Showing posts with label Negan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Negan. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Walking Dead Recap: Did Maggie Kill Negan?

Ever since the brutal murder of Glen on The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 1, the love of his life, Maggie has been desperately trying to find a way to avenge his death. 

Sunday’s episode of the AMC hit found Maggie arming herself to murder Negan, the former leader of the Saviors who carried out the deed. 

Jesus was on Maggie’s side, insisting that Rick was in the wrong for allowing Negan to breathe another day, but was another murder the way forward?

“I am,” she claimed after Jesus asked whether she was the right one to make the decision. “I’ll be back when it’s done.”

As Maggie set off on her fateful mission, Rick was learning a whole lot of bad news from Eugene. 

The bridge the communities were trying to restore was damaged beyond repair thanks to a storm, making all of the efforts a waste of time. 

Eugene felt awful that he couldn’t salvage the bridge and felt like if he had studied some different things he could have helped. 

It was a bad news day all round for Rick as he learned that Carol was taking her people back to the Kingdom and that Maggie was gearing up to kill Negan. 

Rick sent a message to Alexandria to keep Maggie away from the villain and set off to get there to deal with the situation. 

In a surprisingly silly move, Rick accepted a ride from Daryl, who took him in a different direction. That’s when Rick realized that his leadership was being called into question. 

The two men found themselves in a ditch and trying to get to the root cause of their issues, but Daryl admitted he would be ecstatic if Maggie took Negan out of the equation. 

“I’d die for you, and I would’ve died for Carl,” Daryl concluded. “But you’re chasing something for him that ain’t meant to be, man.”

While the men were hashing out their differences, Negan was trying to get closer to Michonne. Negan was having some sort of protest that found him refusing to eat food. 

“The hunger strike ends today,” Michonne complained, but Negan continued to imply that the two of them were very similar and that they would work well together. 

“Behind walls, bars, we die,” he said, before saying she was likely happy that she lost her son. 

“Because you know all he woulda done was make you weak,” the villain said. But Michonne was done listening to him. 

As if that was not enough action for one outing, Carol caught up with the Saviors and realized they knew all about the Oceansiders offing their people. 

The most surprising thing here was that Carol was retreating because she was leading her people home. 

“You’re a weak little woman who got in a lucky shot,” Jed laughed at her, and that’s when Carol opened fire. 

Back in Negan’s little cell, Michonne returned to make him aware that they couldn’t be more different, and that while he has nothing to live for, she has her daughter and will battle for the life she deserves. 

In the end, Rick had to do battle with herds of walkers and found himself falling off his horse and out cold. 

Rick’s final episode airs on AMC next week. Could he be turning into a walker?

Hit the comments below!


Monday, February 27, 2017

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 11 Recap: I Am Negan

If you were wondering what the heck Eugene was getting up to at the Sanctuary, tonight’s episode was the one you were looking for. 

Going up against the 89th Annual Academy Awards is no easy task, but The Walking Dead is one of the only shows that do so with minimal effect on its ratings. 

When The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 11 got underway, Eugene had just arrived at his new home: The Sanctuary. 

He was the same pathetic man who has been present on the hit AMC series since Season 4. He cowered at the very thought of Negan addressing him. 

He was led to his new home by one of Negan’s female associates. He opened a door and prepared to die, but he was given a bedroom, complete with cooking facilities and video games. 

If you watch The Walking Dead online, you will already know that Negan is not the type of person to extend an olive branch. In fact, he’s the kind of guy who would bash your brains out without a second thought. 

Eugene quickly learned that he was no a prisoner and was offered everything under the sun, but his request of lobster for his meal was declined. 

Seriously, where would you get lobster when the world has turned to crap? Negan offered up his wives to Eugene to help make him feel more at ease. 

However, the boss man warned the new addition to the team that there would be zero sexual activity between him and the wives. 

At the dinner party, Eugene was playing Pac-Man, but Frankie was not impressed with the events and opted to get drunk on the bed. 

The other two wives looked embarrassed, but you could tell they wanted to learn things from Eugene. That paved the way for Eugene to create a fake bomb. 

Some time later, two of the wives reappeared and ordered Eugene to create a pill to kill Frankie because she could not deal with her life.

Eugene battled with what it would mean to kill someone, but he eventually decided to help them out. 

This involved creating waves to get medication. He immediately began to realize how much Negan valued him, so he skipped a lengthy line and threatened the woman to let him take what he wanted. 

