Monday, January 8, 2018

Kailyn Lowry & Dominique Potter: It"s OVER!

It can be tough to keep track of everything that"s going on in Kailyn Lowry"s life these days.

Between reality TV, her podcast, and a third memoir on the way, Kail"s professional life couldn"t be more jam-packed.

And believe it or not, her love life is just as hectic.

As recently as last month, Kailyn was dating Dominique Potter and gushing about her new girlfriend in interviews.

Now, the relationship has come to an end … and it seems it wasn"t an amicable split:

1. Happier Times

Kailyn lowry with dominique potter

Kail and Dom hit it off right away and moved VERY quickly. After just a couple months of dating, Potter moved to Delaware in order to be closer to Lowry.

2. Meeting the Kids

Dominique potter with kailyn lowrys son

Moving to a new state was obviously a major sign of commitment, but perhaps an even better indication of just how serious Kail and Dom had become was the fact that Potter spent a considerable amount of time with Lowry’s kids.

3. A Major Step

Kailyn lowry dominique potter photo

Lowry has stated on several occasions that she would only introduce love interests to her children if she were fairly certain they would be a part of her life for the long haul. So does she regret introducing Potter to her sons? Is the fact that things changed so abruptly a sign of an ugly breakup?

4. It’s Official

Kailyn lowry via instagram

Though Kail hasn’t made an announcement yet, a source confirms to Radar Online that she’s definitely no longer dating Potter.

5. The Single Life

Kailyn lowry on the couch

“She’s single,” one source told the outlet in no uncertain terms when asked about Kailyn’s love life.

6. What Went Wrong?

Dominique potter on instagram

So why would Kail and Dominique call it off so abruptly when things seem to be going so well? It seems that’s a question with several valid answers…

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