Thursday, June 7, 2018

Alice Marie Johnson Thanks "War Angel" Kim Kardashian

She"s been a sex tape star, a fashion maven and an Instagram model.

But Kim Kardashian now has a new title:


It"s not one we ever thought would be bestowed on her and it"s not one we"re using facetiously.

On Wednesday afternoon, President Donald Trump commuted the setence of Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year old from Alabama who was jailed for life back in 1997 due to a first-time drug offense.

Kardashian learned of this punishment in October and has since dedicated a significant amount of time to helping free Johnson from jail.

She even met President Trump at the White House last week in order to talk about Johnson and prison reform.

This is a real issue and Kardashian just produced a real result: Johnson is a free woman.

Talking to reporters after leaving prison for the first time in over two decades yesterday, Johnson said tthe following:

“I feel like my life is starting over again."

She later referred to Kim not just as her "angel," but as her "war angel," adding:

"She has truly been relentless in her fight for me… this is not a publicity thing for her. She has never stopped fighting for me. She"s an incredible woman, an amazing woman."

Johnson also details in the video below how Kardashian was actually the person who told her she was about to go free, a stunning development for someone who thought her life was over forever.

"BEST NEWS EVER," Kim Tweeted after learning Johnson would be released from jail, later adding:

I’m so grateful to President Trump, Jared Kushner and to everyone who has showed compassion and contributed countless hours to this important moment for Ms. Alice Marie Johnson.

Her commutation and forthcoming release is inspirational and gives hope to so many others who are also deserving of a second chance.

I hope to continue this important work by working together with organizations who have been fighting this fight for much longer than I have and deserve the recognition.

Says a very emotional Johnson below, having been reunited with her family

"I will not waste this second chance in life."


Alice marie johnson thanks war angel kim kardashian