The woman scoffed at him, but she changed her stance when she realized he was there on Negan’s orders and she let him take whatever he wanted from her. 

It just goes to show how people change when they get a sniff of power. Eugene was doing everything he could to rise up the ranks. Hey, he’s in a better situation with Negan than he ever was with Rick, so it all makes sense. 

While all of this drama was going down, Dwight went on a mission to bring Sherry back to the Sanctuary. Negan blamed her for letting Daryl escape. 

When Dwight arrived at the home he once shared with Sherry, there was a tragic note, accompanied with her wedding band. The note said that she did not like what she turned Dwight into. 

She moved on with her life and hoped that Dwight would be able to do the same. 

Dwight returned to the Sanctuary and claimed that he murdered Sherry in cold blood, but said that she was not the one who let Daryl out. 

Plot twist: She did, but Dwight decided to take the Doctor out of the equation. He slipped Sherry’s signature into his drawer as though she had sent the doctor a parting letter. 

Negan quickly dispatched of the doctor because he had a new one in Eugene. 

Eugene then turned to the wives and told him there was no way he would hand over the lethal pills because he knew they were using them on Negan. 

Later, Negan appeared and told him not to be scared; he was one of them. Eugene then revealed that he has always been Negan, but wanted to meet him to confirm that. 

Pretty crazy. Right?!

What will Rick and his group say when they find out about this betrayal?

Hit the comments below!


Monday, December 5, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 7 Recap: Carl Vs. Negan

Carl Grimes is one of the most fearless characters on all of television. 

That was backed up on The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 7 when we finally got up to speed with what happened for Carl when he decided to hide on the truck to go back to savior land. 

It was a silly move. There’s no denying that, but it showed just how desperate Carl was to save his people and avenge the death of his close friends. 

We picked up with Carl and Jesus in the truck, debating what the best move was.

Jesus left a trail behind them, before making the decision to jump out before they got there. 

Carl agreed, but he tricked Jesus in order to continue on the mission solo.

However, Carl went out the truck guns blazing and was quickly apprehended by Negan. 

Negan kept his calm demeanor and showed Carl around the campsite.

At one point, he even took Carl’s bandage off and mocked the wound on his face. 

Negan then forced him to sing, while Negan swung the bat next to his face.

Carl struggled to go through the routine with the emotional damage Negan was doing to him. 

If that was not bad enough, Negan called a meeting with everyone and melted the face of one of his followers with an iron.

Everyone was shocked, but they could not say anything bad about it. 

Negan then took Carl back to Alexandria and made some lewd comments to Olivia, who responded by slapping him.

When it was all said and done, Negan was looking after Judith, while contemplating whether to move his group to Alexandria. 

Elsewhere, with the Alexandria group worrying about Negan’s next visit, they split up to scavenge for goods.

Spencer went on a supply run with Gabriel, and made his intentions clear about his hatred for Rick and everything he has done to the Alexandria group. 

Gabriel was not impressed with this and Spencer went a separate way to find things.

When he returned to meet with Rosita and Eugene, he had food and medical supplies. 

Rosita was very much against him giving it all over to the villains, but Spencer seemed to be being sarcastic to her. 

If you watch The Walking Dead online, you probably already know things are going to get worse for the group. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Monday, April 4, 2016

The Walking Dead Poll: Who Did Negan Kill?

It finally happened on The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 16.

Following weeks and weeks of hype and anticipation, we finally met Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan.

We also met the villain’s trusty barbed wire-covered baseball bat, Lucille, and we watched as Negan delivered a menacing speech to Rick and his many other captured foes.

They had been ignoring the “new world order.”

They had killed Negan’s men.

And now someone had to pay.

But who?

For nearly the entirety of The Walking Dead Season 6, viewers had been anticipating a significant death on the finale.

Loyal comic book readers were aware that Negan murders Glenn in the graphic novel series on which The Walking Dead was based, so many assumed he would be the character to bite the dust.

And maybe he was.

When you watch The Waking Dead online or on television, all you see if Negan taking swing after swing with Lucille, telling his unnamed victim that he or she is initially taking the beating “like a champ.”

Creator Robert Kirkman, meanwhile, simply says that someone is, indeed, dead… and that this someone is a “beloved character.”

Does that narrow down the field for you?

Can you believe we need to wait until Season 7 to learn the victim’s identity?!?

