Showing posts with label Toast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toast. Show all posts

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Quavo Says The Eagles Are Toast Without Carson Wentz

Can the Eagles survive without Carson Wentz?? Quavo doesn’t think so — ‘cause when we asked him about their playoff matchup with the Falcons, he told us having Nick Foles sub in for the MVP candidate will crush their chances.…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Debra Danielsen Got Married and Farrah Abraham Gave a Toast!

Farrah Abraham and her mother, Debra Danielsen, have had a very complicated relationship.

But that didn’t mean that Farrah couldn’t make it to her own mother’s wedding. Yes, Debra got married this weekend. And Farrah gave a toast.

And though MTV’s cameras weren’t there to cover it, we can still tell you what happened.

Last week’s big drama was Farrah Abraham getting “fired” from Teen Mom.

The initial story was that it’s because of Farrah Abraham’s live sex shows, like the one where she stripped down and masturbated for paying viewers.

It resulted in Farrah canceling her much anticipated anal sex livestream that was to take place a week ago.

As it turns out, all of this may have really just been over the fact that nobody likes Farrah Abraham.

In a bizarre, barely intelligible rant, Farrah Abraham blasted MTV’s parent company, Viacom (which owns like 1/3 of entertainment media), saying things like:

“Sad such a phenomenal show will no longer have its biggest talent on the show because of women hating, sex shaming, hate crimes, selfish, Weinstein company power trip behaviors against a professional hard working, honest mother.”

Saying Weinstein company power trip behaviors in the wake of the Weinstein scandal is an unconscionable ploy for attention unless Farrah is actually accusing someone of sexual misconduct.

And we don’t know what “crimes” Farrah is alleging that MTV or Viacom or the Big Scary Teen Mom Illuminati committed.

It would be interesting to listen to her try to explain what, in her mind, a “hate crime” is. Because it sounds like she just thinks that it’s when you’re mean or unfair to someone.

Of course, Farrah later came forward and claimed that MTV didn’t actually fire her … but did commit “hate crimes.”

It looks like, at the very least, MTV gave Farrah an ultimatum about putting stuff inside her body on camera — that she couldn’t do it and be on Teen Mom.

It’s not clear if Farrah misunderstood them or is trying to build up a demand that she not get fired … or what.

Whatever is going on in all of that mess, MTV’s cameras didn’t show up to film Farrah’s mom’s wedding.

But that’s okay, because we know how it all went down.

The Ashley was there, and they interviewed the lucky bride, Debra Danielsen.

“We’ve been on this quest to find each other,” Debra said of Dr. David Merz.

“It’s like, you knew this person was out there, you just had to find them … that’s how I feel.”

A lot of people believe in soul mates. A lot of people don’t.

Also speaking to The Ashley, Farrah spoke about her decision to attend her mother’s wedding.

“I think it means the world for me to be here.”

That is such an astoundingly self-centred way to talk about your decision to attend your mom’s wedding, right?

That is classic Farrah Abraham.

“It really mattered to me and it’s important to me.”

Well, you know what they say about wedding days — what matters is how Farrah Abraham feels.

Debra and David tied the knot at the Scott Aquarium at the Omaha Zoo. The wedding had an “under the sea” motif, and Debra wore a mermaid dress with a long train.

There were bagpipes, which aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but if Debra and David wanted them … and they weren’t disturbing the aquarium creatures, then sure.

Debra’s friend was the maid of honor, while Farrah was the “honorary maid of honor,” which isn’t a real thing and sounds incredibly goofy.

Farrah was wearing a black pantsuit, and The Ashley reports that she was the only woman in attendance who wore black.

Farrah gave a toast, as we mentioned, and she posted the transcript of it to social media.

“It’s been an up and down year for me. I’m very protective of my mom and I love her so much and I’m happy to see, David, that you love my mom just as much.”

That’s … genuinely sweet.

And, except for that bit about Farrah’s year, it was barely even about her!

Farrah continued her toast, speaking to David:

“You’re strong, and that’s what she needs. Someone by her side who is very strong and loving. I’m happy to have you as part of my family and to be part of your family.”

Even adults gain new family members when their parents get remarried, folks.

“It’s been an amazing opportunity to come together. I love you both.”

Again, when you compare that to Farrah Abraham’s angry and often nonsensical rant about being “fired,” this is a lot more grounded.

