Showing posts with label Stanhope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stanhope. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Doug Stanhope: Comedian Criticized For Response to Girlfriend"s Coma

Doug Stanhope is one of those comedians that you either “get” or you don’t.

To describe Stanhope’s humor as dark would be like describing Schindler’s List as a mild bummer.

His standup routines make the gnarliest segments on Tosh.0 look like a family-friendly tight five from Jeff Dunham, and he’s a firm believer that there’s no situation too bleak to laugh about.

Stanhope has mined real-life incidents like his own mother’s self-administered euthanasia for laughs, and the amazing thing is – he pulls it off.

This is a man who could “go there” on any taboo topic under the sun and his cultishly loyal fan base would follow him into the depths of human experience with complete faith in his ability to point out the glints of humor.

Unfortunately, a recent near-tragedy brought Stanhope attention from outsiders who are now being exposed to the comedian’s jet-black brand of humor for the first time – and not surprisingly, some folks are finding his jokes don’t quite turn their crank.

The story goes: last Sunday night, Stanhope’s longtime girlfriend Amy “Bingo” Bingaman was preparing for her 40th birthday party when she suffered a cocaine-induced seizure and cracked her head open on a cement step after falling backwards.

She was rushed to a Bisbee, Arizona hospital, and Stanhope was under the impression that she would require a few stitches and be back later that evening.

Upon learning that she had been helicoptered to nearby Tucson in a coma, Stanhope reportedly quipped, “Just when you thought Bingo couldn’t make this party any more about her, she pulled it off.”

(Like we said, bleak stuff.)

Stanhope cryptically confirmed the news of Bingo’s medical emergency on Twitter, informing his fans:

“BTW, Inappropriate jokes as welcome as hopes,prayers, wishes. And I will put her in my death pool on trade round just to prove no hypocrisy.”

And with that, he was off:

Stanhope also took time to respond to fans who offered support or inappropriate humor.

And, of course, he didn’t do so in the way you would expect from a grieving celeb:

During an appearance on friend Joe Rogan’s podcast, he offered more details about Bingo’s condition (It seems she very nearly required surgery to have part of her skull removed.), and opened up about the hours following her grim diagnosis.

Basically, Stanhope and his friends coped by doing the remainder of Bingo’s blow, singing karaoke and hanging with Marilyn Manson.

Stanhope is friends with Johnny Depp, and the party eventually wound up at one of the actor’s homes in LA.

It would have all the makings of an amazing weekend, were it not for the comatose girlfriend part.

On social media and comment boards across the Internet, there’s been much gasping and pearl-clutching in response to Stanhope’s running commentary on Twitter.

The above and below tweets in particular seemed to draw a lot of ire.

Thankfully, in a miracle worthy of Lazarus or Lamar Odom, Bingo has now awoken from her coma and is able to communicate with family and friends.

Stanhope offered the following updates on Twitter over the weekend:

“Dunno if you’d call her first poop in 6 days “progress” but her father described it as “an event.” Send more mops!”

“‘Bingaman spoke in/ Claaass today’ Got some words & opened her eyes a few times on her own. Long way to go but all far more hopeful today.”


Even if his humor doesn’t do it for you, you’ve gotta admit that the man has a preternatural talent for finding the laughs in desperately sad situations.

Or maybe you don’t.

We doubt he cares much either way.


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Amber Heard Files Defamation Lawsuit Against Doug Stanhope

With each day that’s passed since Amber Heard filed for divorce from Johnny Depp, a new, more heated story has emerged.

Heard accused Depp of committing acts of domestic violence against her in their marriage, and a number of his friends and associates have rushed to his defense.

In a scathing counter-allegation targeted at Heard, comedian Doug Stanhope accused the actress of trying to blackmail Depp in hopes of a juicy divorce settlement.

Stanhope, a close friend of Depp’s who claimed he was with the couple on the day of the alleged abuse, paints Heard in a malignant light. 

“Amber was now going to leave him, threatening to lie about him publicly in any and every possible duplicitous way if he didn’t agree to her terms,” Stanhope wrote in a column for The Wrap.

Heard is not taking the accusations lightly. 

She has now filed a defamation lawsuit against the comic, claiming everything he said in the article was false.

An attorney for Heard gave a statement to E! News:

“The Complaint alleges that Stanhope is a close friend of Johnny Depp and, as part of a coordinated effort, wrote a highly defamatory article about Ms. Heard, filled with completely false, highly defamatory and very hurtful statements.

“Ms. Heard seeks the maximum possible jury award, and will donate 100 percent of the proceeds from the lawsuit to Chrysalis, a domestic violence shelter in Arizona, in an effort to counter the setback made to women by the defendants’ defamatory article and related wrongful acts.”

ln addition, court documents state the following:

“Defendants are engaged in a classic case of ‘attacking the victim,’ in an effort to discredit Heard, destroy her good name and reputation, and severely harm her hard-earned entertainment career, on top of the campaign of violence that Depp has inflicted upon her for years.”

This new development is the latest in a string of he said-she said accounts in which one party accuses the other of lying.

Earlier this week, leaked text messages from Heard to Depp’s assistant Stephen Deuters revealed a conversation that seemed to confirm an abusive incident from two years ago.

But shortly after the leak, Deuters claimed no such texts existed and he was not aware of any abuse in the marriage.

The only thing we know for sure in this case is that someone is lying, but at this juncture, it’s impossible to know who.

While friends and fans are all taking sides in the matter, the fact remains that the only people who know what truly happened are Heard and Depp.