Showing posts with label Dragons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dragons. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Bethenny Frankel: I"m Like the Mother of Dragons!

Important programming note:

The upcoming Real Housewives of New York Season 10 reunion special was filmed before Dennis Shields passed away.

This is important to note because the sneak peek featured here depicts nearly every cast member ganging up on Bethenny Frankel, something that obviously would not happen at the moment due to Shields" tragic passing.

(Shields and Frankel started dating in 2016 and remained very close up until the time he died of an accidental overdose; there was even talk that he had been thinking of proposing.)

In this clip, Ramona Singer tells the cameras she’s feeling relaxed and calm – although it seems as if this mood immediately once she hits the stage.

"Don’t say a f-cking thing, with your fake tits,” she yells at Bethenny early in the amazing preview.

“This is like Game of Thrones. I’m like the mother of dragons fighting multiple blondes,” Frankel says during the video.

When sharing a story with host and producer Andy Cohen in front of her fellow cast members, many of these women then slam her as a liar and scream in Bethenny"s direction.

When everyone keeps talking over each other, Andy goes off:

“I want to hear her f-cking answer,” he says.

Intense stuff.

Sort of scary stuff even.

At other times, Sonja Morgan and Dorinda Medley go head-to-head, making it evident that Bethenny is the only star with enemies on stage.

“I don’t get drunk and insult my friends’ vaginas,” Morgan awesomely yells at one point, to which Dorinda replies:

“Shut up, Sonja, keep your mouth shut.”

Anger is not the only emotion on display, however.

We also see women pay tribute to Jill Zarin’s late husband Bobby Zarin … but then they also question Bethenny’s motives when she chooses to attend his funeral.

(Bobby passed away in January, and despite Jill’s tense relationship with Frankel, entrepreneur still paid her respects in person.)

One more note before you click PLAY:

Luann de Lesseps was not present at the reunion due to her recent stint in rehab, but this absence will be addressed.

Part one of The Real Housewives of New York City reunion will air on Bravo Wednesday, August 22, at 8/7c.

The real housewives of new york reunion clip this is like game o

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Kanye West Compares Himself and Donald Trump to Dragons, Says He"s "Nice" at Ping Pong

Let’s be frank up front:

Kanye West may be in serious trouble.

The rapper is Tweeting non-stop, making absolutely no sense while doing so and, based on a recent report, may be coming off an Opiods addiction.

We really do think West may be suffering another mental breakdown and could be in need of some professional assistance.

We hope he gets it.

This caveat in place, let’s also be honest:

We’re a celebrity gossip website. We’re obligated to joke around about a star when he or she relays the sort of bat$ hit crazy messages that Kanye has been posting of late.

We thought it was random enough when the musician first returned to Twitter and rambled on about Lamar Odom and his alleged neck tattoos, as covered below:

But now?!?

West has since Tweeted his love and affection for Donald Trump, while more recently cutting ties with long-time friend and manager Scotter Braun.

How come?

“I no longer have a manager. I can’t be managed. I’m nobody’s client,” West Tweeted.

This stance does sort of go along with a report that claims Kanye is out of control and that not even wife Kim Kardashian can calm him down these days.

And this report came out before Kanye delved deeper into his self-proclaimed love of the current President.

“You don’t have to agree with trump but the mob can’t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy,” Kanye wrote on Thursday, elaborating as only he can:

“He is my brother. I love everyone. I don’t agree with everything anyone does. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.”


“If your friend jumps off the bridge you don’t have to do the same. Ye being Ye is a fight for you to be you.

“For people In my life the idea of Trump is pretty much a 50 50 split but I don’t tell a Hillary supporter not to support Hillary I love Hillary too.”

From here, Kanye revealed that Kardashian actually pressed him to walk back his remarks about The Donald a little bit:

“my wife just called me and she wanted me to make this clear to everyone. I don’t agree with everything Trump does. I don’t agree 100% with anyone but myself.”

West previously announced that he will release two new albums in June.

So it’s very possible this social media meltdown is not a meltdown, but rather his own kind of promotion for those albums.

It’s possible, we emphasize.

But the rapper did suffer an actual breakdown toward the end of 2016 and, well… he’s now writing stuff such as this:

I’m nice at ping pong.

fear takes strategy Unlearn linear thinking Hit you with these zig zag thoughts.

And also I’m all the way out the sunken place. And I’m not scared anymore. I’m not scared of the media. I’m not scared of the past and I’m optimistic about the future. This tweet is in love not fear.

How can anyone know what to think when West is sending gibberish such as this?

The guy does have the entire Internet talking about him once again, so let’s give him some credit.

But that isn’t always a good thing, no matter what Kanye’s apparent hero, Donald Trump, might say.

Do YOU think West has sincerely lost it? Or is this all a part of a much larger marketing strategy?


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Imagine Dragons" Dan Reynolds Delivers Powerful Anti-Terror Message

Imagine Dragons’ lead singer Dan Reynolds delivered a strong message of anti-terror in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Las Vegas … their hometown. The band performed Wednesday night in Chicago, and Dan paused to tell the crowd their tour…


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Rapper Drag-On"s Medical Emergency, Sometimes Weed and Concerts Don"t Mix

Drag-On — one of the original members of the Ruff Ryders label — had a rough time at an outdoor concert … ending up in the ER. The rapper was performing in Atlantic City late last week, went into the crowd — which is where the video starts –…


Monday, August 7, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Dragons At War!

With less than ten episodes of Game of Thrones remaining, we suppose it’s no surprise that the show’s been moving at a breakneck pace lately.

Last week’s installment gave us an epic battle scene, the death of a major character, and two fan favorites crossing paths for the first time.