Maybe she practiced. We don’t know.

Nobody from Teen Mom was there. Farrah’s daughter, Sophia, wasn’t there.

That’s not surprising. Even less surprising was that Debra’s ex-husband, Michael Abraham, wasn’t there.

if Farrah ends up resolving things with MTV, maybe they’ll regret that they didn’t get to film her mom’s wedding.

If they don’t resolve things, though, maybe producers will be grateful that they got a clean break from Farrah.

We still don’t know everything about what’s going on with Farrah and MTV. But gosh, we’d sure like to.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Taylor Swift Delivers NSFW Toast, Gets Booed at Friend"s Wedding

After reaching previously unimaginable heights of popularity following the release of her 1989 album, Taylor Swift has found herself in a bit of a slump as of late.

Part of the problem is that her two latest singles “Look What You Made Me Do” and the confusingly titled “…Ready For It?” have met with less than enthusiastic responses from fans and critics.

Now, Taylor is facing yet another PR headache, but this one has nothing to do with her celebrity feuds or the quality of her music.

That’s Swifty attending the wedding of her best friend, Abigail Anderson.

Fans know Abigail as the subject of Taylor’s song “Fifteen,” as well as the singer’s frequent defender in high-profile beefs.

Obviously, Taylor was Abigail’s maid of honor, and she did her best not to upstage the bride.

Unfortunately, no matter where Taylor Swift goes, she’s still Taylor Swift.

So throngs of fans gathered to catch a glimpse of the singer, and as you can see in the clip above, they were royally pissed when she was hidden from public view.

It was an unfortunate scene, but the silver lining is that there’s also a teachable moment here.

As a celebrity gossip site, we here at THG are no strangers to obsessing over celebrities.

It’s kind of our thing.

That said, it’s important to bear in mind that even the biggest names in show business are entitled to moments of privacy.

And the civilians in their lives definitely have the right to step away from the public eye whenever they choose.

Here’s a good rule of thumb:

If a celeb is engaged in the type of event that would earn a mention in the local paper for a non-famous plebe such as yourself (think births, weddings, funerals), then don’t show up to creepily try to share the moment with them.

It’s not remotely cool.

Of course, Abigail’s wedding wasn’t completely spoiled by overzealous stans.

Check out the clip below for a few raunchy seconds from Taylor’s maid of honor toast.

It sounds like she’s telling a story about Abigail and her new husband boning in a public bathroom.

Abby’s grandmother is probably still trying to shake that one off.


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Drake and Trump Toast Their Enemies (VIDEO)

Drake and Donald Trump rang in the New Year the same way … talkin’ ‘bout their enemies. Drake headlined at Hakkasan in Vegas Saturday night, gave a toast and performed “Enemies.” As for Trump … 


Monday, May 23, 2016

Watch This Guy Eat THREE POUNDS of Cinnamon Toast Crunch

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?

No one needs to remind Matt Stonie of this.

The competitive eater is the defending champion at the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest.

With that annual event just a little over a month away, he"s preparing his mind and his stomach by starting off his day in especially epic fashion.

Known as Megatoad, Stonie is featured in the following video, sitting down for breakfast and devouring nearly three pounds of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal.


And let"s not forget about the gallon of 2 percent milk included with this meal.

According to the footage, Stonie ingested 7,700 calories, 586 grams of sugar and 206 grams of fat in polishing off two 23.6-ounce boxes in about 17 minutes.

Is that an impressive time for one to eat this much cereal?

We have no idea. And we"re not about to try it for ourselves to find out.

To date, the video has been viewed almost one million times on YouTube and it"s easy to understand why.

This is oddly mesmerizing to watch! See for yourself:

Matt stonie just ate three pounds of cinnamon toast crunch in on

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Selfie Spoon: Actually a Thing!

This is either a sign of the Apocalypse…

… or the greatest thing to ever happen to mankind.

The creators of Cinnamon Toast Crunch have come out with the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Selfie Spoon, an actual selfie stick with a spoon affixed to the end.

The item can be purchased (for free, you only pay shipping/handling) at the website and it will finally give folks a chance to share their breakfast experience with friends online.

We hear that Kim Kardashian has already bought one. That"s a joke. 

But the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Selfie Spoon is not.

Cinnamon toast crunch selfie spoon actually a thing