Showing posts with label Convinced. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Convinced. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: Fans Are Convinced They"re Headed For Divorce. Here"s Why ...

It’s been quite the turbulent two years for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.
Between a miscarriage, rehab stints, bouts with mental illness, and allegations of infidelity, Tyler and Catelynn have endured just about every challenge a married couple can face.
For much of their...
Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: Fans Are Convinced They"re Headed For Divorce. Here"s Why ...

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: Fans Are Convinced They"re Headed For Divorce. Here"s Why ...

It’s been quite the turbulent two years for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.
Between a miscarriage, rehab stints, bouts with mental illness, and allegations of infidelity, Tyler and Catelynn have endured just about every challenge a married couple can face.
For much of their...
Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: Fans Are Convinced They"re Headed For Divorce. Here"s Why ...

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Ariana Grande: Why Everyone is Convinced She"s Pregnant!

So Ariana Grande has had quite the eventful year so far.

She’s gone through some really wonderful things, some truly terrible things …

It honestly has been a whole, whole lot.

To start with the bad things, of course there was her breakup with Mac Miller.

And when he passed away from a suspected overdose a few months later, she definitely took the news hard.

But 2018 hasn’t been all bad, either.

She released a new album, Sweetener, and it’s been doing very well.

On a more personal note, she also became engaged to Saturday Night Live cast member Pete Davidson!

In the beginning, there was some controversy over the engagement, since it happened just a few weeks after her breakup with Mac Miller.

But as time has gone on, most people seem to be more accepting of it.

(Not that it really matters what strangers think of her relationship, but hey, it is true.)

Lots of people have even come to find Ariana and Pete kind of adorable together, even when he’s admitted to “jerking off to her” before he met her.

Adorable enough to get excited about a pregnancy, though?

Guess we’ll see!

Ariana shared this new selfie this weekend:

She’s promoting her new perfume, Cloud, and while many of her fans seem excited about it, that’s not what they’re focusing on.

Instead, they’ve zeroed in on that playpen in the background.

Which, in case you couldn’t tell, was 100% made for a baby.

If you check out the comments on the photo, tons of her followers have been losing their minds over the playpen and what it might mean.

“Is she pregnant because i see that baby thing in the background,” one person asked, “maybe thats why she got engaged to pete so early.”

“Are you gonna have a baaaby?” another fan questioned.

Some were a little more excited, like the person who commented with “WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE A BABY BED???? YOU PREGNANT MY QUEEN??!!”

Along the same lines, someone else wrote “THERE IS A BABY CRIB OMG.”

Katy Perry even got invested in this mystery, asking “WHAT ARE YOU COOKING IN THE CRIB?”

Thankfully, Ariana was sweet enough to respond to all these questions.

Except she responded with “My secret child duh,” which didn’t really do much to calm down her fans.

Later on though, she revealed the truth, which is “That’s Piggy Smalls’ play pen in the background. The red is to keep ha warm.”

Because in case you missed it, she and Pete got a pet pig last month.

And they named it Piggy Smalls.

Look how cute he is:

As Pete explained in a recent interview “This girl, like, she was like, ‘I want a pig.’ And then an hour later it was just there.”

He also said that “Thefirst two days it was like really new and like, didn’t move much.”‘

“But then, now, it’s starting to bite and, you know, start to do stuff … I love it. I want it to get big and fat.”

Us too, Pete.

Us too.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Anna Duggar: Why Fans Are Convinced She"s Pregnant With Baby #6!

Earlier this week, Josh Duggar dared to show his face online again, rearing his ugly head in a family photo.

Fans were irate — and were so distracted that some didn’t immediately notice that something about Anna’s look was very conspicuous.

Now, however, these eagle-eyed Duggar fans believe that Anna Duggar is pregnant with baby #6!

Josh Duggar is so reviled that even people who like the Duggar family hate him, and those who dislike the Duggars as a whole still think that he’s worse than the rest.

That’s what happens when the world finds out that you molested little girls and got away with it.

So it is totally understandable that almost everyone’s attention was fully on Josh appearing in Anna Duggar’s Labor Day family photo.

But if you turn your attention to the right of the pic, you will notice that Anna is also partially off screen, even though she and Josh could have easily fit into the picture.

She could be hiding a baby bump.

