Monday, July 9, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Why Fans Are Convinced He"s Leaving Catelynn Lowell!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have always been and will always be THE Teen Mom couple.

Obviously, right?

They’ve been together since they were 12 years old, and they’re the only couple from the 16 and Pregnant days who are still together.

Sure, there’s been some ups and downs, and there were a few times it seemed like they weren’t going to make it, but they’ve managed to pull through.

They’re celebrating 14 years together this year, and since they’re both only 26 … it’s just pretty wild, you know?

But as difficult as this may be to believe, there are some people in the world who don’t want other people to be happy.

And that’s why there are several Teen Mom fans who are just absolutely certain that a Baltierra divorce is on the horizon.

See, both Catelynn and Tyler have had a rough, rough time lately.

After Catelynn gave birth to their daughter, Nova, back in 2015, she developed some pretty intense postpartum depression, and she’s been dealing with depression and anxiety ever since.

She’s had a hard time dealing with it, but when she got pregnant last fall only to suffer a miscarriage, things got so bad that she began contemplating suicide.

She checked into a treatment center to get some help, which was absolutely the right thing to do, but it did leave Tyler in a position of taking care of everything at home by himself.

And at the time, he had a whole lot to take care of.

There was little Nova, obviously, and his new children’s clothing business, but on top of that, he felt the need to keep an eye on his sister and her children since his father had just gone to rehab.

His sister ended up going to rehab a few months later, so it’s understandable that he felt that need.

And then, on top of all of that, he was dealing with the grief from the miscarriage, as well as his own mental health problems — it was around this time when he was diagnosed as bipolar.

Honestly, it’s amazing they made it throught that rough patch at all, especially since there was talk from both of them that maybe they weren’t right for each other anymore.

But they’re still together, because “in sickness and health” and all that, and although Tyler’s been making some questionable comments about how unhappy he’s been, it does seem like they’re going strong.

Tyler’s been going strong himself in a different way — after losing weight a few months ago, he’s been working on bulking up.

He’s shared shirtless selfies to document his progress, and over the weekend, he shared a before and after pic: the left photo is what he looked like a month ago, and on the right is what he looks like now.

So he looks really, really great, right?

But more important, he feels great, too.

“Finally making some progress on this goal of mine,” he wrote in his caption for the photo. “I think it’s important to document your journey, even if you don’t ever decide to share it.”

“Because the days you don’t feel like putting in the work because you don’t feel like you’re seeing results or you’re just feeling lazy as hell, those are the days those pics come in handy to motivate & prove to yourself what you are doing & why!”

He explained that this new photo is the result of “40 lbs down & only 2 months of working out.”

He also added that “For once in my life I’m actually pumped & pretty proud of myself!”

So what does any of that have to do with his marriage?

According to several of Tyler’s followers, the issue is that Catelynn doesn’t seem to be getting into fitness like he is. And that, of course, is grounds for divorce.

“Why do I feel like he’s gonna get his body riiiight & leave Catelynn…..” one person asked.

“Amid all these divorce rumors you think that you’d be posting tons of you and your wife still in love!” another person told him. “Sadly we’ll most likely see in a few months that you guys are indeed separating. That’s usually how it runs.”

One of his followers speculated that “Soon he will find himself someone that loves themselves and will actually be happy in a relationship that doesn’t keep dragging him down.”

Another put that sentiment in much simpler terms with “Tyler gonna be picking up a new hottie soon.”

Some people were especially cruel about it, like this jackass that wrote “Now GET A HOT mentally stable awesome new girlfriend, man you’re wasting your life with this chick.”

And that’s not even touching all the people who insisted that Catelynn is a “fat cow” who should be the one working out instead of Tyler.

OK, look, all the divorce rumors aside, is it honestly so hard to believe that maybe he just actually loves her?

That regardless of the changes he makes to his own body, he can still appreciate hers, and perhaps even be attracted to it?

Maybe they will get divorced, and if they do, it would probably be more about them growing apart and less about his new muscles.

Either way … can we maybe focus a little more on Tyler’s accomplishment here and a little less on Catelynn’s weight?
