Showing posts with label Egor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egor. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: LYING About Egor Tarabasov Breakup?!

The bizarre and troubling saga of Lindsay Lohan and Egor Tarabasov appears to be ongoing, as insiders are now claiming that Lohan’s claims that she dumped Tarabasov are bogus.

As you’ve probably heard, disturbing video of a physical altercation between Lohan and Tarabasov emerged online last week.

The footage appears to show Lohan throwing Tarabasov’s phone out of his car before leaping out of the vehicle herself.

Tarabasov pursues the actress and violently wrestles the phone away from her.

Needless to say, it’s an unsettling sight, especially as Lohan hinted that she was “a victim of domestic abuse” early on in the relationship.

So it came as a relief to many when Lindsay seemed to publicly declare that the relationship was over in a recent interview with the Daily Mail

“No woman can be hit and stay with that person if that person isn’t prepared to say sorry,” Lindsay said.

“I realize now you can’t stay in a relationship just for love.”

Unfortunately, if you look at her remarks closely, it seems Lindsay never actually said that she had kicked Egor to the curb.

Friends now say that it was Lindsay’s sought to appease those who are encouraging her to breakup with Tarabasov without actually ending the relationship.

“Even after all this, Lindsay still refuses to leave Egor,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“This entire thing has turned into such a mess. Lindsay put Egor on blast in the interview to save her own face. But truth be told, she is not done with him.”

The insider adds that Lindsay has assured friends that the instance of abuse was an isolated incident brought about by too much alcohol.

Those closest to the actress are reportedly planning an intervention to convincen her to leave her Russian billionaire fiance.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Egor Tarabasov: Lindsay Lohan Reveals Scary History Of Abuse

The violent fight Lindsay Lohan and Egor Tarabasov were seen having in Mykonos, Greece on July 5th was upsetting, to say the least.

Now, Lindsay tells the Daily Mail‘s Katie Nicholl about her fiance’s abusive past, revealing that this isn’t the first time Tarabasov has put his hands on her.

“No woman can be hit and stay with that person if that person isn’t prepared to say sorry,” Lindsay said.

“I realise now you can’t stay in a relationship just for love.”

The disturbing footage, released by Radar Online, shows the couple in a jeep and reportedly arguing.

Lindsay threw Egor’s phone out the window, so he got out of the car to retrieve it.  Lindsay got out as well, and tried to get to the phone before her fiance.

Egor managed to grab Lindsay from behind, and twisted her arm behind her back.  When he finally got his phone, Ego went back to the jeep.

Lindsay later explained that Egor, 22, had taken her phone, so she threw his on to the beach in retaliation.

Without going into much detail, she said that he “drank too much” and “went crazy.”

Lindsay did, however, explain what led to their last public fight on July 23rd, when Lindsay screamed for help from the balcony of her London flat and claimed that Egor was trying to strangle her.

“Egor and I had been out for dinner. We danced, it was fun,” Lindsay explained of the series of events that led to the incident.

‘When we got home I went to bed and Egor went out. A few hours later he came back and when I woke up he was standing over me. He wasn’t himself, he was being very aggressive and he attacked me."”

Why is Lindsay talking about this now?   She’s scared of what might happen to her if she stays silent, especially now that there is hard evidence that Egor has put a hand on her.

“I wanted to do this interview because it’s time to tell the truth,” Lindsay said.

“There have been so many lies printed about me recently. I’ve kept quiet for so long but now I’m scared of what Egor might do to me and to himself.

Still, Lindsay admits, she wears her emerald engagement ring.  The relationship, though, may well be over.

“I haven’t taken it off, even after all this,” Lindsay said.

“The truth is, I wanted to make things work, but now I’m not sure that I can.”

Lindsay said she has tried to get in touch with Ego to talk things out and figure out how to move forward.

“I need closure,” she explained. ‘I genuinely fell in love with him but he broke my trust and made me feel unsafe.”

Lohan also revealed that she and Egor planned on getting married next May in Lake Como, and that she has cut her father, Michael Lohan off again for falsely telling the press that she’s pregnant (Lohan blames her rounder belly on pasta and “good Mediterranean living.”).

“My father is known for talking to the press and selling stories,” she said.