But the fact that half of her body is excluded isn’t the only reason why fans think that she’s pregnant. Can you catch it?

While most of the comments are either from people going “yikes” about Josh appearing in a photo or, worse, from people defending him, others pointed out Anna’s dress.

These fans recognized it as the same floral print maternity gown that she was wearing not all that long ago.

While it’s totally possible to wear a maternity gown because it’s relatively comfortable and loose-fitting, fans can’t help but wonder if she is once again pregnant.

It has been almost exactly one year since Anna gave birth. Considering that we’re talking about the Duggar family, it is not unreasonable to think that she may be pregnant again.

Take a closer look at Anna and her gown.

If she is pregnant, it looks like she’s still at an early enough stage of her pregnancy that she can conceal an obvious baby bump by wearing a loose gown and by leaning forward.

(And, of course, by cropping off part of her body in the photo)

As we mentioned, it’s been a while since she gave birth. Mason Duggar will turn one year old in less than a week — on September 12.

Late last month, Anna revealed a health issue impacting baby Mason.

Maybe Mackynzie, age 8, Michael, age 7, Marcus, age 5, Meredith, age 3, and Mason, age 1-ish are going to get a baby sibling.

As we mentioned, the photo saw a number of passionate defenders speak up for Josh Duggar.

One commenter suggested that, in the future, Anna should simply disable comments when she shares a picture of Josh, so that she doesn’t have to look at the “hate.”

Another condemned Josh’s detractors, writing “society doesn’t understand true forgiveness,” as if holding child-molesters accountable is a strictly secular value.

(For the record, it is not, and we should note that other famous conservatives, including some Robertsons of Duck Dynasty fame, publicly urged Anna to divorce the creep)

One commenter even revealed that her own son had “gone through” what Josh had when he was 15, and expressed pity for these men for facing consequences for their actions. Wow.

Even if Anna is pregnant, you can bet that the discourse over Josh is not going away any time soon.

Some fans feel that, all things considered, it is simply too soon for Baby #6.

Others feel that, at this point, she’s as thoroughly linked to Josh as she can be, and another child won’t do any harm.

That said, it’s always possible that she was just wearing a comfortable, loose-fitting dress that still complies with Duggar rules.

In the mean time, fans think that they have proof that Lauran Swanson is pregnant with Josiah Duggar’s baby already.


Monday, July 9, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Why Fans Are Convinced He"s Leaving Catelynn Lowell!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have always been and will always be THE Teen Mom couple.

Obviously, right?

They’ve been together since they were 12 years old, and they’re the only couple from the 16 and Pregnant days who are still together.

Sure, there’s been some ups and downs, and there were a few times it seemed like they weren’t going to make it, but they’ve managed to pull through.

They’re celebrating 14 years together this year, and since they’re both only 26 … it’s just pretty wild, you know?

But as difficult as this may be to believe, there are some people in the world who don’t want other people to be happy.

And that’s why there are several Teen Mom fans who are just absolutely certain that a Baltierra divorce is on the horizon.

See, both Catelynn and Tyler have had a rough, rough time lately.

After Catelynn gave birth to their daughter, Nova, back in 2015, she developed some pretty intense postpartum depression, and she’s been dealing with depression and anxiety ever since.

She’s had a hard time dealing with it, but when she got pregnant last fall only to suffer a miscarriage, things got so bad that she began contemplating suicide.

She checked into a treatment center to get some help, which was absolutely the right thing to do, but it did leave Tyler in a position of taking care of everything at home by himself.

And at the time, he had a whole lot to take care of.

There was little Nova, obviously, and his new children’s clothing business, but on top of that, he felt the need to keep an eye on his sister and her children since his father had just gone to rehab.

His sister ended up going to rehab a few months later, so it’s understandable that he felt that need.

And then, on top of all of that, he was dealing with the grief from the miscarriage, as well as his own mental health problems — it was around this time when he was diagnosed as bipolar.

Honestly, it’s amazing they made it throught that rough patch at all, especially since there was talk from both of them that maybe they weren’t right for each other anymore.

But they’re still together, because “in sickness and health” and all that, and although Tyler’s been making some questionable comments about how unhappy he’s been, it does seem like they’re going strong.

Tyler’s been going strong himself in a different way — after losing weight a few months ago, he’s been working on bulking up.

