Showing posts with label Strangled. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strangled. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Egor Tarabasov Strangled Me, Tried to KILL ME!

We’ve already heard rumors – thanks to a rant by the troubled star herself – that Lindsay Lohan is pregnant by her fiance Egor Tarabasov.

Now she’s upping the ante, accusing her Russian partner of violence and attempted murder (seriously).

Neighbors were reportedly jolted awake early Saturday morning by Lohan screamed from her balcony that Tarabasov strangled her, and was trying to kill her.

One neighbor captured the exchange between Lohan and Tarabasov, which was obtained by The Sun.

In the video, Lohan is seen in the corner of her balcony yelling to anyone who will listen.

“He just strangled me. He almost killed me,” Lohan claimed.

‘’Please please please. He just strangled me.”

“He almost killed me. Everybody will know,” Lohan continued, stating her address loud and clear to anyone in the street, in the hopes that someone would call the police.

“Get out of my house.’’

This went on for some time, and the video shows Tarabasov trying to reason with Lohan.

“Do it. I dare you again. You’re f*****g crazy. You sick f**k. You need help. It’s my house get out of my house,” Lohan shouted. 

“I’m done. I don’t love you anymore. You tried to kill me. You’re a f*****g psycho.  We are finished.’’

Tarabasov was inaudible, but Lohan was heard responding to his pleas.

“No Egor you’ve been strangling me constantly. You can’t strangle a woman constantly and beat the shit out of her and think it’s ok. Everybody saw you touch me.

“It’s filmed. Get out! Get out.” 

Authorities were called to the scene and had to break down the door of Lohan’s Knightsbridge home.  Once inside, the found that no one was home.

A spokeswoman confirmed:

“Police were called to an address in Knightsbridge, SW7 on Saturday, 23 July at 05:10 hours following a report of a woman in distress.”

“Officers attended and following concerns for the welfare of the occupants inside they forced entry into the address.

“There was no one inside but enquiries were made and the occupants were traced and found to be safe and well.”

This latest incident comes on the heels of Lohan blasting her fiance because he left her at home to party.

“I guess I was the same at 23…” Lohan wrote in a follow-up post.

“S—ty time-it changes at 26/27 @e2505t thanks for not coming home tonight.”

“Fame changes people.”

Indeed …