail and Dom would be in it for the long haul. Then, something highly unexpected happened …

5. A Messy Split

Kailyn lowry with dominique potter

As quickly as Kail and Dom’s relationship began, it was over. Fans were left with a lot of questions — and as it turns out, they weren’t alone.

6. Dom Is Confused

Dominique potter image

Potter now says she’s unclear about exactly why Kal decided to end their relationship. But at the moment, there are even more important questions that she wants answered …

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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Dominique Potter Spills ALL the Kailyn Lowry Romance Tea

Dominique Potter is ready to drop some truth bombs.

This substitute teacher had been living a quiet life, far away from the celebrity gossip spotlight, when she started dated Teen Mom 2 cast member Kailyn Lowry in late 2017.

How did the two meet?

When did they officially become an item?

Why did they split up?

Amidst a flurry of Teen Mom 2 news, views and controversy, Potter sat down and spoke at length with Radar Online regarding her past (and present) with Lowry.

This is a rundown of what she said and where they stand…

1. When Did They Meet?

Dominique potter and kailyn

About two years ago, Potter said to open her chat with Radar, at a “private event in” New Jersey. She didn’t offer many more details, but did confirm the pair were just friends for awhile.

2. When Did They Start Dating?

Kailyn lowry and dom potter

Potter knows the exact date: “We went to Atlanta the second week of November. November 14 was the actual day. She wanted the title,” Dom explained to Radar, referring, we assume, to the title of “girlfriend.” This is when they became exclusive.

3. Is That Accurate, Kailyn?

Kailyn lowry lindsie chrisley

Yes. Lowry said basically the same thing on a podcast with Lindsie Chrisley in November. The two even posed for some photos together on social media around this time.

4. They Looked Happy, But…

Kailyn lowry with dominique potter

“We weren’t dating anybody else. Any time she thought I was speaking to somebody, she was quick to ask what I was doing,” Potter now says, making it clear there was always tension between the girlfriend. “There were a couple of times she questioned if I was cheating on her. I wasn’t seeing anyone else. I can’y say the same for her.”

5. Then, Things Got REALLY Weird

Dominique potter image

Potter explains that she read about the couple breaking up online and asked Kailyn where those rumors came from, considering she thought they were still committed. “I questioned her about it and she said just leave it alone,” Dom tells Radar. “I went with that. Whatever she said, I believed it.”

6. They Took a Temporary Break in February

Kailyn lowry dominique potter photo

Due to “trust issues,” Potter says. But the split only lasted a week. It was really just a hiatus.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Dominique Potter: I Had to Take an STD Test After Banging Kailyn Lowry!

Recently, Kailyn Lowry has come forward to discuss how and why things with ex-girlfriend Dominique Potter ended.

Kail admits that she was a terrible girlfriend, saying that she regrets leaving Dom feeling “embarrassed and betrayed.”

It sounds like Dom is still feeling that way, as she has now tweeted and deleted a claim that she rushed to get tested for STIs after hooking up with Kail. Oof.

Kail and Dom were friends for at least a year before it became a relationship. That’s how life works sometimes.

Once it did, they were immediately crazy about each other. It was really sweet.

Dom relocated to be closer to Kailyn, who introduced her to her kids. That, by the way, is something that Kailyn had said that she would avoid doing unless it was a relationship that she believed would last.

But, like, well, all relationships, it had to end one way or another. And it did.

Sooner than probably either of them expected.

Now that Kailyn is reliving it all as Teen Mom 2 airs, Dom is also speaking up and speaking out.

Dominique Potter Tweet Shade

In a now-deleted tweet with a decidedly angry tone, Dom made quite the claim.

“Hold up, let me go ask my doctor for a opy of my bill from when I went and got tested for every STD/STI possible the very next day because I knew I didn’t trust her.”

She suggests that people stop speculating.

“I have nothing to hide … stop talking where you know nothing.”

It is entirely possible that she was being heavily sarcastic but realized (as one so often does on social media) that sarcasm and tone rarely translate through text and deleted it.

