Friday, November 10, 2017

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Criticized For PDA at Joy-Anna"s Wedding

Derick Dillard is making quite a name for himself these days.

Not satisfied to play second fiddle to his spouse like the other Duggar in-laws, Derick is currently in the process of rebranding himself as a right-wing firebrand with God on his side and an arsenal of hot takes at the ready.

Name an issue, and Derick’s got an opinion.

Not only that, it’ll be an opinion that’s sure to trigger the cuck-flakes into oblivion.

Transgender people?

A myth orchestrated by the lame-stream media or a pernicious threat to your children’s safety (depending on how pissed off Der is feeling that day).

National anthem protests? Ha! Racism doesn’t exist in America, folks.

And Derick would know. His best friend met a black guy once.

D-Dill has clearly set his sights on becoming the Tomi Lahren of the evangelical set, and he’ll let nothing stop him from reaching his goal.

(Including the fact that he ain’t much for your fancy book learnin’.)

Of course, the man has a hard road ahead of him.

The “far-right fringe group mouthpiece” market is over-saturated these days, and Derick is not blonde and pretty, nor is he built like a former high school football player who developed an unfortunate addiction to fried cheese products in middle age.

So employment at Fox News is out of the question.

Sure, Derick has a decent social media following, but these days, you have to go the extra mile to really stand out, especially when you come from a clan the size of the Duggars.

Fortunately, Derick is willing to do what he has to do to set himself apart from the madding crowd of his wife’s family:

The above photo was taken at the recent wedding of Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth.

As you can see, it appears Derick and Jill decided to lip-lock at the exact second the shutter button clicked.

It’s their way of donning the proverbial red-and-white striped hat and sweater in the “Where’s Waldo” cartoon that is every Duggar family photo.

Fans took notice of the attention-grabbing stunt and were quick to call the Dillards out in the comments:

“Trust Jill and Derick to try and take over the scene. They couldn’t just blend in, they have to smooch,” wrote one Instagram user.

“It was the first thing I noticed! They can’t have one picture without them being the focus, not even at her sister’s wedding,” commented another.

Is it possible that the timing of the PDA was purely coincidental?

Could it be that Jill and Derick simply wanted their affection for one another to be a matter of public record?


But we agree with the commenters that “Derick is an attention-starved social climber” angle is more fun.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
