Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Scott Disick: Hooking Chris Brown Up With Teenage Sex Partners?!

Of all the odd friendships in Hollywood, the bromance between Scott Disick and Chris Brown ranks among the most random, and it might be the very douchiest.

Sources say Disick and Brown are “sober buddies,” meaning that they go clubbing together, but remind one another to stay away from booze.

But just because they’re not hammered, that doesn’t mean these two aren’t out in the world acting like the frattiest of frat bros on a nightly basis.

And just like regular frat bros, Chris and Scott are eternally on the hunt for women who are too young to know better.

Sometimes they assist one another in this never-ending search, such as when Scott recently hooked Chris up with an 18-year-old Aussie named Indy Clinton:

Indy recently spent some time in Los Angeles, and it seems she enjoyed the full tourist experience by meeting several celebrities and banging one of them.

Indy took to her Facebook page this week to brag about having sex with Breezy, adding that the encounter was arranged by none other than the Douche Lord himself:

“Chris Brown f**ked me last night,” she wrote in a status update. “It was like he was dancing on top of me like magic mike sorry still dying Br keeping it real.”

When a friend pointed out that her description makes it sound like the whole thing sound a bit painful, Indy added:

“Legit legit legit still sore but smiling.”

Indy then linked to an article about Disick being spotted with a “mystery blonde” presumably her, and added that “Scott set up” her tryst with Brown.

When a friend suggested she do it with Disick too, Indy balked:

“Noo he f**ks a girl every night… he’s prob a walking sti [Sexually Transmitted Infection].”

So at least she has…standards?

We’re not sure what she has exactly, but at least it’s not whatever Disick is spreading.