It may also be true and something that she decided to delete. It is difficult to be sure.

Regardless of whether or not Dom was sincere about panicking and taking a battery of STI tests, it is very clear that she’s not happy with Kailyn these days.

It sounds like she doesn’t really care for her ex’s words about their relationship on Teen Mom 2, either.

On Tuesday, Dom tweeted: 

“The inconsistency of last night and recent tweets says everything. … All good on this side.”

She seems to be keeping things vague and keeping a cooler head.


Of course, just because Dom is trying her best to avoid tweeting anything direclty about Kailyn doesn’t mean that other people aren’t.

And Dom saw one tweet that she clearly could not resist giving a retweet.

On Monday evening, Dom smashed that retweet button on this tweet:

“@KailLowry, you’re lying. You know you were dating @dp_one_four when this was filmed. So shady of you.”

Even as vague as that is, it seems very clear that there is bad blood between these two, even if the actual resentment appears to be one-sided.

That’s so sad. We wish them both the best.

All of this comes in the aftermath of Kailyn’s attempt to take responsibility for their relationship’s end in a tweet:

“Dom & I dating – I wasn’t trying to deny her or a relationship. & we had fun while it lasted but things didn’t work out.”

That’s how so many — maybe even most — relationships end.

“I’ve learned a lot over the years and wanted to keep things private & off the show but i don’t think i really handled it properly.”

Hey, we’re all learning and growing as human beings. Though if Kailyn really cheated on Dom, well, she should know better.

And if Dom really did take an STI panel after their first hookup, not out of common sense due diligence but oecause she “didn’t trust” Kail …

… Maybe this relationship was doomed from the start.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: I Was a Terrible Girlfriend to Dominique Potter!

Back in November of 2017, news of Kailyn Lowry"s relationship with Dominique Potter spread like wildfire across the social media landscape.

The romance progressed at breakneck speed, and Potter even relocated to Delaware in order to be closer to Kail.

But then something surprising happened.

As quickly as it began, Kail and Dom"s relationship was over.

Now, Lowry is watching it all unfold on new episodes of Teen Mom 2, and it seems she feels she has some explaining to do.


1. Kail and Dom

Kailyn lowry with dominique potter

Lowry seemed to be head-over-heels for Potter in the early days of their relationship. Unfortunately, it seems the romance quickly turned sour.

2. Wasting No Time

Dominique potter image

Just weeks after news of the relationship went public, Dom posted this photo along with a caption explaining that she’d moved to Deleware in order to be closer to Kail.

3. A Major Milestone

Dominique potter with kailyn lowrys son

Kail introduced Dominique to her sons early on in the relationship. Fans took it as a sign, as Lowry had previously stated that she would only introduce her kids to romantic partners she planned on being with for a very long time.

4. A Sudden Change of Heart

Kailyn lowry dominique potter photo

Just weeks after the couple went public with their relationship, however, fans picked up on indications that they had called it quits.

5. No Explanation

Kail lowry on instagram

Lowry never gave a reason for the breakup, but now, all these months later, the drama is playing out on new episodes of Teen Mom 2.

6. Reliving the Past

Kail photo

Fans are getting their first real glimpse of Kail’s relationship with Dom, but it seems they’re not the only ones gaining new information about how it all played out. Lowry has been watching, too — and it seems she’s not proud of her behavior.

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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Luna Lovegood in "Harry Potter" "Memba Her?!

Evanna Lynch is best known for playing the quirky witch, Luna Lovegood — who joins Dumbledore’s Army and helps Harry defeat Voldemort — in the long-running fantasy franchise ‘Harry Potter.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

"Harry Potter" Star Matthew Lewis Marries Girlfriend in Italy

Matthew Lewis is doing life right … he found a partner for life who doubles as his drinking partner. That’s the stuff dreams are made of right there. Matthew — the guy you know best as Neville Longbottom from the ‘Harry Potter’ films — is…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Universal Studios Sued Over Harry Potter Ride, Spinal Injury Alleged

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey turned out to be just that for a man who says the popular ride left him with serious spinal injuries … according to the lawsuit he’s filed. Tristram Buckley says he entered the Wizarding World of Harry…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Ginny Weasley in "Harry Potter" "Memba Her?!

