Monday, April 18, 2016

Charlie Sheen: Facing JAIL TIME For Lying to Sex Partners About HIV?

It’s been five months since we first learned that Charlie Sheen is HIV positive, and despite initial reports that the actor planned to adopt a quieter lifestyle and make his health his top priority, Sheen seems to be embroiled in more drama than ever.

Earlier this month, a judge granted ex-girlfriend Brett Rossi a restraining order against the actor.

Shortly thereafter, the LAPD launched an investigation of Sheen that was believed to be related to threats of violence he had allegedly made against Rossi.

Now, the National Enquirer is claiming that the investigation actually stems from a different – and potentially more serious – criminal complaint against Sheen.

According to the tabloid, police are looking into the possibility that Sheen committed a felony by having unprotected sex without telling his partners that he’s HIV positive.

The California penal code states that it’s a crime punishable by prison time to engage in “unprotected sexual activity when the infected person knows at the time of the unprotected sex that he or she is infected with HIV.” 

“If you could prove that he knowingly had HIV and he was having unprotected sex at the time he knew it, that certainly is a crime,” famed investigator Bo Dietl tells the Enquirer.

Yikes. We also assumed Charlie Sheen would end up in prison at some point, but we didn’t think it would be for something quite so heinous.