Until then, all we can do is take our best guess. So go ahead and do so below:


The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 16 Recap: NEGAN!

Heading into The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 16, viewers were confident in two things:

We would finally meet Negan; and someone would die.


As the 93-minute finale kick off, Morgan was still chasing down Carol when he came across a sign that read “YOU ARE ALIVE!”

This was followed by the sight of the horse for which the Hilltop dude had claimed to be looking last Sunday.

Good news, right? Not exactly, as fans saw Roman the Savior inching closer to Morgan just as he caught up with an annoyed Carol.

Over in Alexandria, Carol locked Enid in a closet in order to prevent her from going off on the trip to race Maggie to The Hilltop to pay doctor Harlan a reverse house call

Rick and company then headed out on this mission, but not before Gabriel assured the leader that Judith was his “first priority” and that everyone would be safe with him in charge.

On the way to The Hilltop, Rick told Maggie that the doc would “make things better” because “we can do anything” as long as “it’s all of us.”

No sooner had he uttered these words than their RV was halted by a group of Saviors.

Some tense back and forth was surprisingly followed by the Saviors letting our heroes go, while also issuing a warning for them to be “kind to each other,” as if this was “your last day on Earth.”

Rick and everyone then ran into another bunch of Saviors, while Morgan lost control of Carol and had to go chasing after her on horseback.

We saw her get attacked and shot by Rowan, who simply wanted to watch Carol die before his mean eyes.

But Carol simply laughed at this threat, saying she was going to die anyway. So Rowan shot her again. Just as he was about to finish her off, Morgan appeared … and killed Rowan dead. So much for his rules when Carol’s life was at stake, huh?

The Hilltop denizen then showed up and offered to help.

After seeing the Saviors hang a victim and set fire to a blockade of felled trees, meanwhile, Rick was sounding less confident and the group was forced to retreat.

From there, Eugene volunteered to take the RV in order for the others to escort Maggie to the Hilltop on foot.

It didn’t take long, however, for the Saviors to capture Eugene and surround the survivors again. The lead Savior disarmed the group and had them get on their knees.

It was then time to meet Negan.

The iconic villains proceeded to explain how the new world order meant half of their stuff was his and if they tried to fight it… things would only get worse.

He said he planned to kill one hero as payback for all the Saviors deaths, taunting Carol, telling Maggie she looked terrible and then see Glenn freak out. He then wound up his barbed-wire bat, Lucille, took a swing and… cut to black.

Yup. That was it.

Go watch The Walking Dead online to see if you can guess who Negan killed and then sound off in the Comments below.

What a way to end The Walking Dead Season 6, huh?!?

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Walking Dead Season Finale Promo: Heeeere"s Negan!

With The Walking Dead Season 6 set to wrap up on Sunday, April 3, viewers of cable"s highest-rated drama should prepare to have at least two key questions answered:

  1. Is Daryl really dead?!?

  2. What does Negan look like?

The first question, of course, is all anyone can really think of following the dramatic event that concluded The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15.

And the second question has been on the minds of viewers ever since they learned that the iconic graphic novel villain was on his way to the small screen.

Negan will be played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan and he’ll have his trusty barbed wire-covered baseball bat handy.

But that"s about all fans know at this point about the character, who is featured briefly in the following trailer for the 90-minute season finale.

"He"s a game changer and it"s a complete 180 from what I"m doing on The Good Wife, which as an actor it"s a dream come true," Morgan recently told Seth Meyes.

"I get to be the biggest ass in the world. It"s awesome… I am super excited about it; it"s going to be cool.

Are you ready to meet Negan?

Check out the trailer for this wildly-anticipated season finale now:

The walking dead season finale teaser heeeeres negan

The Walking Dead Season Finale Promo: Heeeere"s Negan!

With The Walking Dead Season 6 set to wrap up on Sunday, April 3, viewers of cable"s highest-rated drama should prepare to have at least two key questions answered:

  1. Is Daryl really dead?!?

  2. What does Negan look like?

The first question, of course, is all anyone can really think of following the dramatic event that concluded The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 15.

And the second question has been on the minds of viewers ever since they learned that the iconic graphic novel villain was on his way to the small screen.

Negan will be played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan and he’ll have his trusty barbed wire-covered baseball bat handy.

But that"s about all fans know at this point about the character, who is featured briefly in the following trailer for the 90-minute season finale.

