Showing posts with label Madix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madix. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Ariana Madix Criticized By Fans For Defending "Predatory" Brother

If you watched last night’s episode of Vanderpump Rules, you may have been surprised and disappointed as several cast members engaged in the egregious practice of victim-shaming in an attempt bury some unsettling allegations.

What could have served as an edifying reminder that the lessons of the #MeToo era often force both men and women to confront uncomfortable truths was instead a painful lesson in how not to handle an accusation by a woman who has been mistreated.

The situation began innocently enough when Ariana Madix’s brother, Jeremy, asked castmate Billie Lee out on a date.

When Billie shared the news with friends Stassi Schroeder and Kristen Doute, she was shocked to learn that Jeremy’s been the subject of some unsettling accusations.

While Stassi encouraged Billie to make sure she sticks to public places during her date, Kristen derided the SUR busboy as “creepy.”

A flashback clip from Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz’s wedding the previous summer supports Stassi’s claim that Jeremy behaved inappropriately.

The footage shows Jeremy wrapping Stassi up in an unwelcome hug while chastising her for giving him dirty looks and jokingly promising that he’ll stop hitting on her.

When Ariana learned of the allegations, she exacerbated the situation by behaving in an extremely hostile fashion toward Stassi and Kristen, and threatening them that they’re “going to a place that they will never f–king come back from.”

She then informed her boyfriend, Tom Sandoval, of the situation, and he proceeded to track the women down and scream at them, at one point threatening that they had “better f–king watch themselves.”

The reaction on Twitter was overwhelmingly negative, with many viewers pointing out the hypocrisy of self-proclaimed feminists Ariana and Lala Kent fuming with rage at two women who broached a difficult topic in an effort to protect another woman from harm:

“Perhaps you shouldn’t be on TV or violating women’s space. There’s film, idiot,” one viewer tweeted at Jeremy.

“Um, Ariana, your brother has a history of domestic abuse and violating restraining orders. ‘Creepy’ might be a kind adjective here,” wrote another.

That last tweet refers to the fact that Jeremy has been arrested multiple times on charges of domestic assault and violating a restraining order.

According to court records, an ex-girlfriend of Madix’s informed police that he beat her, forcibly undressed her, and threatened to kill her after they had broken up.

Jeremy, meanwhile, was by turns combative and dismissive in his response to the scandal.

Before the episode aired, he tweeted a GIF which seemed to make light of the allegations against him:

Later, he retweeted several of his own comments that seemed to be his way of responding to a previous round of criticism:

“I’m so content with the person i am I could give a fuck what you think about me,” a less-than-content-sounding Madix tweeted.

“So while I ride around in this RR and continue to work my ass off on some REAL CEO shit, be nice. Cause I’m nice to everyone.”

The most recent round of allegations against Madix were not especially severe, but the way the situation was handled was downright deplorable.

If women who come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct are subjected to bitter vitriol and violent threats from within their own social circle, then the progress of the past few months has truly been illusory.

As with the abuse that James Kennedy has inflicted on his female co-stars, this is not the stuff of amusing reality TV drama.

Vanderpump Rules is in danger of becoming a deeply problematic series, and only its stars have the ability to bring a stop to that steady deterioration.

There’s a fine line between a show that documents the intoxicated debauchery of some of WeHo’s most argumentative pretty people and a show that glorifies abusive and violent behavior for a young and impressionable audience.

Hopefully, if the show’s stars don’t realize something needs to be done, then the network will – and some much-needed retooling will take place.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to witness the shocking reaction to Jeremy’s behavior for yourself.


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Stassi Schroeder-Ariana Madix Feud Heats Up Amidst Bigotry Accusations

On last night’s Vanderpump Rules, sh-t got real.

And we don’t mean “drunk people yelled at each other about pasta” real – we’re talking “actual social issues of consequence were discussed on a Bravo reality show” real.

It all started when Stassi Schroeder asked the show’s newest cast member, Billie Lee, to appear on her podcast.