“He loves the attention. In the past he’s said I’ve done drugs, he put my number on the internet. ‘Who does that? Some of the stuff he’s done proves to me he doesn’t care about me.”

Where Linsday and Egor go from here is anyone’s guess, and the Russian businessman has not responded to the Mail‘s request for a comment.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Lindsay Lohan & Egor Tarabasov: Physical FIGHT Caught on Video! WATCH!

We"ve known for quite some time that Lindsay Lohan"s relationship with her fiance, Egor Tarabasov, is far from stable.

In fact, there"s mounting evidence to suggest that LiLo is involved in an extremely unhealthy and possibly abusive relationship.

Lohan and Tarabasov got engaged back in April after just a few months of dating.

Red flags indicating that the relationship would be a troubled one began to pop up almost immediately.

First we learned that Tarabasov is likely lying about his wealth.

Shortly thereafter, Lohan accused him of cheating and hinted that she"s pregnant in a bizarre late night social media rant.

Now, disturbing disturbing new video has emerged that may indicate that there"s some truth to the rumors that Lindsay and Egor"s fights frequently get physical.

The footage, obtained by Radar Online, shows Lindsay jumping out of a Jeep with Tarabasov"s cell phone before being chased down by her future husband, who wrestles the phone away from her.

The incident reportedly occurred on July 5, just days after Lohan"s 30th birthday.

The video appears to show a long-rumored incident in which Lohan tried to throw Tarabasov"s phone after flying into a rage over a text message that she found.

Lindsay repeatedly laughed off the incident, claiming the whole thing was a joke that was misinterpreted by onlookers.

Amazingly, following the emergence of this shocking video, it appears she"s still pretending that all is well.

Just hours ago, Lohan posted the above photo, along with a caption reading:

"I love shaping all the food I make into a heart."

Just moments ago, the actress made her Instagram private, possibly in response to today"s developments.

We"ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.

You can watch the video of Lohan and Tarabasov"s bizarre beach scuffle below:

Lindsay lohan and egor tarabasov physical fight caught on video

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Apologizes, Hopes to Fix Romance with Egor Tarabasov

Lindsay Lohan has realized the error of her ways.

The actress has been back in the news of late for all the wrong reasons, having gotten into a very public fight over the weekend with fiance Egor Tarabasov.

It started with Lohan writing at length on Instagram about Tarabasov allegedly cheating on her… with a Russian prostitute.

“I guess I was the same at 23…” she wrote of her younger man on Friday night, saying he was out partying and had not yet returned home.

“Sh-tty time-it changes at 26/27 @e2505t thanks for not coming home tonight. Fame changes people,” she added.

Lohan later made a specific reference to a “Russian hooker” and even included her Instagram handle as part of her rant.

A few hours after Lindsay made these comments, police were called to the couple’s London apartment.

According to various witness accounts, Lohan and Tarabasov got into a physical fight, as the former was seen screaming that the latter had strangled her and tried to kill her.

It’s safe to say the two have hit a very rough patch in their relationship.

No arrests were made, however, and Lohan eventually flew back to the United States by herself.

She also took critics to task for judging her relationship, telling people to please go mind their own business

… even though she was the one who publicized her romantic difficulties in the first place.

And now Lohan has finally come to that realization herself.

“Dear friends. I’m good and well,” Lohan wrote yesterday on Instagram.

“I am taking time for myself with good friends. I am sorry that I’ve exposed certain private matters recently. I was acting out of fear and sadness… We all make mistakes.

“Sadly mine have always been so public.”

Lohan included the following photo with her Mea Culpa.

She also continued:

“I have done a lot of soul searching in the past years, and I should have been more clear minded rather than distract from the good heart that I have.

“Social media comes with the territory of the business and the world we now live in. My intentions were not meant to send mixed messages. Maybe things can be fixed… Maybe not.. I hope they can.

“But I am 30 years old and I do deserve a #GENTLEgiant Life is about love and light. Not anger Thank you to those who stand by my side.”

Among those standing by her side is Michael Lohan, who threatened Egor Tarabasov soon after his fight with Lohan’s daughter.

We never thought we’d say this, but we do hope Lindsay Lohan turns her life around.

As she notes, she’s only 30 years old. There’s plenty of time for a second act.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Egor Tarabasov: Threatened by Michael Lohan!