Bonnie Wright is best known as the Weasley brothers’ younger sister Ginny Weasley — and the love interest of Harry, played by Daniel Radcliffe — in the must-see film series ‘Harry Potter.’ Guess what she looks like now!


Monday, January 8, 2018

Kailyn Lowry & Dominique Potter: It"s OVER!

It can be tough to keep track of everything that"s going on in Kailyn Lowry"s life these days.

Between reality TV, her podcast, and a third memoir on the way, Kail"s professional life couldn"t be more jam-packed.

And believe it or not, her love life is just as hectic.

As recently as last month, Kailyn was dating Dominique Potter and gushing about her new girlfriend in interviews.

Now, the relationship has come to an end … and it seems it wasn"t an amicable split:

1. Happier Times

Kailyn lowry with dominique potter

Kail and Dom hit it off right away and moved VERY quickly. After just a couple months of dating, Potter moved to Delaware in order to be closer to Lowry.

2. Meeting the Kids

Dominique potter with kailyn lowrys son

Moving to a new state was obviously a major sign of commitment, but perhaps an even better indication of just how serious Kail and Dom had become was the fact that Potter spent a considerable amount of time with Lowry’s kids.

3. A Major Step

Kailyn lowry dominique potter photo

Lowry has stated on several occasions that she would only introduce love interests to her children if she were fairly certain they would be a part of her life for the long haul. So does she regret introducing Potter to her sons? Is the fact that things changed so abruptly a sign of an ugly breakup?

4. It’s Official

Kailyn lowry via instagram

Though Kail hasn’t made an announcement yet, a source confirms to Radar Online that she’s definitely no longer dating Potter.

5. The Single Life

Kailyn lowry on the couch

“She’s single,” one source told the outlet in no uncertain terms when asked about Kailyn’s love life.

6. What Went Wrong?

Dominique potter on instagram

So why would Kail and Dominique call it off so abruptly when things seem to be going so well? It seems that’s a question with several valid answers…

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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Torn Between Dom Potter & Dionisio Cephas?

Teen Mom 2 producers should probably start filming Kailyn Lowry 24/7, a la The Truman Show, because there"s enough drama in this girl"s life to sustain an entire network.

The latest has to do with Kailyn"s love life.

Just a few weeks back, it was rumored that Kailyn was dating Dionisio Cephas.

Now, she"s reportedly in a relationship with Dominique Potter.

So what"s really going on?

Well, it"s not always easy to say for certain, but here"s a rundown on what we know about Kail"s love life these days:


1. A Bad Breakup

Kailyn lowry via instagram

Kailyn recently endured a messy breakup with Chris Lopez. The two have a child together, but in dusting herself off and moving on from Lopez, Kailyn demonstrated the strength and resolve that’s endeared her to so many fans.

2. Family First

Kailyn lowry and baby lux at disneyland

In the wake of that breakup, Kailyn made it clear that her focus was on her kids and her career. But it seems that while she had her nose to the grindstone love found her … twice.

3. Who Could Resist That Name?

Dionisio cephas photo

Dionisio Cephas is a neighbor of Kailyn’s, whom she was briefly romantically involved with. By all appearances, the relationship didn’t last very long, but that doesn’t mean Dionisio is going away quietly…

4. Baby #4 On the Way?

Kailyn and family

Dionisio recently retweeted an OK! magazine article claiming that Kail is pregnant with his child.

5. Kail Is Having None of That

Kailyn lowry on teen mom two

Lowry denied the report, saying she “doesn’t know why” Cephas would repeat such a fraudulent claim.

6. But That Doesn’t Mean They’re Through

Kailyn lowry smiles

A source tells Hollywood Life that Kail and Dionisio’s relationship is complicated–and she hasn’t ruled out a future together…

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Harry Potter Director Defends Johnny Depp Against Abuse Claims

Back in the early 2000s, Johnny Depp’s transition from oddball indie darling to blockbuster franchise star was the talk of Hollywood.

