Showing posts with label Fidel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fidel. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Nick Young -- Fidel Who? He"s a Legend, Man (VIDEO)

Nick Young is technically correct … Fidel Castro was a legend, but not necessarily in a good way, but in fairness the Lakers star had other things on his mind. We got Nick and GF Paloma Ford leaving Delliah in WeHo Saturday night and watched…


Fidel Castro Dies; Cuban Leader Was 90

Fidel Castro, the controversial Cuban revolutionary turned head of state, has passed away at the age of 90.

Castro brought Communism to Cuba and served and led the island nation through a tumultuous five decades, retiring from public service and handing the reins to his brother Raul in 2006.

Raul’s administration issued an official statement confirming Fidel’s death just moments ago.

One of the few Marxist-Leninist leaders of the Western world, Castro was a widely distrusted figure in the US.

He remained ideologically at odds with the American government throughout his time in office, first Prime Minister of Cuba (from 1959 to 1976), then as the nation’s president (from 1976 to 2008).

Castro remained in power as First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba until 2011.

Throughout the majority of Castro’s reign, the United States government enforced a trade embargo with Cuba, a result of both anti-Communist sentiment in the States and lingering wariness over the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

Both incidents served as defining events of President John F. Kennedy’s brief time in office and helped to characterize Castro as a dangerous military presence operating just off the coast of Florida in the mind’s of America’s populace.

However, the reality of Castro’s reign was very different from the way his regime was portrayed in the American press.

Derided as an autocrat who trampled civil rights throughout his reign by some, Castro is still hailed as a hero by many who have lived under his power for the bulk of the past 60 years.

He cut a larger-than-life figure with his military fatigues and ubiquitous cigar and for many, his image is inextricably linked with the caricature of authoritarian strongmen.

Tensions between Cuba and the US ran so high in the decades after Castro assumed power that is was only when the Obama administration began to lift regulations in 2015 that Americans were once again permitted to freely travel to and from Cuba.

Several embargo restrictions remain in place, and it the future of relations between the two nations remains very much in question.

Castro’s legacy will no doubt be debated among historians and political scientists for many years to come.

But regardless of one’s feelings on the Communist leader’s politics, he was, and will no doubt remain, one of the recognizable political figures of the 20th Century.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Poses Alongside "Fidel" Sign, Raies Internet Ire

As previously reported, Khloe Kardashian and her sisters have touched down in Cuba.

She, Kourtney, Kim and good friend Malika Haqq are spending time in the country as part of an upcoming episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

… and it didn’t take Khloe long to stir up some major controversy while there.

Khloe just shared a photo on her Instagram page of herself posing underneath a sign that reads “Fidel.”

This, of course, is a reference to Fidel Castro, the former dictator of Cuba and the man largely responsible for the United States not doing business with that nation for many decades.

In the photo, Kardashian is donning a form-fitting dress with a silver scarf wrapped around her shoulders.

She has topped off the outfit with a wide-brim Panama-style hat and is striking a somewhat seductive pose.

But most Internet users are not finding anything appealing about Khloe’s attempt to turn a Fidel Castro quote and montage into an artistic Instagram post.

“It’s one thing to go to another country to attend and support a fashion show,” wrote one Twitter follows.

“But another to exploit their people and post this atrocious picture with the name of the man who tortured and killed thousands of people and continues to do so.”

Another then asked:

“If I went to North Korea and posed in a picture supporting their leader and people starving people would just be offended, right?”

Yes, we’d think so.

Khloe, Kim and company have also spoken out many times in the Armenian genocide, causing another critic to call them out for being hypocrites.

“Wow… before you take a picture glorifying Fidel how about you get informed … Fidel is just like the dictators in Armenia that killed so many Armenians,” @sutrera0612 wrote.

And @aariddannee chimed in with:

“You and your sister talk about the Armenian genocide and want to bring awareness to it, yet you do something like this. With all the money you have, you should invest a little and educate yourself.”

Khloe is not the first American celebrity to raise the ire of the Web by posing inappropriately abroad.

Remember when Justin Bieber both posed at Anne Frank and also wondered whether she would have been a Belieber?

What do you think of Khloe standing by this sign?

Much ado about nothing? Or she sucks a whole lot?