Monday, October 12, 2015

Ronda Rousey: If Anyone Calls Me Fat I"ll Kill Them

UFC’s star female fighter Ronda Rousey is opening up about her body and her feelings about Hollywood’s unrealistic expectations for women’s bodies.

The 28-year-old told the New York Times that if the opportunity arises to “represent that body type of women that isn’t represented so much in media, then [she’d] be happy to do that.”

Luckily, she might have the chance to do so!

Ronda has an upcoming role alongside A-list celebrity Mark Wahlberg in director Peter Berg’s newest flick, Mile 22.  The film is slated to be released next year.

Rousey is getting serious about her new venture into Hollywood.  She has been taking acting lessons to prepare for her role.

And although she wants to break the mold for what is means to be feminine, she is working with a stylist to transition into a look more fit for Hollywood.  Wait.  Isn’t she trying to avoid the Hollywood look?

Still, Ronda claims she is serious about changing the standards of beauty in the celebrity world.  For instance, she mentioned that she arrived for an ad campaign photo shoot “purposely way heavier … because somebody said something really rude to me.”

Is her plan working?  Despite that she was “heavier,” the campaign was a success: “the campaign ended up being amazing, even though I was heavier just to make a point.”

The former Olympic medalist said her ideal weight is about 148 pounds, which gives her a normal and healthy balance of abs and breasts because, as she states, “you can’t have both.”

Rousey has showed off her body in male-centric magazines such as Maxim and Sports Illustrated.  She claims the experience posing for the mags was a “really effective way to change the societal standard women are held to.”

She added, “When women say that going on publications directed at men is somehow demeaning, I don’t think that’s true.”

Later in her NYT interview she stated that today is a conflicting era for women.”

“Women are doing so amazingly and taking over the athletic world,” she noted.  “We’re also in a time where … how can I really put it? That women without any skills that freeload are being glorified.

“That’s something I was raised not to be — that you’re supposed to contribute to the world, not consume from it.”