Monday, June 4, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: I Was a Terrible Girlfriend to Dominique Potter!

Back in November of 2017, news of Kailyn Lowry"s relationship with Dominique Potter spread like wildfire across the social media landscape.

The romance progressed at breakneck speed, and Potter even relocated to Delaware in order to be closer to Kail.

But then something surprising happened.

As quickly as it began, Kail and Dom"s relationship was over.

Now, Lowry is watching it all unfold on new episodes of Teen Mom 2, and it seems she feels she has some explaining to do.


1. Kail and Dom

Kailyn lowry with dominique potter

Lowry seemed to be head-over-heels for Potter in the early days of their relationship. Unfortunately, it seems the romance quickly turned sour.

2. Wasting No Time

Dominique potter image

Just weeks after news of the relationship went public, Dom posted this photo along with a caption explaining that she’d moved to Deleware in order to be closer to Kail.

3. A Major Milestone

Dominique potter with kailyn lowrys son

Kail introduced Dominique to her sons early on in the relationship. Fans took it as a sign, as Lowry had previously stated that she would only introduce her kids to romantic partners she planned on being with for a very long time.

4. A Sudden Change of Heart

Kailyn lowry dominique potter photo

Just weeks after the couple went public with their relationship, however, fans picked up on indications that they had called it quits.

5. No Explanation

Kail lowry on instagram

Lowry never gave a reason for the breakup, but now, all these months later, the drama is playing out on new episodes of Teen Mom 2.

6. Reliving the Past

Kail photo

Fans are getting their first real glimpse of Kail’s relationship with Dom, but it seems they’re not the only ones gaining new information about how it all played out. Lowry has been watching, too — and it seems she’s not proud of her behavior.

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