Prior to the interview, Billie – who is transgender – was cautioned by Ariana Madix that Stassi is sometimes insufficiently woke.

The accusation stems from remarks Stassi made on her podcast last year.

It seems Schroeder is one of the very few people who was upset when Moonlight beat out La La Land for Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards.

Yes, ironically, Stassi was in the minority – and it seems she didn’t relish the feeling.

“Everyone giving their impassioned speeches about race and all that stuff — I’m like, why is it always just about African Americans?” Stassi asked, causing her audience to cringe themselves into oblivion.

“Why aren’t the Asians being like, ‘We’re not represented’? Why aren’t Native Americans and Latinos being like, ‘We’re not represented’? Why is it that it’s always just that?”

To be fair, Schroeder apologized for her comments and says she now understands the extent of how ignorant they were.

Obviously, a public “whoopsie” doesn’t erase all wrongdoing, and Stassi’s record in the months since is far from spotless.

But she’s trying – and she seemed genuinely upset about being derided as a bigot behind her back.

“She did an episode on her podcast, and she was like, ‘Well, I don’t know why those people always make award shows into a thing about politics and race,” Ariana told Billie prior to her interview with Stassi.

“I hope you school Stassi’s ass on her f-cking privilege because this bitch actually takes pride in being ignorant.”

“F-ck this,” Stassi said in response to Ariana’s warning.

“You know what? Saying that I’m racist — it’s a whole other level of vindictiveness. I didn’t articulate it properly, and I would actually just like you to go listen to it so you can make your own opinion.”

She added:

“To sh-t on my podcast, to sh-t on my values, to sh-t on all of that makes me really upset.”

Now, we’re in complicated territory here.

What Stassi said was beyond foolish, but was Ariana really concerned that Billie Lee would be triggered by another round of ignorant comments, or was she simply using a past slip-up to slander her rival?

Because if so, she’s being petty and exploitative, and she’s the one who owes her fans and friends an apology.

On one matter, Stassi is inarguably correct – an allegation of bigotry is a serious thing, and such charges should only be leveled out of genuine concern about someone’s beliefs, not to settle a personal score.

See? We told you this situation is way more thought-provoking than what you’re used to seeing on Bravo.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for next week’s episode, in which the cast will presumably debate the virtues of nuclear disarmament.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Ariana Madix: Brittany Cartwright & Jax Taylor Almost Destroyed My Relationship!

Lisa Vanderpump and all of her messy TV children are back.

Vanderpump Rules‘ season six premiere showed us a lot of drama … including some “troubles” between Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright.

Not to be outdone, Ariana Madix and Tom Sandoval have also been shown to be having relationship struggles. And they’re laying the blame for their issues directly at the feet of Jax and Brittany.

Back when we first heard about Jax Taylor cheating on Brittany Cartwright, Tom Sandoval seemed to try to distance himself from that narrative.

For a quick refresher:

Jax and Brittany have of course been together for ages, but Jax was accused of cheating on her with Faith Stowers.

And then it appeared that Faith Stowers’ period was late — suggesting that she might be pregnant with Jax’s baby.

Both Ariana and Tom expressed disbelief.

As entertaining as most of us find the idea of Jax Taylor, of all people, being happily monogamous for two years, it looks like at least some of his fellow Vanderpump Rules stars believe that he’s remained loyal to Ariana.

But while some believe that Jax has been faithful, others believed that he’d been filling Faith.


To no one’s surprise, Katie Maloney was quick to bash Jax, suggesting that he should just find a girl who won’t mind his alleged cheating.

All caught up?

Well, Ariana Madix and Tom Sandoval were clearly also struggling in their relationship, but we don’t know where that storyline is going, exactly.

In an interview with TooFab, they try to explain a little about that without, you know, spoiling their entire season’s storyline on Vanderpump Rules.

They start off by talking about the drama between Jax and Brittany.

“We can’t obviously give away too much,” Ariana says. “But they are together now, as you can see on social media … it’s a lot.

