Showing posts with label Zimmerman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zimmerman. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2016

George Zimmerman -- Booted from Bar, Allegedly Called Manager "N-Word Lover"

George Zimmerman was angry, belligerent and hurled the n-word before he was tossed from a Florida bar … according to cops. Seminole Co. Sheriff’s deputies went to the bar Wednesday night to investigate a possible battery involving someone in…


Monday, October 17, 2016

George Zimmerman -- Road Rage Shooter Gets 20 Years

The man who shot at George Zimmerman in an apparent road rage incident has just been sentenced to 20 years in prison. Matthew Apperson, who was convicted of attempted 2nd-degree murder back in September, claimed he shot at Zimmerman in self-defense…


Friday, August 5, 2016

George Zimmerman: PUNCHED IN THE FACE For Bragging About Trayvon Martin Murder!

If you woke this morning with the feeling that the world is a relentlessly unfair and often exceedingly cruel place, well, the bad news is you’re right.

The good news is, sometimes George Zimmerman gets punched in the face!

Zimmerman, as you probably recall, is the man who was acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin, despite the fact that he admitted to taking the teenager’s life as he walked home to his father’s house after stopping by a convenience store to buy Skittles and iced tea.

Pretty much everything he’s done in the three years since has served as further confirmation that Zimmerman might be the worst person on the planet.

In addition to being involved in numerous violent incidents, several of which involved gunplay and assaults against women, Zimmerman has seized every opportunity to try and remain relevant by exploiting the killing of a 17-year-old boy.

Zimmerman was tweeted photos of Martin’s body.

He recently auctioned off the gun he used to kill Martin for a disgustingly large sum.

He’s made disgusting, bigoted comments about the Obama family and felt the need to offer his idiotic insights on just about every mass shooting in recent history.

In fairness, we guess we can understand his reasoning on that last part.

After all, who understands violent psychopaths better than George Zimmerman?

The problem is, you’re also a dumbass, George, a fact that a recent incident in a Florida bar made an abundantly clear.

Even by the standards of a Florida bar, hearing someone brag about killing a teenage boy is pretty crazy, so when one patron heard Zimmerman boasting about murdering Martin, he did what any sane person with a soul and conscience would do:

He laid that dipsh-t out with a single punch.

This being the world we live in, said hero patron was promptly chased from the scene and called a “n–ger lover” by one of Zimmerman’s friends.

Hilariously, Zimmerman told the cops that the whole thing was simply a case of mistaken identity, and the barroom pugilist actually thought he was punching Matthew Apperson, a man who tried  to shoot Zimmerman last year.

Whatever you need to tell yourself, George.

You are nothing if not a master of self-delusion.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

George Zimmerman Sells Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin for Disgustingly Large Sum

Last week, it was widely reported that murderous professional Internet troll and sentient colon polyp George Zimmerman planned to auction off the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin.

In a description he posted on the United Gun Group’s website, Zimmerman described the weapon as a “piece of American history” because that’s a normal way to view the gun used to kill a teenager – if, of course, you were born to bring evil into the world, a la Viggo the Carpathian from Ghostbusters II.

Zimmerman opened the bidding at $ 5,000.

Proving that there’s still some good in the world, the auction quickly became so overwhelmed with fake bids that the UGG’s website crashed.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to halt the sale of the weapon, as the site continued to host the auction, just with a complex email verification process in place of its usual login.

It’s partially because of the increased security that we don’t know exactly how much the gun sold for, but TMZ is reporting that the auction netted Zimmerman a nauseating $ 120,000.

And what will he use the money for?

Well, if you know anything about Zimmerman, you won’t be surprised to learn that he’s donating the proceeds to legal groups that fight against the Black Lives Matter movement and anti-Hillary Clinton Super PACs.

Clearly a man with no politically- or racially-charged axe to grind whatsoever.

And for those who don’t know much about Zimmerman, we recommend you take a gander at what he’s been up to in the years since his controversial murder trial.

Highlights include hitting his girlfriend with a wine bottle and initiating more unecessary gunplay because we imagine if you could see the world through George Zimmerman’s eyes, it would look like a first-person shooter game.

There are rumors that a famous figure (some say Kendrick Lamar) purchased the gun just to destroy it.

We’d like to believe that, but it seems too good to be true.

