Friday, March 4, 2016

Scott Disick to Girls: Sign This NDA, Then We Can Party

Those who choose to hang with the Lord must adhere to certain rules.

If you’re down in Mexico this week, look out for Scott Disick, who is reportedly staying at Joe Francis’ home, Casa Aramara in Puerta Vallarta. 

And if you want to party with Disick after da clubs close down, then you’ll have to sign some paperwork. 

According to Page Six, Disick (who completed his latest rehab stint last November) has been seen partying with girls down in Puerto Vallarta, and “hanging with wild college kids on spring break.”

Classic Lord, taking full advantage of spring break.

Wait!  There’s a catch for the university youths looking to Instagram/Tweet/Write a tell-all about their nights with the Lord.  

Anyone choosing to hang out with Disick on a one-on-one basis must first sign a non-disclosure agreement, and check their phones at the door.

Beyond those doors, however, awaits a slightly pathetic Disick.

“All he talks about is the custody” issue with his three kids – Mason, Penelope and Reign, a source told the column.

“He’s Mr. Doom and Gloom.”

TMZ reports that Kourtney Kardashian has allowed Disick visitation rights, so long as he remains sober, but witnesses in Mexico saw him in SB mode, drinking cocktails and beers.