Not only had Depp made the leap from the arthouse to the A-list, he did so following a late-nineties slump that saw him headlining such forgettable fare as Don Juan DeMarco and The Nick of Time.

Yes, it wasn’t all that long ago that it seemed Johnny Depp could do know wrong–but now those days seem like a distant memory.

These days, Depp’s legal battles make more headlines than his acting triumphs, and many once-faithful fans have fled like rats from a sinking pirate ship.

Most recently, Depp’s lawsuit against his management team, shed light on several less-than-flattering aspects of the 54-year-old’s personal life.

The tabloids focused on more amusing aspects of the court documents, such as Depp’s $ 30,000-a-month wine habit and chronic inability to show up to set on time (which the defendants insist has made him nigh-unemployable).

But the filings also addressed an even darker chapter from Depp’s recent past–shocking allegations of abuse made by the actor’s ex-wife, Amber Heard.

Heard says Depp struck her on multiple occasions, and she offered photographic proof in court, including photos of a black eye and several bruises she says she received at his hands.

She also submitted into evidence footage that she secretly filmed during a drunken tirade by her then-husband (below).

Normally, accusations such as these would be enough to derail even the most beloved movie star’s career.

But for whatever reason, Depp has emerged unscathed, assuming the central role in yet another franchise targeted at children with the upcoming Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, part of the ongoing Harry Potter saga.

Fans have expressed outrage over Depp’s continued involvement in the series of films (He briefly appeared in 2016’s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.) but Warner Bros. currently has no plans to replace him.

Shockingly, director David Yates has now come out with what many consider an indefensible statement in support of Depp:

“Honestly, there’s an issue at the moment where there’s a lot of people being accused of things, they’re being accused by multiple victims, and it’s compelling and frightening,” Yates said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.

“With Johnny, it seems to me there was one person who took a pop at him and claimed something. I can only tell you about the man I see every day:

“He’s full of decency and kindness, and that’s all I see. Whatever accusation was out there doesn’t tally with the kind of human being I’ve been working with.”

Yates continued:

“By testament, some of the women in [Depp’s] life have said the same thing — ‘that’s not the human being we know.’

“It’s very different [than cases] where there are multiple accusers over many years that need to be examined and we need to reflect on our industry that allows that to roll on year in and year out.

The director concluded:

“Johnny isn’t in that category in any shape or form. So to me, it doesn’t bear any more analysis. It’s a dead issue.”

Obviously, Yates is using languages that’s common to those who defend abusers, reasoning that since he’s never seen Depp’s violent side, it must not exist.

Others involved in the franchise have chosen to remain mum on the issue of Depp, including J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter novels.

Twitter users have even reported being blocked by Rowling after asking about Depp.

Interestingly, Rowling purchased Depp’s yacht earlier this year for several million dollars, and the two are said to have hit it off.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Monday, November 20, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Confirms Dominique Potter Relationship

When Teen Mom 2 eventually ends its wildly successful run on MTV, Kailyn Lowry should probably just start broadcasting a 24/7 live stream of her day-to-day existence, a la The Truman Show.

Yes, the girl’s got enough drama in her life to sustain a dozen reality shows.

In fact, her love life alone is enough to keep fans talking round-the-clock.

It was just last month that rumors about Kailyn dating Dionisio Cephas began to circulate on social media.

But either the reports were untrue, or the relationship fizzled quickly, because these days, it seems that Kail has moved on with someone new.

During a recent podcast interview, Kailyn was asked about rumors that she’s dating Dominique Potter.

The mother of three responded with an enthusiastic “yes.”

“We were friends for a year and so it kind of just turned into [a romantic relationship],” Lowry told Lindsie Chrisley.

“So, it’s not like she was trying to wine and dine me to ask me to be her girlfriend, you know what I mean? It more or less just happened.”

Kailyn has been making regular appearances on Potter’s Instagram page over the past few weeks.

