Friday, January 22, 2016

Denise Richards: Charlie Sheen Threatened to Kill My Kids!

Back in November, the world learned that Charlie Sheen has been diagnosed with HIV.

Obviously, it’s not our place to tell anyone how they should react to such devastating news, but most people would be inclined to take stock of their lives, reevaluate their priorities, and focus on what’s really important.

Chuckles, of course, is having none of that.

No, according to those closest to him, Sheen has continued to bang hookers and, well…generally act like Charlie Sheen.

The latest report of jaw-droppingly WTF?! behavior comes from Sheen’s second wife, Denise Richards, who recently filed suit against the actor claiming that he kicked her and the couple’s two daughters out of their home and verbally harassing them.

According to legal documents obtained by TMZ, Richards claims Sheen promised that if she and the kids moved into a house next to his, they could live their rent-free for life.

Richards says she was reluctant to move into the home due to Sheen’s violent history, but he convinced her, claiming that he wished to “repair his relationship” with his children in the wake of his HIV diagnosis.

Not surprisingly, the situation turned sour fast.

Richards says Sheen first threatened to evict them around Christmas of 2013, at which time he also told the kids he planned to give all their presents to the homeless.

Shortly thereafter, Richards allegedly overheard Sheen calling 10-year-old Lola a “pig whore” and yelling, “I’m going to kill you, and I’m going to kill your mom.”

Richards’ suit contains screenshots capturing some truly shocking text message conversations between Sheen and his daughters:

“Have a merry Xmas with your loser f–k slut mom…your dad is a rock star genius…your mom is a puss wart,” reads one text to Sheen’s eldest daughter.

Bizarrely, Sheen even attacks Richards’ acting skills in the texts, at one point writing, “Bitch couldn’t act hot in a fire or wet in a pool.”

“And why would you say that you want my mother to eat pork and die?” reads one text sent from Lola to her father.

Lawyers for Sheen maintain that Richards was the actual author of the messages.

Richards is seeking $ 1.2 million for the purchase of a new home.

Sheen’s attorneys have stated that they believe the actress is simply attempting to extort their client.