Monday, May 2, 2016

Kirk Cameron Delivers God"s Message, Gives Crap Marriage Advice

Oh good.  Kirk Cameron is pushing his fanatical beliefs on us. Again.

For some reason, people find the Growing Pain star’s “advice” useful.

I find it a little insane.

This time,the Christian Evangelist is spreading the word on what makes a solid union as part of his national marriage tour (a real thing, I assure you). 

Cameron gave The Christian Post excellent sound bites that are sure to be taken to heart by all who read the word of Mike Seaver.

So, who wants to improve their relationship?

“Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband’s lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband,” Cameron explained.

“When each person gets their part right, regardless of how their spouse is treating them, there is hope for real change in their marriage.” 

“A lot of people don’t know that marriage comes with instructions.

“And, we find them right there in God’s word.”

The Christian Post clarifies Cameron’s statements by suggesting he may be referring to a Bible passage: 

“Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.”  Colossians 3:18-19

The actor’s younger sister, Candace Cameron-Bure also subscribes to the same belief that wives are to submit to their husbands.

“The definition I’m using with the word ‘submissive’ is the biblical definition of that,” Cameron-Bure wrote in her 2014 book, Balancing It All: My Story of Juggling Priorities and Purpose.

“So, it is meekness, it is not weakness. It is strength under control, it is bridled strength.

“And that’s what I choose to have in my marriage.”