Thursday, September 24, 2015

Donald Trump to Boycott Fox News Over "Unfair" Treatment

Here is something we never thought we’d see:

The leading Republican nominee for President issuing a personal boycott against Fox News.

Then again, we never thought that leading Republican nominee for President would be Donald Trump, either.

But the real estate mogul announced via Twitter on Wednesday that he has no plans to sit down for any interviews with cable’s top news network any time soon.

“.@FoxNews has been treating me very unfairly & I have therefore decided that I won’t be doing any more Fox shows for the foreseeable future,” Trump wrote, sounding more like a third grader than a serious politician.

Trump’s problems with Fox News began at the first Republican debate in August.

He went off on moderator Megyn Kelly immediately after it aired because she pressed Trump on his past treatment of women.

He referred to Kelly as a bimbo and, in an interview with CNN’s Don Lemon, Trump implied strongly that Kelly may have been on her period.

Then, this week, Trump took to Twitter to declare that Kelly was “highly overrated” and also said that Bill O’Reilly features “the same old Trump haters” on The O’Reilly Factor all the time.

In response to Trump’s incessant denouncing of Fox programs, the network released a statement to Entertainment Weekly focused on how the press gives Trump the attention he wants rather than focusing on his actual words and actions.

“At 11:45 a.m. [Wednesday], we canceled Donald Trump’s scheduled appearance on The O’Reilly Factor on Thursday, which resulted in Mr. Trump’s subsequent tweet about his ‘boycott’ of Fox News,” the statement reads.

“The press predictably jumped to cover his tweet, creating yet another distraction from any real issues that Mr. Trump might be questioned about. When coverage doesn’t go his way, he engages in personal attacks on our anchors and hosts, which has grown stale and tiresome.

“He doesn’t seem to grasp that candidates telling journalists what to ask is not how the media works in this country.”

Did we mention that Donald Trump is still the leading Republican nominee for President?

Oh, we did? Okay. Sorry. It’s still sinking in over here.