Saturday, August 6, 2016

Jeremy Bieber: Man, My Son is Hung!

Jeremy Bieber has once again used the Internet to gush over the size of his son’s penis.

Back in October of last year, photos of Justin Bieber naked while on vacation in Bora Bora surfaced online.

And while it was to be expected that female Internet users would salivate over snapshots of their hero’s unit, it definitely came as a surprise when Bieber’s dad joined in the satisfied chorus.

“@justinbieber what do you feed that thing. #proud daddy,” Jeremy Bieber actually Tweeted at the time.

Pretty much everyone responded to this sentiment in same way:


Fast forward a few months and new pictures of Justin Bieber naked have emerged.

And we mean Justin Bieber naked.

The singer is not wearing a shred of clothing in the pictures, which were snapped while Justin was out and about in Hawaii with rumored new lover Sahara Ray.

They were then published by The New York Daily News, although social media users almost seem bored at this point by Bieber’s penis.

Consider their reactions to it:

The same can’t be said of Mr. Bieber, however.

On Saturday, Jeremy Bieber Tweeted “My boy,” along with a cactus emoji.

Most people have interpreted the cactus icon, with its one long branch in between two smaller ones, to represent a man’s genitals.

A number of these same people were disgusted by the implication, telling Jeremy to delete the message.

Which he eventually did.

But then Jeremy Bieber tweeted directly to his son the following photo, which depicts Toronto’s famously tall CN Tower.

Along with the name Justin Bieber, Jeremy included a smiley face emoticon.

What the heck is wrong with this guy?!?

Considering Jeremy Bieber was once accused of throwing a dog off a balcony, we guess the answer is:

A lot. There’s a lot wrong with this guy.

It sort of explains why Justin Bieber can occasionally act like a douchebag, doesn’t it?

Here’s a look, meanwhile, at a collection of famous men who can reportedly compete with Justin in the junk area.

Each is packing a serious penis.