Friday, July 1, 2016

Josh Duggar: Treated Like "Returning War Hero" After Rehab?!

Back in October, Gawker revealed that Josh Duggar had been using an Ashley Madison account to help him cheat on his wife of eight years, Anna Duggar.

The news came on the heels of the revelation that Josh had molested five young girls (four of whom were his sisters) when he was in his teens.

The whole thing left Anna in a tough position, but not for the reasons you might expect:

For most wives, the only question would’ve been: “Do I leave my husband now, or try to piece together some sort of rudimentary time machine so that I can leave him yesterday?”

Anna, however, had a different quandary.

You see, the Duggars have no tolerance for sexual depravity (or, for that matter, pre-marital hand-holding), but they also have no tolerance for women having thoughts and emotions that don’t result in more babies and/or sandwiches for their husbands.

As such, it’s not surprising that Anna’s mind would’ve immediately turned to how she can help ease her husband’s burden by making his transition from disgraced sex addiction rehab patient to regular unpunished molester as easy as possible.

“She lost a bunch of weight … [But] she still feels insecure,” a source close to the family tells In Touch.

“She’s been going nonstop, not only exercising but getting their house ready for him, like he’s a hero returning from war. It’s really sad.”

Yes, Anna finds out that her husband cheated (she knew about the molestations before they married) and her first thought is, “How can I make myself more appealing so this doesn’t happen again?

Somewhere, Gloria Steinem’s head just exploded.

Yes, Anna addressed the Josh scandals on Jill & Jessa: Counting On last season, but it felt like it had less to do with her speaking her mind, and more to do with the Duggars saying:

“See? We’re not sweeping it under the rug! Now let’s move on, shall we?”

Try as they might to make it look like something less disturbing, Anna’s reaction to her husband’s infidelity is just a confirmation of how horrendously women are treated in the Duggar family.