Michael Lohan is standing up for his daughter.

The way only Michael Lohan can.

Over the weekend, Lohan engaged in a very public feud and fight with fiance Egor Tarabasov.

It started with a stream of angry social media messages in which the often-troubled actress alleged that Tarabasov was cheating on her, implying at the time that she was pregnant.

“I guess I was the same at 23…” Lohan wrote of her younger man at one point, adding:

“Sh-tty time-it changes at 26/27 @e2505t thanks for not coming home tonight. Fame changes people.”

She also Tweeted: “Wow thanks #fiance with Russian hooker @dasha_pa5h.”

Things quickly escalated beyond a number of accusatory Tweets, however.

On Saturday morning, neighbors of Lohan and Tarabasov were reportedly woken up by Lohan yelling from her balcony that Tarabasov was strangling her and attempting to murder her.

The Sun even obtained a video that features a fiery exchange between Lohan and Tarabasov.

It was filmed by a witness on the scene and it depicted Lohan on her balcony, screaming to anyone within earshot.

“He tried to kill me,” Lohan says in the footage, which also featured Tarabasov trying to reason with his girlfriend and her responding as follows:

“Do it. I dare you again. You’re f-cking crazy. You sick f-ck. You need help. It’s my house get out of my house.”

Tough times for the couple, clearly.

A police spokeswoman later confirmed that authorities were called to the residence after hearing reports of “a woman in distress.”

No arrests were made, however.

Fast forward to this week, meanwhile, and TMZ has shared text messages sent by Michael Lohan to Egor Tarabasov.

They were supposedly written on Saturday night, hours after the aforementioned incident, and they included Lindsay’s father issuing many threats to her fiance.

“You threaten my daughter, touch her or if anything happens to her and you will have no where to hide mother ducked like weasel,” Michael writes at one point.

It seems pretty clear that Lindsay told her dad about what happened, prompting this barrage of texts.

michael tweets

Michael added such scathing, typo-filled words as:

VOME Here And Face ME like a man and bring your daddy and mommy.

Return her jewelry you broke phoney or I’ll take it out of your ass. I WILL find you.

While the relationship between Michael Lohan and Lindsay Lohan has been very strained at times, father and daughter have been on solid terms for awhile now.

In early July, Michael Tweeted at his famous child, writing: “You couldn’t possibly love you more than I love YOU!!! You look FANTASTIC.”

He also wished a “Happy and BLESSED 30th Birthday to my remarkable daughter” on July 2.

On Monday morning, Lindsay flew back to the United States from London… without Tarabasov.

She then asked for the public to butt out of her personal affairs, despite Lohan being the one who made these personal affairs very public on social media.

“I would appreciate if these speculations regarding my personal life would respectfully come to a halt,” Lohan wrote on Instagram, adding:

“Unfortunately, a private matter has become more public than I can control and I would be extremely grateful if my fiancé and myself could discuss our personal matters on our own.

“There are more important things going on in the world than our relationship. Please leave us be to solve our personal matters.”

Monday, July 25, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Egor Tarabasov Strangled Me, Tried to KILL ME!

We’ve already heard rumors – thanks to a rant by the troubled star herself – that Lindsay Lohan is pregnant by her fiance Egor Tarabasov.

Now she’s upping the ante, accusing her Russian partner of violence and attempted murder (seriously).

Neighbors were reportedly jolted awake early Saturday morning by Lohan screamed from her balcony that Tarabasov strangled her, and was trying to kill her.

One neighbor captured the exchange between Lohan and Tarabasov, which was obtained by The Sun.

In the video, Lohan is seen in the corner of her balcony yelling to anyone who will listen.

“He just strangled me. He almost killed me,” Lohan claimed.

‘’Please please please. He just strangled me.”

“He almost killed me. Everybody will know,” Lohan continued, stating her address loud and clear to anyone in the street, in the hopes that someone would call the police.

“Get out of my house.’’

This went on for some time, and the video shows Tarabasov trying to reason with Lohan.

“Do it. I dare you again. You’re f*****g crazy. You sick f**k. You need help. It’s my house get out of my house,” Lohan shouted. 

“I’m done. I don’t love you anymore. You tried to kill me. You’re a f*****g psycho.  We are finished.’’