You can hide a lot from social media, but people can pretty much tell if you’re still together or not.

(Also, and maybe this is a generational thing, but I love when people refer to something as “a lot.” It tells you that something will be intense and probably messy without giving any details)

“So just gird your loins for that one.”

That line could mean anything from “Faith fabricated a pregnancy just to destroy Brittany’s life!” to “Brittany is staying with Jax and has promised to help raise his lovechild once Faith gives birth.”

But, you know, probably something between those extremes.

Ariana then gets into how Jax and Brittany’s problems weren’t limited to each other.

“It’s like a ripple effect.”

That makes sense. 

“Anything that happens with any one couple, somehow ripples into all of the other people.”

When a bunch of people are close, whether they’re friends, family, frenemies, coworkers, or costars, everyone’s lives (and drama) can become interconnected.

And, specifically, Ariana says that she and Tom felt those effects.

“I think you see in the trailer that Tom and I went through some stuff so I’ll go ahead and say that that had something to do with it.”

That is … incredibly vague, Ariana.

But that’s her job.

For a scripted series, actors play characters who aren’t them at all, and are free to divulge almost everything from their personal lives.

For a reality series, though, your personal lives are the storyline. You have to keep personal details under wraps.

It it fair for Ariana and Tom to blame Jax and Brittany and that couple’s “ripple effect” for their own relationship problems?

Perhaps it will all make more sense once we’ve seen a lot more of this season.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Stassi Schroeder SLAMS Ariana Madix: Your Brother Beats Women!

Last night’s Vanderpump Rules reunion show may have brought the show’s fifth season to a dramatic conclusion, but it seems the cast is far from finished firing shots at one another.

The only difference now is that the war of words has shifted to social media, and believe it or not, it’s even uglier than what viewers witnessed on the series’ three-part reunion.

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you probably know that the latest season wasn’t terribly kind to Scheana Marie.

Not only did the show document her divorce from Mike Shay (a storyline that probably should’ve received more screen time), we also saw Scheana butting heads with the chick clique of Stassi Schroeder, Katie Maloney, and Kristen Doute.

The show wrapped filming last summer, and the reunion specials were taped a few weeks ago, but it seems that the tension between Scheana and her former friends is still running high.

She’s not fighting the battle alone, however, as Ariana Madix has been taking shots at Katie and company on Scheana’s behalf.

Unfortunately for Ariana, it looks as though Stassi is taking no prisoners in this battle.

It seems Ariana and Lala Kent both joined Scheana for an episode of online talk show Scheananigans, and naturally they went in on Scheana’s rivals.

According to Stassi and Kristen the episode featured all three of the ladies engaging in the sort of bullying behavior they’ve been accusing others of all season.

Stassi put Lala in her place months ago (While Kent somewhat redeemed herself with her reunion show appearances, she was deservedly torn apart in her Twitter feud with Schroeder.) and now it seems she’s set her sights squarely on Madix.

Schroeder responded to a tweet from Ariana’s brother by reminding the world that Jeremy Madix was once arrested on domestic abuse charges:

Stassi Tweet

Yes, Stassi basically went nuclear, and it seems the escalation had the desired effect:

Ariana, usually never at a loss for words, has yet to respond to Stassi’s latest salvo.

Something tells us that long-gestating friendship between these two will never quite happen, but hey, at least you can’t accuse this crew of faking the drama for ratings.

A clearly feud-fatigued Kristen Doute remarked summarized the situation in a tweet posted moments ago, writing:

“Well.. I hope everyone enjoyed the final episode of #PumpRules Season 5! perfect timing for a dumb fucking twitter war.”

Seriously, folks. Save it for when the cameras are rolling, so we can all watch!


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Stassi Schroeder & Ariana Madix: Going At It On Twitter!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that this season has been about two things:

1. Tom and Katie’s wedding (and formerly one-note nice-guy Tom revealing himself to be as amusing a hot mess as anyone else on the show.)

