Monday, April 25, 2016

Jim Bob Duggar Accused of Publicly Mocking Teenage Son

If you watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online, you know that little has changed with regard to the Duggar families’ strict rules regarding courtship.

Which may be why so many fans were surprised by Jim Bob’s comments in a video birthday message to his son Jason:

“I can’t believe you’re 16 and never been kissed,” Jim Bob remarks with a laugh in the clip above.

It’s a relatively harmless joke, but coming from Jim Bob, it’s downright confusing, a fact that many fans pointed out in the comments on YouTube.

The Duggars’ courtship rules are so severe that the family doesn’t even permit kissing until their kids are engaged, so Jim Bob riffing on his son for his lack of dating experience is baffling – and even a bit infuriating.

The Duggars have deleted all of the comments on Jason’s birthday video, but for some reason they didn’t disable comments on the clip.

So at this point, there’s only one post below the video, but it’s a doozy:

“Well, seeing how everybody got their comments deleted, I’d like to have mine deleted to,” viewer Morgan Connelly begins.

“Jim Bob — the only thing that flies out of your mouth first thing is ‘oh my goodness, my sweet son hasn’t been kissed yet when my courting rules are SO strict, and I constantly flaunt my sexuality around my kids by grinding on mini golf courts, and reminding my kids that they aren’t allowed to even hold hands until they’re engaged!

“‘But don’t worry — my sexuality isn’t to fear. That’s why Michelle wears condoms and my firstborn turned out to be a saint!"” Oh WAIT — he didn’t. “

Yes, Morgan even went there with the Josh Duggar sex scandals burn.

Pretty fair, considering the context.

We’re not saying that Josh’s horrendous misdeeds are the result of his parents’ mixed messages with regard to sex, but after everything that’s happened, one would expect the family to be a bit more progressive with the way they talk about sex with their kids.

It seems that in Duggar Land, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online for more confusing attempts at humor from the Duggars.