Tarabasov was inaudible, but Lohan was heard responding to his pleas.

“No Egor you’ve been strangling me constantly. You can’t strangle a woman constantly and beat the shit out of her and think it’s ok. Everybody saw you touch me.

“It’s filmed. Get out! Get out.” 

Authorities were called to the scene and had to break down the door of Lohan’s Knightsbridge home.  Once inside, the found that no one was home.

A spokeswoman confirmed:

“Police were called to an address in Knightsbridge, SW7 on Saturday, 23 July at 05:10 hours following a report of a woman in distress.”

“Officers attended and following concerns for the welfare of the occupants inside they forced entry into the address.

“There was no one inside but enquiries were made and the occupants were traced and found to be safe and well.”

This latest incident comes on the heels of Lohan blasting her fiance because he left her at home to party.

“I guess I was the same at 23…” Lohan wrote in a follow-up post.

“S—ty time-it changes at 26/27 @e2505t thanks for not coming home tonight.”

“Fame changes people.”

Indeed …

Friday, June 3, 2016

Lindsay Lohan & Egor Tarabasov: Getting Married Without a Prenup?!

It’s only been three months since we learned that Lindsay Lohan is dating a Russian real estate agent named Egor Tarabasov, but the couple has been moving at breakneck speed from day one.

Egor moved in with Lindsay just a few weeks after they went public with their relationship.

Last month, rumors that Lohan and Tarabasov are engaged began to circulate online. 

Lindsay has yet to deny those repores, so it’s a safe bet she really is planning on getting hitched.

We hate to sound cynical about this, but it’s the best financial opportunity she’s had in years, because for some astonishing reason, Egor is willing to wed Lindsay without a prenuptial agreement.

Usually when a celebrity marries a civilian with no prenup, it’s the average Joe who stands to win the divorce lottery.

In Lindsay’s case, Egor is the one who would wind up getting screwed if they go their separate ways.

You see, even though it was recently revealed that Tarabasov is not as rich as Lindsay thought when they started dating, he’s still worth quite the sizable chunk of change.

His father is a business mogul who owns a chain of stores that have been described as “the Russian equivalent of Home Depot.”

Since Lindsay hasn’t been able to open a movie in over a decade, marrying a rich guy is pretty much the only way she can guarantee the lifestyle she’s no doubt grown accustomed to.

It’s a fact that Egor’s family is very aware of:

“They’re threatening to cut Egor off financially if Lindsay doesn’t sign,” a source tells Life & Style.

“Egor’s parents just want to protect the family fortune and they don’t want him taken to the cleaners if the marriage doesn’t last.”

Sadly, Egor sees no need to protect his assets:

“He’s not pressuring Lindsay to sign one because he thinks they’re going to be together forever,” says the insider.

In Soviet Russia, freckly has-been takes advantage of you!

Actually, that’s the way it works in America, too.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: ENGAGED to Egor Tarabasov!

Break out your very biggest bottle of champagne, because the cokey monster herself is gettin’ hitched.

Yes, according to TMZ, Lindsay Lohan is engaged to her boyfriend of 5 months, Egor Tarabasov.

As we’ve told you before, Egor is a 22-year-old Russian real estate agent and the sole heir of a wealthy Moscow retail magnate.

The couple reportedly met at a party late last year.

It may sound like Lindsay hit the jackpot, but when it comes to Egor, there are red flags aplenty, and we’re not just talking about his cat-stroking Bond villain name.

For starters, there are rumors that Egor isn’t nearly as rich as Lindsay thinks.

The Lohan fam believes Egor’s people are so wealthy and well-connected that he’ll be able to save Lindsay’s career, but those in the know claim that the Tarabosovs are noveau riche – and they’re not even all that riche

Egor’s dad owns a chain of home repair stores that’s worth millions, not billions.

Not bad, but not “buy your way back into Hollywood” rubles.

Even worse, are the rumors about Lindsay being a victim of domestic violence.

Back in January, she posted and quickly deleted a photo of her bloody leg with a caption about how she’d been struck by her boyfriend.

She didn’t name any names, but if Linds and Egor met when they say they did, they would’ve been dating for about a month at that time.

But look at us being Debbie Downers.

Congrats to Lindsay and Egor! Here’s hoping you to lovebirds really beat the odds.