"He"s a game changer and it"s a complete 180 from what I"m doing on The Good Wife, which as an actor it"s a dream come true," Morgan recently told Seth Meyes.

"I get to be the biggest ass in the world. It"s awesome… I am super excited about it; it"s going to be cool.

Are you ready to meet Negan?

Check out the trailer for this wildly-anticipated season finale now:

The walking dead season finale teaser heeeeres negan

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 13 Recap: We"re All Negan

To open The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 13, we flashed back to the moment the Sunday before when Carol told Maggie to stay put…

… right before she then winged the Savior who was creeping up behind her.

Before Maggie could kill this individual (later identified as Donny), however, a female Savior named Paula pointed a gun at Carol’s head.

She had two more Saviors by her side: an older woman named Molly – Molls, to Paula (and us) – and a brunette approximately Maggie’s age. They took charge of the situation.

Checking things out through binoculars back at Negan’s headquarters, fellow Savior Primo was shot off “his” bike and apprehended by Rick and company, prompting Paula to intervene via walkie talkie.

Although Donny was anxious to get Primo back because he apparently had the skills needed to treat a gunshot wound, Paula wasn’t sold on the two-for-one deal that Rick offered.

After Carol and Maggie moved to the Saviors’ safe house and bound, the former swiped a rosary from a downed walker who was being dragged out of the room.

She think pretended to hyperventilate until Molls removed her gag, “found” the rosary in her pocket and gave it to the “nervous little bird.”

Carol then said she was unafraid to die and was focused solely on the safely of Maggie and her unborn child.

Elsewhere, Donny’s pain intensified later on, as did his anger. He didn’t understand why he should be hurting while Carol sat there, totally unharmed. He wanted Paula to at least shoot her in the arm.

He struck his significant other when she refused, prompting a tied-up Maggie and Carol to try and break up this attack.

Paula proceeded to have the brunette Savior take Maggie to another room for questioning, but viewers learned more here about the Savior than the she did about Maggie’s camp.

After Paula turned down Rick’s hostage swap deal, Carol lied that they’d murdered all the Saviors out of fear of retaliation for Daryl taking out the men who had attempted to rob him, Sasha and Abraham on the road.

Those supposedly dead Saviors mentioned Negan, Carol added. Who is he, she asked?

“Sweetie, sweetie,” replied Molls. “We’re all Negan!” 

GULP. Also: WTH?!?

After Paula determined that Rick and company were near, they prepared for an ambush… which enabled Carol to break free via the crucifix and then free Maggie as well.

The latter insisted that they had to finish off the Savior, using Donny’s corpse as a weapon. She killed Molls with it. Carol was hesitant to do the same to Paula, but ended up with little choice in the matter.

We ended the busy, intense hour with Rick and Daryl arriving and finding both Carol and Maggie visibly shaken.

After failing to get answers about Negan from Promo, Rick shot him in the head … as Carol clutched the rosary so tightly that her hand bled.

Crazy stuff, huh? Watch The Walking Dead online to make sure you are caught up and then sound off in the Comments section below.

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Walking Dead Trailer: Negan is Here!

It"s okay to breathe now.

The Walking Dead Season 6 killed off another character on Sunday night, while leaving viewers wondering about the fate of many other favorites.

But it also bid farewell for a few months, as the AMC smash is now on hiatus until February.

Not long after the midseason finale aired, the network ran a two-minute teaser for what fans can expect from The Walking Dead in 2016.

Or, to be more accurate, for WHO fans can expect to see from The Walking Dead in 2016.

The footage features Daryl, Sasha and Abraham being stopped on the road by a group of bikers, the leader of whom calmly tells the survivors to exit their vehicle, saying:

“We will end your asses, split you right in two, straight through to the sinuses."

This trio of heroes abides, but they are then confused when the biker says that everything they own isn’t theirs anymore.

Who does it therefore belong to, Sasha asks?

“Your property now belongs to Negan,” the nemesis replies, making a reference to a notorious villain from the Robert Kirkman comics on which The Walking Dead is based.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan has been cast in this role, though he doesn"t appear as Negan in the preview.

AMC is no doubt waiting to unveil him in February, as Negan is the leader of a group of survivors who refer to themselves the Savior. 

In the comics, he kills Glenn within moments of meeting him.

Check out the frightening scene below and remember that you can watch The Walking Dead online via TV Fanatic at any time during this hiatus.

The walking dead trailer negan is here