Showing posts with label Agreements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agreements. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2015

Charlie Sheen: Sex Partners Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements?

When Charlie Sheen confirmed that he’s HIV positive this week, many wondered how the high-profile actor managed to keep his condition a secret for four years.

Now, we know that (according to Sheen’s exes) the answer lies in a combination of deception, intimidation and legally-binding promises of discretion.

Former Sheen “goddesses” Natalie Kenly and Bree Olson say they were never told about his diagnosis.

Ex-wives Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller were kept quiet through threats that Sheen would expose secrets about them or fight them for custody of their children.

But what about the countless one-stands that Sheen racked up in the years since he contracted his illness?

Well, according to a 2012 Playboy interview unearthed by Radar Online Sheen took extreme precautions before allowing newcomers into his home:

“We take phones and purses at my house, and people have to sign sh-t,” Sheen told the men’s mag. “I’m not living in the Pentagon, but I’ve been burned enough to have to take precautions.

“It’s either that or choose a different type of woman or party guest, because you never know. Sometimes the right choice seems great at the moment, but then suddenly it’s as if somebody detonated a suicide bomb.”

Yes, it seems that Sheen’s female “party guests” were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements as far back as 2012.

That interview was published just a few months after Sheen found out about his diagnosis, and it’s clear that the actor had no intention of changing his lifestyle, but left nothing to chance when it came to concealing his condition from the public.

Of course, an NDA is not enough to prevent these women from suing Sheen for putting them at risk, and many legal experts believe that the 50-year-old will eventually face criminal charges for failing to disclose his illness to his sex partners.