He’s shared shirtless selfies to document his progress, and over the weekend, he shared a before and after pic: the left photo is what he looked like a month ago, and on the right is what he looks like now.

So he looks really, really great, right?

But more important, he feels great, too.

“Finally making some progress on this goal of mine,” he wrote in his caption for the photo. “I think it’s important to document your journey, even if you don’t ever decide to share it.”

“Because the days you don’t feel like putting in the work because you don’t feel like you’re seeing results or you’re just feeling lazy as hell, those are the days those pics come in handy to motivate & prove to yourself what you are doing & why!”

He explained that this new photo is the result of “40 lbs down & only 2 months of working out.”

He also added that “For once in my life I’m actually pumped & pretty proud of myself!”

So what does any of that have to do with his marriage?

According to several of Tyler’s followers, the issue is that Catelynn doesn’t seem to be getting into fitness like he is. And that, of course, is grounds for divorce.

“Why do I feel like he’s gonna get his body riiiight & leave Catelynn…..” one person asked.

“Amid all these divorce rumors you think that you’d be posting tons of you and your wife still in love!” another person told him. “Sadly we’ll most likely see in a few months that you guys are indeed separating. That’s usually how it runs.”

One of his followers speculated that “Soon he will find himself someone that loves themselves and will actually be happy in a relationship that doesn’t keep dragging him down.”

Another put that sentiment in much simpler terms with “Tyler gonna be picking up a new hottie soon.”

Some people were especially cruel about it, like this jackass that wrote “Now GET A HOT mentally stable awesome new girlfriend, man you’re wasting your life with this chick.”

And that’s not even touching all the people who insisted that Catelynn is a “fat cow” who should be the one working out instead of Tyler.

OK, look, all the divorce rumors aside, is it honestly so hard to believe that maybe he just actually loves her?

That regardless of the changes he makes to his own body, he can still appreciate hers, and perhaps even be attracted to it?

Maybe they will get divorced, and if they do, it would probably be more about them growing apart and less about his new muscles.

Either way … can we maybe focus a little more on Tyler’s accomplishment here and a little less on Catelynn’s weight?


Friday, May 18, 2018

Jay-Z Convinced Meek Mill to Cancel White House Visit with Trump

Meek Mill bailed on a visit to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Friday after a late-night call from Jay-Z … TMZ has learned. TMZ broke the story … Meek agreed to travel to the White House to discuss prison reform. President Trump is hosting a Prison…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tyga Fans are Convinced the Rapper Fathered Kylie Jenner"s Baby

Congratulations are in order for Tyga.

According to the rapper’s loyal Instagram base, that is.

In light of the semi-talented musician sharing yet another mysterious social media photo, some Internet users are now convinced that Tyga is actually the guy who had unprotected sex with Kylie Jenner about 10 months ago.

What about Travis Scott?

What about him?!? they would respond to that question.

Indeed, while a video released by Jenner depicted Scott at the hospital with her, shortly before Stormi Webster entered the world, neither Kylie nor Travis has actually confirmed the latter is the tiny human’s father.

This has been the prevailing notion, of course, which is what Tyga fans think their hero is referring to in his latest Instagram caption.

It reads:

Tell me that the stories all lies now yeh.

Yes, Tyga may be insinuating about the rumors surrounding Kylie and Scott, everything you’ve heard is a lie.

In other recent posts, fans also suspected Tyga was sending cryptic messages to the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star, although others think he was simply reciting lyrics from his new album.

(Both sides could be right, FWIW.)

“Is this what u need to feel better?” he wrote in one post, adding elsewhere last week:

“Am I talkin foreign when I say I miss u.”

And also: “All I wanted was to talk to u.”

These captions come on the heels of a report that claims Tyga wants to take a paternity test because he really does believe he is Kylie’s baby daddy.

The musician did date Jenner for about two years prior to their split in late 2016, which was followed by Kylie quickly rebounding with Scott.

Mere months later, she got pregnant.

Yes, Scott would easily (and likely) have knocked her up.

But it’s also conceivable that she backtracked and found her legs spread once again for her ex-boyfriend, considering the clear connection she shared with Tyga.

This is what his most ardent supporters believe.

“It’s all lies! That’s your baby!” one follower wrote in response to Tyga’s most recent Instagram post.