Not surprisingly, it seems her involvement with the TM2 fan favorite has resulted in a serious boost in Dominique’s online popularity:

“There really aren’t many people on this earth that I’d do all this last minute shit with,” Potter wrote on a recent post.

“Side bar- to the 5k+ followers I recently got after she posted me, y’all better use this time to comment on how poppinnnn she looked during this NYC trip.”

It’s unclear what the future holds for these two, but they’re currently zipping past the usual relationship milestones at breakneck speed.

Many fans are giddy over the fact that Dominique has been spending time with Kail’s kids lately, but considering the ladies were friends for a long time before they became romantically involved, that might not be a new development.

But based on the enthusiastic fashion in which Kail has been talking about her new boo, we’re guessing the relationship is getting serious.

At the very least, we hope it lasts long enough that we’ll be able to catch a glimpse of Domailyn (Kaiminyque?) on the next season of TM2.

Like we said, Kail really needs to just start a non-stop stream of her life.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Kailyn’s relationships.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

"Harry Potter" Actor Robert Hardy Dead at 91

The guy who played the Minister for Magic in the ‘Harry Potter’ movies has died. British actor Robert Hardy — who played Cornelius Fudge in the ‘Potter’ films — passed away Thursday, according to his family. Hardy was perhaps most famous for his…


Monday, June 26, 2017

Harry Potter Turns 20: Look at the Cast Now!

Someone has cast an attractive spell on the cast of Harry Potter.

After Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom) appeared shirtless on the cover of Attitude Magazine, it got us to thinking about the young actors and actresses who have sky-rocketed to fame via the Harry Potter movie franchise.

We met them as children. And now we do feel a tad gross to be ogling them as adults.

But it"s not our fault Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and many others have grown into such sexy young men and women. Really, it"s not!

Check out then-and-now photos of the main Harry Potter cast to see just how far these kids have come:

1. Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe then? A boy wizard with glasses. Daniel Radcliffe now? A young man whose magic wand is wanted by women around the world.

2. Matthew Lewis

Matthew lewis

Holy Longbottom! Matthew Lewis has given fans a new way to look at his character’s last name with the way he has grown up.

3. Rupert Grint

Rupert grint

Talk about a gorgeous Ginger! Rupert Grint has grown into a ravishing redhead, that much is certain.

4. Emma Watson

Emma watson

Hermione isn’t just a hottie nowadays. She’s also a smartie, having graduated from Brown University.

5. Bonnie Wright

Bonnie wright

Go ahead and smile, Bonnie Wright. It’s okay. You’ve turned into quite the young sex kitten, haven’t you?

6. Tom Felton

Tom felton

All women love a bad boy, right? Especially when that bad boy grows up to look like Tom Felton, no?

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Harry Potter" Actor Reunited With Dog After Near-Fatal Car Crash (VIDEO)

‘Harry Potter’ actor Jim Tavaré is slowly recovering from the car accident that sent him to ICU for 2 weeks, and this week he got a dose of love from his pooch. For the first time since the accident, Jim was taken outside of the…


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Jim Taveré, Harry Potter Star, Hospitalized After Horrific Accident

Jim Taveré, an actor best known for playing Leaky Cauldron over Tom in the Harry Potter film franchise, is in intensive care.

The British star is recovering from very serious injuries suffered as the result of a head-on car accident that has left him with a broken neck and punctured lung, among other health challenges.

According to various news outlets, Taveré also suffered 15 broken ribs, a broken leg and fractured breastbones.

He’s very lucky to be alive.

The actor’s wife Laura, took to Facebook on Wednesday to share an update on her husband, including with her message a photo of the 54-year-old lying in a hospital bed, quite battered and bruised, yet giving a thumb’s up.

(Scroll down for a look at this photo.)

“This is Laura here,” she wrote, adding by way of explanation:

“Now that his family have been informed, Jim has asked me to let you all know that he was involved in a serious car accident yesterday, a head on collision. He’s currently in ICU intensive care.

“He has 15 broken ribs, fractures in both breastbones, a punctured lung, multiple breaks in his right leg, and a broken neck.”


