Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Kim Kardashian DESTROYS Twitter Account that Criticized Kanye West

You can say more or less whatever you like about Kim Kardashian — she’s built her brand off of “scandals” that would ruin other careers. But you don’t talk about her man, apparently.

When a Twitter account that regularly reports on Kanye’s fashion line made a claim about Yeezy, Kim Kardashian went off. She supports her husband’s brand and, when she’s not eating noodles while naked, often wears Yeezy apparel.

She put them on blast in public. And she may have made some calls to Twitter in private. Yikes.

A verified Twitter account that calls itself The Yeezy Mafia tweeted that Yeezy buyers were invited to an empty showroom.

The tweet then went on to claim that:

“There won’t be any apparel or accessories for SEASON 7 as Kanye West couldn’t do what he wanted to achieve with this collection.”

Given Kanye’s reputation as an eccentric man who does things in his own way, that wasn’t the least believable thing that people had heard.

Kim was clearly incensed, and took to Twitter, quoted the tweet, and wrote:

“How can a verified account represent Yeezy with false information. You do NOT work for Yeezy and NOT affiliated. How are you gonna believe an account that posts fake color ways.”

Her accusatory tweet, which quoted The Yeezy Mafia’s now-deleted tweet, was followed by three identical emojis depicting a face laughing to the point of tears.

Kim was not done, however. Not even close.

“Season 6 was genius,” she writes.

Opinions are subjective, with some people loving Yeezy and others finding both the shapes and color choices to be off-putting or strange.

Kim continues, writing: “All of my Japan looks are season 7 & will be online soon.”

You can see a selfie that she snapped below. A taste of what’s to come.

She then clarified what she thinks that The Yeezy Mafia meant to say:

“Yeezy does not play by fashion rules. The show room was strictly shoes & always intended for that.”


The Yeezy Mafia deleted their original tweet, but they didn’t stop their bowing and scraping with that.

After being called out by Kim Kardashian herself, they tweeted an explanation:

“Apologize for saying showroom was empty, it wasn’t, there was boots.”

They offered up an explanation of how, really, Kanye wasn’t being a prima donna about his line and that they had been entirely mistaken.

“But they were already there and already ordered at the Season 7 showroom in Milan a month ago.”

They then apologized again:

“We didn’t use the correct words so sorry for that.”

Remember, folks — Kim Kardashian is the woman who helped derail Taylor Swift’s reputation. Taylor has yet to fully recover from that.

Kim has zero chill when it comes to defending Kanye.

Kim continued to sing the praises of her husband’s fashion line, tweeting:


The next time that someone tries to spread rumors that Kim and Kanye are in a loveless marriage, point to how hard she pushes his fashion line. That alone is a sign of real love.

(We’re not saying that only a person who loves Kanye could praise his clothing — his line remains polarizing, but it has plenty of fans who aren’t part of Kanye’s family)

Kim looks great wearing anything — or wearing nothing at all. Plenty of folks would love to see her in their clothes, but she often chooses to wear her husband’s. That’s so sweet.

Twitter’s response was entertaining, with some expressing that they were amused that The Yeezy Mafia reversed their stance so quickly.

“Kim got y’all sweating?”

“S H O O K.”

Others scolded fellow tweeters for making fun of the account, writing:

“Y’all act like people don’t make mistakes give them a break they always supply us with the best leaks and news before anyone else thank you mafia.”

One thing is for certain: Kim Kardashian can get much more intense on social media than when she’s just asking fans if they also watch This Is Us.

Anyone who has Kanye in their Twitter crosshairs should keep that in mind.