Another referring to him as “Stormi’s daddy,” while another chimed in with:

“Ayeee! Congrats on the baby!”

We find it very hard to believe that these commentators are right.

But an insider tells Hollywood Life that even Kris Jenner has questions about Stormi’s paternity.

“Kris has started saying she thinks that there’s a chance the baby could actually be Tyga’s,” this source says, adding:

“Kylie swears up and down it’s not possible, but Kris is still hoping.

Tyga thinks it could be his baby and Kris very much wants that to be true.

“She’s scheming with Tyga to do a paternity test behind Kylie’s back.

“But even if Tyga’s not the baby’s biological father, he may end up stepping in, at least that’s what Kris would like.”

What do YOU think, celebrity gossip readers?


Monday, January 29, 2018

Rihanna: Fans Convinced She"s Pregnant After Last Night"s Grammy Performance!

A definite bright spot from last night’s Grammy Awards was Rihanna’s performance of “Wild Thoughts,” right?

Then again, Rihanna’s mere presence at any event could always be considered a bright spot.

Our girl went up there and performed “Wild Thoughts” with DJ Khaled, Bryson Tiller, and a bunch of dancers, and she killed it, as usual.

She looked amazing, the performance was amazing … everything was amazing.

But hey, remember last year when Rihanna stepped out looking a little fuller figured and everyone was absolutely positive she was pregnant?

Yeah, that’s happening again.

Her figure — which, to be clear, is just incredible — wasn’t the only thing that got people talking though.

It was mostly her performance.

From the dress she wore to the low lighting to the way she sort of stayed behind the dancers, she just gave out that “I’m pregnant and hiding it but also performing live on national television” vibe, you know?

Oh, you don’t know? You’re still a little iffy on the state of Rihanna’s womb?

Here, let Twitter explain it to you …

“Rihanna is pregnant,” one person insisted. “Her face full and she’s glowing crazy.”

Another person tweeted “I told y’all Beyonce was pregnant the minute she got on the stage at Roseland. I never get this wrong. Rihanna is with child.”

Some people just have that gift, you know?

If you need another argument, someone else wrote “LMFAOO Idc what nobody says, Rihanna is pregnant lmao Her titties are HUGE. Y’all talking about ‘nah she just thick’ Okay but most thick bitches have little titties.”

How do you argue with logic like that?!

Others just assumed that she’s definitely pregnant, like this kind soul that tweeted “Why are they stressing Rihanna on that stage with all that dancing? She’s obviously pregnant, carrying a billionaire’s child too.”

It’s true — she’s been dating Hassan Jameel for a while now, and he is super, super rich. Like, crazy rich.

Several reports have said that their relationship is very serious as well. Perhaps so serious that they’d have a child together?!

Speaking of potential baby daddies, one person had a great point with “If Rihanna really pregnant DRAKE FANS REJOICE. WE ABOUT TO GET A TWO DISC JOURNEY.”

Poor Drake. Hasn’t he been through enough?

Sadly, others weren’t as excited and kind about the rumors. There are quite a few tweets speculating about Rihanna’s eating habits and calling her fat, which is not OK and really very wrong.

To those people, one valuable Twitter user wrote “So help me Yeezus if I see any Rihanna pregnant/weight tweets. She looks SO HOT and you should lick a Tide Pod if you spread that kind of hate.”

Topical AND fair.

But it’s hard not to get pumped about the idea of international treasure Rihanna having a baby, right?

As one person put it, “I hope Rihanna is pregnant. That would make me so happy cus she really found the man she loves and wants to have a family with. That and baby Fenty would be chillin with Sir and Rumi.”

Do you think she could actually be pregnant this time?


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Why Fans Are Convinced She Gave Birth Last Night!

Are you getting sick of hearing about Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy yet?

No? It’s ridiculously juicy gossip and so very dramatic and you will never, ever get sick of hearing about it?

Good, we’re all on the same page!

There’s just something so interesting about Kylie being pregnant — maybe it’s that she’s only 20 years old, or maybe that the baby’s father is Travis Scott, a guy she was dating for MAYBE a month or two when he impregnated her.

Or maybe it’s because society (and Kris Jenner) has been conditioning us for so long to keep up with the Kardashians, and since Kylie refuses to confirm the news or even go out in public, we’ve had a heck of a time keeping up with it.