Laura concluded as follows:

“He’s had 2 blood transfusions so far and is about to go in for his first surgery. This is for real, not a movie role. Please hold some good thoughts for him as he fights his way out of this.”

Taveré appeared as the innkeeper in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, as you can see below.

He hails from Great Britain, but resides in Los Angeles.

It is unclear at this time just where the scary car accident took place.

jim t in potter

A comedian who guest-starred on a 2012 episode of NBC’s Chuck, Taveré once had his own show in the United Kingdom called, aptly, “The Jim Taveré Show.”

It was co-written by Ricky Gervais.

We send Taveré our very best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.


"Harry Potter" Actor Jim Tavaré Barely Survives Broken Neck in Car Crash (PHOTO)

Jim Tavaré — best known for playing Tom the Innkeeper in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” — is in ICU after suffering a broken neck and punctured lung in a nasty car accident. The 54-year-old actor and comedian also broke 15 ribs…


"Harry Potter" Actor Jim Tavaré Barely Survives Broken Neck in Car Crash (PHOTO)

Jim Tavaré — best known for playing Tom the Innkeeper in “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” — is in ICU after suffering a broken neck and punctured lung in a nasty car accident. The 54-year-old actor and comedian also broke 15 ribs…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Scarlett Byrne: Harry Potter, Vampire Diaries Star Poses Nude For Playboy

Back in 2015, the Playboy did away with nudity in a decision that stunned the publishing world about as much as if Sports Illustrated decided the Internet has football pretty well covered and that jai alai is the wave of the future.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, the iconic men’s mag reversed its decision this week, after exhaustive research indicated that people still like boobs.

Yes, Playboy is returning to nudity, and they’ve already chosen the set of headlights that will light their way back to the promised land.

That’s Scarlett Byrne, and she’ll be appearing naked in the new issue because apparently the folks in marketing didn’t learn anything from when Lindsay Lohan posed for Playboy and the issue didn’t exactly fly off the shelf.

You may not recognize Byrne’s name but she starred as Pansy Parkinson in the Harry potter films.

Not exactly an A-list Slytherin, but we think she dated Draco Malfoy or something.

The 26-year-old actress also starred in The Vampire Diaries in a role we’re sure the eight people who still watch that show remember fondly.

Byrne has had an okay career, but she still seemed like a random choice to mark the magazine’s return to the type  content that made it famous.

But then we saw this pic and realized that she’s dating Hugh Hefner’s son, Cooper, who’s apparently running the show these days.

Byrne isn’t just appearing nude in the new issue, she also penned an essay about how Playboy is totes woke now, or something:

“I’m very proud to be a part of the March/April issue of Playboy. I penned a short essay along with my pictorial titled, ‘The Feminist Mystique,” she wrote on Instagram.

“A big thank you to @Playboy, the creative team, and @cooperbhefner for such a unique opportunity. #NakedIsNormal”

Yes, the Playboy wants you to believe it’s returned to the days of glossy, airbrushed pubic hair, because of, like, women’s rights or something.

Sure, you can find just about every kind of nudity imaginable right now with a few keystrokes (tee-hee), but only in the pages of Playboy can you find socially conscious, faux-feminist flesh for the resistance!

Interestingly, it seems the magazine’s editorial team is trying to play both sides of the fence, as Cooper Hef’s commentary on the change of “reclaiming out identity,” a phrase that has the stench of the #MAGA crowd all over it.

Will the return to naked values be effective?

No, because it’s 2017, and print media is deader than Marilyn Monroe, who, coincidentally was the last centerfold anyone cared about.


Saturday, December 10, 2016

"Harry Potter" Star -- Hogwarts Hunk Gettin" Hitched ... No Love Potion Needed!! (PHOTO)

Matthew Lewis had already transformed from nerdy Neville Longbottom to a Hollywood hottie, and now his life’s about to change even more — the ‘Harry Potter’ star is engaged. Lewis popped the question to Angela Jones last month, and she said yes to…
