Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jessa and Ben Seewald Announce Baby Gender ... Poll!

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and husband Ben really want you to get hyped about their pregnancy, so they’ve come out with a baby gender poll!

Seriously, can you even HANDLE the excitement?!

The topic of Jessa’s baby gender has been a hot one – at least on the family’s website – and the stakes should only rise given this new twist:

Fans can guess the gender of their new addition!

There are options to select boy or girl, obviously, as well as twins, which will surely have Duggar fans wondering if the Seewalds are having twins.

Moreover, the poll lets fans vote for twin boys, twin girls and twins (boy and girl), so if you think they’re in for double trouble, you can get specific.

“We haven’t told whether our baby is a boy or a girl, but we are in the middle of choosing a baby name,” Jessa says in the accompanying video.

“Put in your top pick for a boy name and a girl name, and who knows,” says the pregnant 22-year-old Arkansan. “We may choose yours.”

She may indeed. Just like she may forgive Josh Duggar someday for the fact that he got their show canceled and cut off their gravy train.

Much has been made of the fact that no one cares about her pregnancy in relation to older sister Jill’s, and how Josh is to blame for that.

Clearly, he’s dinged the family’s reputation beyond repair, but Jessa and Ben seem happy and blissfully in love with one another at least.

Who cares how many votes they get in their poll or whether TLC cameras film their every move. It’s all about faith and family … right?