This whole thing seems more like a storyline on a bad soap opera than something that is actually happening to a real person, and it’s just been fascinating, right?

But last night, this storyline may have reached its climax …

That’s right, several people are reporting that Kylie gave birth last night!

A reporter named Sophia Julia tweeted “My sources say Kylie Jenner is in labor” — she later added “I don’t know the Kardashians. No one has confirmed sh-t. Just what I heard!!”

Another person tweeted “Inside scoop: Kylie Jenner is in labor. You heard it here first.”

Someone else claimed to have a friend who spoke to someone at Cedars-Sinai, the hospital in L.A. where the Kardashians have their babies, and that that someone said that Kylie was in labor.

There have even been some screenshots of a text message exchange going around in which one person claims to have a friend working at Cedars who told them that Kylie was there.

There’s another screenshot that’s been going around too — one from Travis Scott’s Snapchat.

Travis Scott Snapchat

In the snap, Travis is on a plane, and he captioned the photo “Make it home to ya one way or another.”

Many people interpreted that as his way of saying that Kylie actually was in labor yesterday, and that he was rushing back to California to be with her.

It’s a lot of information, huh?!

Unfortunately, none of it seems to be true.

A Kylie insider spoke to Radar Online and said that “there was a false alarm,” and that she’s only seven months pregnant right now.

TMZ also dismissed the rumors, and they even pointed out that the Travis Scott Snapchat that was being used as evidence wasn’t even posted yesterday, it’s from last month.

It’s interesting though, because many different people did seem certain that Kylie was at that hospital, and Radar’s source referred to it all as “a false alarm.”

So was she actually in the hospital yesterday?!

The general consensus is that her due date is in early February, so if that’s true, it’s definitely possible that she could have thought the baby was coming.

The last few weeks of pregnancy are tough, and they’re probably even tougher for a 20-year-old who’s never been through anything like it before.

Whatever’s happening, we just hope Kylie and her baby are healthy.

Well, that, and also that we get a damn confirmation soon.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Gayle King Says Oprah"s Not Convinced Yet on Presidential Run

Gayle King is doubling down … trying to clarify Stedman Graham’s comment about Oprah running for President, and throwing in her own 2 cents too. We got Gayle leaving CBS Tuesday in NYC, after she went on the air and offered a…


Gayle King Says Oprah"s Not Convinced Yet on Presidential Run

Gayle King is doubling down … trying to clarify Stedman Graham’s comment about Oprah running for President, and throwing in her own 2 cents too. We got Gayle leaving CBS Tuesday in NYC, after she went on the air and offered a…


Friday, September 22, 2017

Is Tupac Alive? Suge Knight is Convinced ...

Suge Knight, music mogul and certified OG, continues to espouse the popular conspiracy theory that his late friend Tupac Shakur is …

… well, not late. ‘Pac is among the living!

This is not the first time the former infamous Death Row Records honcho has said that Tupac is alive. Nor will it be the last, we’re guessing.

Even though he personally witnessed the rap legend’s murder with his own eyes in 1996, he’s still not convinced that Shakur is deceased.

In the forthcoming special Who Shot Biggie & Tupac, Knight discusses this topic of never-ending fascination – and explains his reasoning.

“When Pac died… if he really did, you know,” Suge, who is awaiting sentencing for an unrelated murder, said via telephone from jail.

“I mean when I left that hospital, me and Pac was laughing and joking. So I don’t see how someone can turn from doing well to doing bad.”

Really? That’s his reasoning?

A shooting victim taking a turn for the worse doesn’t strike us as that hard to believe (nor are what we’re told were Tupac’s last words).

Although the documentary’s interviewers were not buying Suge’s theory for this reason, he assures us that there is a strong possibility.

Is it really possible, though?

Could 2Pac have faked his death and/or disappeared without a trace and somehow still be alive to this day, over two decades later?

“I’m gonna tell you with Pac, you never know,” Knight says, unconvincingly, though Suge’s involvement in the case certainly is intriguing.

On September 7, 1996, 14 shots were fired at a car, six of which hit Tupac; Suge was driving at the time, and both men somehow survived.