2. And the politics of the show’s primary chick clique, with Stassi (probably temporarily) abdicating her HBIC throne to bride-to-be Katie.

Throughout the season, Ariana Madix has been on the outside looking in, having lost her most formidable ally when mean girl extraordinaire Lala Kent quit the show back in August.

Early on, Ariana made the baffling decision to side with Lala and James Kennedy, who is – and let us not mince words here – nothing but an entitled, egomaniacal abusive misogynist who may well have a bright future in presidential politics.

Despite what appeared to be a deepening rift between the two factions of the Vanderpump cast, there were rumors of hatchets buried and apologies issued during the filming of this year’s reunion show.

Which is why so many were caught off guard when Lala threw some unprovoked (and bafflingly random) shade at Stassi on a recent episode of Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live.

During a quiz about her former cast mates, Lala accused Stassi of lying about being from New Orleans, stating that the 28-year-old actually hails from a “white suburb” on the outskirts of the region.

Ariana seemed to side with Lala (as she so often does), prompting Stassi to publicly what she’d done to provoke the bartender.

“Wake me up when you find out whatever it is I did to [Ariana],” Stassi wrote.

Ariana responded, “It’s not about me, it’s how you treat people.”

Madix included a link to an article about a recent episode of Stassi’s podcast in which the reality star discussed the 2017 Academy Awards and decried what she saw as a situation in which art was overshadowed by racial politics.

Stassi replied to Ariana’s tweet with a scathing retort with some shade about Ariana’s failed attempt at podcasting:

“Thank u for my podcast shout out. If yours would’ve had success, then maybe u would’ve accidentally f–ked up on your words at some point.”

Does Ariana have a point in this particular argument?

Yes, but to be fair Stassi has fully accepted the blame for the ignorance of her statement. 

At this point, Ariana’s insistence on pointing to a past slip-up rather than sticking to the issue at hand smacks of the rhetorical equivalent of running and hiding.

To say nothing of the fact that these days, Ariana is awfully vulnerable to being called out for a shocking lack of woke-ness, herself:

In fact, she’s proven herself so self-servingly hypocritical that in most cases, her high-minded moralizing is thoroughly undermined by her recent words and deeds. 

Madix calls herself a feminist while defending the actions of Lala Kent, a young woman who’s most memorable moments from this season involved body-shaming her castmates and mocking women who aren’t attractive enough to receive free transportation in private jets.

Ariana is the same woman who called herself the smartest person she knows (a statement so egregiously dumb it serves as its own counter-argument), but who routinely pulls co-workers and castmates into the most inane squabbles imaginable.

We guess such hypocrisy shouldn’t be surprising coming from a woman who proudly boasts about “taking comedy seriously.”


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ariana Madix: I"m the #1 F--king Girl on Vanderpump Rules!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you may recall the scene from earlier this season when Jax Taylor, crazy-eyed with liquor and cocaine rage, declared himself “the number one f–king guy” in his group of friends.

Earlier this week, past and present SUR-vers Stassi Schroeder, Kristen Doute, Scheana Marie and Katie Maloney appeared on Watch What Happens Live, where host Andy Cohen asked the viewers to vote on who should hold the title of “Number One F–king Girl” in the Vander-bunch and the result may surprise you:

Yes, winning by a wide margin with a shocking 39% of the vote was none other than Ariana Madix, who not only hasn’t been on Vanderpump as long as the other ladies, but also wasn’t a guest on WWHL at the time the voting took place.

If you don’t watch the show, then we really can’t help but wonder why you’re reading this article, but to put it in terms non-PumpKids might understand, that would be like if Ben Carson threw his hat back into the ring and suddenly dominated the GOP primaries.

Yes, in this analogy Ben Carson goes from soft-spoken neurosurgeon to sharp-tongued LA hipster.

We’re not sure who everyone else would be, but Kristen is definitely Trump.

Anyway, it was something of an unexpected victory, but well-deserved by Ariana, who took to Twitter to thank fans.