Needless to say, it’s a hard act to follow, but The Spoils of War delivered in a major way, sticking with the same potent formula as other memorable episodes this season – 40-plus minutes of chess pieces moving in intriguing ways, followed by an extended scene of mind-blowing action.

Speaking of fan favorites butting heads, we begin on a satisfying note, with some verbal jousting between Jaime and Bronn.

They may not always get along, but the lifelong warriors tend to have one another’s backs when it counts … but more on that later.

Cersei, meanwhile, settles her debt with the Iron Bank, a plot point that may not have the same appeal as fire-breathing beasts, but one that will likely prove to be of tremendous significance.

Her credit score might’ve taken a hit due to her family’s considerable debt, but it seems she’s made some wealthy new friends who will prove to be important allies in the battles to come.

Elsewhere in the Seven Kingdoms, Littlefinger tries to sweet-talk yet another Stark kid, not realizing that Bran is now the Three-Eyed Raven and can see his entire sketchy past.

The dagger he presents to Bran brings up memories of a season one storyline that many fans had feared forgotten.

Our prediction: It won’t end well for Lord Baelish.

Meera is quickly reminded of the change in the youngest living Stark when she bids her traveling companion adieu and is astonished by his lack of emotion.

Of course, Bran’s not the only member of his family who’s changed over the course of the past six and a half seasons.

Arya is finally back at Winterfell, and as she reminds the guards who tried to turn her away, she’s now one of the supreme badasses of the North.

Once they’re reunited, she and Sansa reflect on life at Ned Stark’s monument and share a laugh over Arya’s kill list. Good times.

We’re beginning to get the sense of an ending, and like the Starks’ gradual return to Winterfell, it’s all very bittersweet

Like Meera, Arya is stunned by the change in Bran, but one gets the impression that she understands what others may not about her wounded brother:

Namely, that he’ll soon prove a more potent weapon than any Valyrian steel blade

Brienne is affected by Arya’s return, as she swore to the late Catelynn Stark that she would protect her daughters.

She seems to feel even more tender toward her young charge once Arya whups her ass in hand-to-hand combat, because that’s the way to Brienne’s heart.

The trips down legacy lane continue with an exploration of the all-important dragonglass mines of Dragonstone.

The caves provide an opportunity for Jon to demonstrate to Daenerys that the White Walkers are real and have been a threat for millennia

It seems he’s making progress, but she still wants to see that knee bend.

With that, Tyrion breaks the news that the war effort isn’t going according to plan.

The Khaleesi begins to lose faith in her Hand and reflect on the fact that she’s got a trio of fire-breathing nukes waiting to do her bidding.

Jon reminds her that she seeks to become a different sort of ruler, not “queen of the ashes,” but it seems the madness of Queen Dany is already in the offing.

From there, Jon and Davos have a conversation about good hearts and seem to simultaneously come to the realization that Missandei is far cooler than the Khaleesi.

In fact, she and Davos seem to understand the heart of the issue better than Jon or Dany:

Loyalty can’t be forced, and a ruler that’s been chosen by the people will always have greater power than one who governs by fear.

It’s an episode of reunions, and Jon and Theon one is not exactly the most warmhearted

We get a bit of comic relief in the form of Dickon (tee-hee), and then things take a turn for the seriously epic.

Yes, it’s the moment so many have been waiting for – Dany leading a dragon into battle against a Lannister-led army

It’s hard to live up to so many years of anticipation, but the show delivered in a big way with one of its most riveting battle scenes to date.

It’s not just the scale that’s impressive but the constant, edge-of-seat fear that a beloved character (Jaime, Bronn, Daenerys, and of course, Dickon) might soon bite the dust.

Did that happen?

Well, it’s tough to say.

Just as he was about to get roasted, someone (Bronn?) came to Jaime’s rescue and tackled him into the sea.

Unfortunately, neither of them moved thereafter.

It’s a cliffhanger, folks!

As though there was any doubt we’d be tuning in next week.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to get caught up on one hell of an action-packed season.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Samuel L. Jackson Recaps Game of Thrones: F--k Those Dragons!

It might be a full ten months before the seven bless us with new episodes of Game of Thrones.

There was a time when we thought we’d have to rely on our memories of the epic season 6 finale to keep us cool until winter comes again.

Fortunately, now we have a surprisingly-thorough recap of the entire series courtesy of the baddest motherf–ker on the planet, Samuel L. Jackson:

“The seasons in this place last a ridiculously long time,” Jackson notes early on. 

“So let’s just say [the characters] ain’t too happy about winter coming.”

It’s a simple observation, but an important one.

In fact, it’s one of the most important facts about the show, but it receives surprisingly little serious attention.

We all know the Stark family’s icy reminder of the importance of constant preparedness, but we bet you’d be surprised by how many of your non-book-reading, casual GoT-watching friends are unaware (or have simply never thought about) the likelihood that winter will last for the remainder of these characters’ lives.

Obviously, the the entire 7-minute clip is hilarious, but it’s also a potent reminder of everythihg that brought us to this point and just how much has happened since viewers were first introduced to the lands of Westeros and Essos back in 2011.

Robert Baratheon, Viserys Targaryen, Ned Stark … These days, sky-high body counts are par for the course on GoT, but back in Season 1, fans were shocked by the show’s willingness to off characters who seemed to be established as series regulars.

“Nice family, right?” Jackson says of the Starks. “Don’t get attached.”

In a way there could be no better recapper than Jackson, as he’s one of the few actors who’s responsible for almost as many onscreen deaths as David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

And if those reports of a production delays on Season 7 of Thrones are true, we may be turning to this video for comfort many times in the coming months.

Fortunately, you can always watch Game of Thrones online if you’re fiending for some midsummer Snow.