Six days after the fact, on September 13, Tupac passed away at the age of 25 due to the injuries he sustained in the drive-by shooting.

The case has never been closed.

Earlier this year, Suge issued an affidavit in which he claimed the culprits behind the shooting were actually targeting him and not ‘Pac.

Suge says he has known for years “that [ex-Death Row Records security chief] Reggie Wright Jr. and his ex-wife Sharitha” were behind it.

This was done as a plot to gain control over the record company, he alleges, while an LAPD insider recently provided a different theory.

Unreported in the initial investigation, the source says, was that Tupac was heavily indebted to Knight, and that set off a chain of events.

“[Shakur] wanted to get out of jail,” says the insider.

“He basically signed his life away to Suge [Knight, as Death Row kingpin]. He didn’t want to do it, but when he does that they own him.”

Tupac “immediately [became] enemies with the Crips” due to Suge’s links to the LA gang Mob Piru, which was “built off of Death Row.”

This insider doesn’t go into too much more detail, but another theory involves Suge’s wife Sharitha Golden of murdering Tupac personally.

Golden has denied that allegation.

The only thing we can say with certainty is that the intense interest in 2Pac’s life after death continues unabated, and may outlive us all.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Fans Are Convinced She Got Pregnant Before Marriage

If you’re a fan of her family, then you’re no doubt aware by now that Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

Of course, everything the Duggars do these days is surrounded by controversy, and Joy-Anna’s pregnancy is no different.

And how could a pregnancy announcement from a married woman be controversial, you ask?

Well, most of the gossip has to do with the fact that Joy-Anna got pregnant just three months after marrying Austin Forsyth, and some fans believe she looks like she’s further along than that.

Given the strict nature of the Duggar courtship rules that forbid premarital sex, if Joy-Anna did get pregnant before her wedding, many of the family’s most pious followers would consider the situation to be downright scandalous.

And it’s not just sex that’s off-limits to unmarried Duggars.

Any physical contact beyond hand-holding is considered ungodly, and for reasons we don’t quite understand, the strict enforcement of these rules is part of what makes the Duggars so popular.

Any indication that the whole “courtship” thing is just a front would leave patriarch Jim Bob with some serious explaining to do.

So we get why it’s fun to speculate that Joy-Anna and Austin may have given into the devilry of lust before they walked down the aisle.

Unfortunately, the situation has led to some intense scrutiny of Joy-Anna’s body, which is decidedly not cool.

“She’s a bigger woman than her sisters,” one fan wrote on Joy-Anna’s Instagram announcement.

“She’s thick and she has bigger breasts, and they say bigger women show more. My mom looked like she was having triplets with me, but in fact it was because of the fluid around me when I was a fetus,” she further elaborated.

It’s worth pointing out that that’s a comment from a fan who’s defending Joy-Anna by arguing that she’s being honest about her pregnancy timeline.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Look, in all likelihood, if Joy-Anna got pregnant before she got married, we would never find out about.

The Duggars control the release of information about their private lives more effectively than any reality TV family, and they would never admit to one of their children getting knocked up out of wedlock.

So speclate away, but bear in mind that putting photos of Joy-Anna’s pregnant body under a microscope is cringe-worthy at best, repugnant at worst.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, April 10, 2017

Mel B Says Simon Cowell Convinced Her to Leave Stephen Belafonte

Mel B needed a push to leave Stephen Belafonte for good, and she got it from fellow ‘AGT’ judge Simon Cowell. Sources connected to Mel tell TMZ about the time Mel moved out of the family home earlier this year. He saw plenty of Belafonte over the…


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Pregnant? Teen Mom 2 Fans STILL Convinced She"s Knocked Up Again

Kailyn Lowry has denied that she’s pregnant, but the Teen Mom 2 star’s fans are convinced that she’s knocked up again just the same.

Where they come up with this – or why they’re so sure about it despite the fact that Kailyn denied that she’s pregnant – is strange, but …

Rampant speculation about her romantic life, along with some recent photos, have led Teen Mom 2 fans to wonder if Kailyn is pregnant.

This would be her third child, if it were somehow reality.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know she and Javi Marroquin have been going through a lot, but another baby? Seriously? No.

Lowry’s fuller figure on the Teen Mom 2 after show, as well as pictures like the one above, have fueled speculation … somewhat incredibly.