Of course, this isn’t Ms. Madix’s only honor in recent months. OK! magazine recently named Ariana and Tom Sandoval the sexiest couple of last year.

Clearly, the people love Ariana, who may have edged out Stassi as the smartest, sassiest blonde on Vanderpump.

The girls’s got a bright future. We doubt she’ll have to spend her nights getting bumped around behind the bar by a sweaty, coked-out felonious co-worker much longer.

Ariana Madix: I"m the #1 F--king Girl on Vanderpump Rules!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you may recall the scene from earlier this season when Jax Taylor, crazy-eyed with liquor and cocaine rage, declared himself “the number one f–king guy” in his group of friends.

Earlier this week, past and present SUR-vers Stassi Schroeder, Kristen Doute, Scheana Marie and Katie Maloney appeared on Watch What Happens Live, where host Andy Cohen asked the viewers to vote on who should hold the title of “Number One F–king Girl” in the Vander-bunch and the result may surprise you:

Yes, winning by a wide margin with a shocking 39% of the vote was none other than Ariana Madix, who not only hasn’t been on Vanderpump as long as the other ladies, but also wasn’t a guest on WWHL at the time the voting took place.

If you don’t watch the show, then we really can’t help but wonder why you’re reading this article, but to put it in terms non-PumpKids might understand, that would be like if Ben Carson threw his hat back into the ring and suddenly dominated the GOP primaries.

Yes, in this analogy Ben Carson goes from soft-spoken neurosurgeon to sharp-tongued LA hipster.

We’re not sure who everyone else would be, but Kristen is definitely Trump.

Anyway, it was something of an unexpected victory, but well-deserved by Ariana, who took to Twitter to thank fans.

Of course, this isn’t Ms. Madix’s only honor in recent months. OK! magazine recently named Ariana and Tom Sandoval the sexiest couple of last year.

Clearly, the people love Ariana, who may have edged out Stassi as the smartest, sassiest blonde on Vanderpump.

The girls’s got a bright future. We doubt she’ll have to spend her nights getting bumped around behind the bar by a sweaty, coked-out felonious co-worker much longer.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Vanderpump Rules Season 4 Episode 11 Recap: Ariana Madix vs. The World

Lisa’s doing all she can to keep her distance from Stassi on Vanderpump Rules, as the former cast member has been snooping around.

Meanwhile, Scheana and Ariana found that their friendship could be more damaged than previously believed. Possibly beyond repair …

When Vanderpump Rules Season 4 Episode 11 got underway, we were teased that Stassi is on the verge of making a Bravo comeback.

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know what a bunch of co-dependent head cases these are and that drama is their drug.

You also know that Stassi is the poster child for that (mis)behavior, so when she makes her return, grab a hat and hold the f–k onto it.

As for this week’s drama, Scheana Marie and Ariana Madix got into it because Tom Sandoval isn’t happy (at all) about Kristen Doute.

Specifically, that everyone wants to be friends with Kristen again, despite the fact that she is a proven sociopath demon crazy person.

Kristen is trying, to her credit, to make peace with Tom. It’s a very difficult road ahead, but she seems determined to bury the hatchet.

Now that she’s helping Katie Maloney plan her wedding – Tom was stunned to hear this – she’s going to be around, so get used to it!

Or not. It’s gotten to the point where Ariana is even considering ending friendships with Scheana and Katie over the whole Kristen issue.

Scheana, for her part, thinks that Ariana should lighten the hell up and that her best friend simply has a terrible attitude about everything.

Do you concur? Whose side are you on here?

Meanwhile, James Kennedy managed to get himself invited to Jax and Tom Sandoval’s birthday celebration after all, so he was hyped.

Of course, Lala Kent is telling people he has a small penis, so he will be less than hyped about that. For James, that’s worse than death.

Eh, Lala and Faith also went skinny dipping in Lisa’s pool on this episode, so James might get over it if either/both showed any interest.

We just call it like we see it here at THG.