We hate to sound cynical, but sometimes in life, evil simply triumphs over good.

Case in point – George Zimmerman walks the streets as a free man.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

George Zimmerman to Auction Off Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin

In the midst of this divisive election season, it’s important to focus on the things that all reasonable human beings can agree on.

For instance, we all know George Zimmerman is a sentient post-Chipotle dump, and he provided us with further evidence today.

The 32-year-old vigilante was acquitted of murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2013 and has engaged in several criminal acts in the years since.

Sadly, given his long history of violence it wasn’t all that shocking when Zimmerman hit his girlfriend with a wine bottle or engaged in gunplay with another motorist during a road rage incident last year.

However, Zimmerman is committed to showing the world that he’s a real competitor for the title of Worst Piece of Sh-t on the Planet, so he does things like tweet photos of Martin’s dead body – and auction off the gun he used to kill the boy.

Yes, Zimmerman announced today that he will be selling the weapon that ended Martin’s life – which he describes as a “piece of American history” – to the highest bidder.

“The firearm for sale is the firearm that was used to defend my life and end the brutal attack from Trayvon Martin,” wrote Zimmerman in a social media post.

He added that the proceeds will be donated to organizations that oppose Hillary Clinton, the Black Lives Matter movement, and Angela Corey, the State Attorney who investigated Martin’s death.

“I am proud to announce that a portion of the proceeds will be used to: fight BLM violence against Law Enforcement officers, ensure the demise of Angela Correy’s [sic] persecution career and Hillary Clinton’s anti-firearm rhetoric,” Zimmerman wrote.

Though he stops just short of making specific threats, Zimmerman’s auction announcement reads a violent, paranoid tirade against his enemies.

At one point he complains of being personally victimized by “B. Hussein Obama.”

Asked during an interview with a Florida radio station about how he expects critics to react, Zimmerman responded:

“They’re not going to be bidding on it, so I couldn’t care less about them. I’m a free American. I can do what I like with my possessions.”

And as free Americans, we’d like to exercise our right to remind the world that you’re a talking mound of excrement.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Jamie Zimmerman Dies; ABC News Medical Correspondent Was 31

Jamie Zimmerman – the medical doctor and journalist best known for her work with ABC News – has passed away at the age of 31.

Sources say Zimmerman drowned while vacationing in Hawaii.

Jamie Zimmerman

“Jamie touched so many of us across ABC News,” wrote network president Goldston in a message to employees. “We will miss her. Jamie had a passion to make the world a better place and help all of us lead better lives.”

In addition to her on-air work at ABC, Zimmerman was a regular contributor to Huffington Post, Yahoo News and PBS.

Though tremendously knowledgeable on the topic of medicine, Zimmerman was also remarkably well-rounded. 

She studied anthropology and film at UCLA and got her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine last year. As a teen, she acted on such popular series as 7th Heaven and Boston Public.

But for all of her accomplishments, family and friends say she was most proud of her work on global health initiatives that recently brought her to the most troubled areas of Haiti and the Congo.

“My little girl was always trying to do too much,” Jamie’s mother wrote on Facebook.

“She wanted to write books and already had a literary agent. She just couldn’t stop taking on more. It’s as if she knew her time was limited and she was trying to fit it all in!”

She added that she hopes her daughter’s life will inspire others to make the world a better place.

Monday, September 28, 2015

George Zimmerman Tweets Photo of Trayvon Martin"s Body, Is Still Terrible

Last time we checked on George Zimmerman, he was telling his 11,000 Twitter followers that if Obama had a son he would be a murderer.

Something of an ironic comment coming from an actual murderer, but bizarrely, it was favorited and re-tweeted hundreds of times, because somehow, George Zimmerman still has admirers.

In fact, one of them recently tweeted him a photo of Trayvon Martin’s dead along with a caption reading, “Z-Man is a one man army.”

Zimmerman retweeted the photo and it remained on his page until it was taken down by moderators, because apparently the folks who run Twitter don’t want the site to be a place where admitted killers can display gruesome photos of their victims. Go figure.

Of course, his is far from the first time that Zimmerman has been embroiled in controversy since he was acquitted for killing Martin in 2013.

So yeah, in case you were wondering – George Zimmerman is still the absolute worst.