Yes, she occasionally wears loose-fitting shirts and black pants, but does that automatically translate to a baby bump being disguised?

Apparently so, if you read her Instagram comments.

“Anyone else think Kail looks pregnant?” one said.

“Why does Kail look pregnant?” another asked.

A third: “Dude Kail looks pregnant!”

To be fair, the rumors of Lowry pregnant with Javi’s child kicked off thanks to a doctored image of her with a positive pregnancy test.

The MTV star denied the claims at the time, of course, only to be accused of rocking a possible baby bump after last week’s after show.

Again, she was asked by Radar, and again, the answer was “No.” Not a whole lot of room for cryptic interpretation there, is there fans?

A rep for the mother of two also denied the speculation by saying that the photo of the test, like the rumor itself, is “completely fabricated.”

In truth, it’s hard to see where this comes from.

Kailyn Lowry – and we don’t mean this as a criticism in any way – was never rail thin to begin with, and has had two kids at this point.

If you’re expecting her to have zero percent body fat and not “look” pregnant in some alternate universe, well, you likely won’t find that.

And in spite of that, would you see the image above and simply assume you were looking at a young woman who was recently impregnated?

Of course not, but this is Kail, and Javi too.

To be fair to the Instagram sleuths, her personal life does invite some degree of fascination, especially given her drama with Marroquin.

When Lowry’s ex-husband caught her with another man in their home days after his return from deployment, s–t hit the fan, and HARD.

“I texted her and said can I drop Lincoln off and she was like, ‘I’m at Walmart right now come in an hour,’” Marroquin said on the episode.

“We pull up earlier since Kail’s car as there and we see another car. I knock on the door, Lincoln goes in and I said, ‘Let me get my stuff."”

“And she won’t let me in,” Javi recalled of that surreal moment. “I’m like, ‘I’m not leaving my son with another dude here’ … not happening.”

An insider close to Lowry confirmed that she is still dating the mystery man, as she has alluded to on Twitter with some cryptic comments.

So is the fake baby Javi’s or this guy’s?!

Bottom line: Kailyn may not be with child, but when it comes to the rumor mill, don’t hold your breath for a pregnant pause (so to speak).


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Jim Brown Is Convinced Browns Will Be GOOD Next Year (VIDEO)

Call him the eternal optimist … but Jim Brown says he sincerely believes the Cleveland Browns can turn things around next year.  The NFL legend was leaving Craig’s in West Hollywood when he spelled out why the Browns won’t be a smoldering…


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Robby Hayes: I Was Convinced JoJo Would Pick Me!

Every viewer dreads the moment that a contestant officially becomes a Bachelor/Bachelorette “runner-up.”

Such was the case for Robby Hayes, whose proposal JoJo Fletcher did not accept on last night’s finale.

“I was so caught off guard,” Hayes told People Magazine, adding that he was sure he was the only suitor left in Thailand. 

“I was so confident in our relationship and my feelings for her. I had already been dreaming about our future together.”

While Hayes insists there are no hard feelings, he is bummed that he went through the whole proposal process, only to return home with a fiance.  Which is kind of ridiculous, given what show he signed up for.

“The only thing I’m upset about is what was taken from me,” he said.

“I come from a very traditional family where marriage is a one time thing.

“But it’s not just the marriage. It’s the picking of the ring, the asking the parents for permission, giving the speech before you get down on one knee. JoJo took that from me and I can’t ever get it back.” 

Again, The Bachelorette is a dating competition.  If it makes Hayes feel any better, the universe is offer a do-over.  In private. With just one girl and not a bunch of other guys.

“Everything I said was honest and from the heart,” Hayes said. “If I didn’t tell JoJo I loved her, I would have been lying.”


“JoJo will always hold a portion of my heart,” he continued. “I fell in love with her, and in falling in love, I attached strings. One of them was unconditional care for her. I want JoJo to be happy and if I’m not the guy, I understand.”

Hayes has nothing but love for Jordan Rodgers, the suitor Fletcher ultimately choose.

“I respect the hell out of that kid. I think he’s sincere. And if JoJo couldn’t find happiness with me, I wanted her to find it with someone else.”

Call me, Hayes.  I’ll overlook the whole “proposed to another girl in Thailand” incident and we can go ring shopping.