Showing posts with label MomShaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MomShaming. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Jessica Simpson: Mom-Shaming Fans FREAK OUT Over Son"s Broken Arm

Wagging a judgmental finger at famous mothers is a favorite activities among internet trolls, and Jessica Simpson seems to be one of their favorite targets as of late.

Jessica has been mom-shamed repeatedly and for a wide variety of alleged offenses.

Haters have criticized Simpson for allowing her daughter to wear makeup.

They’ve whined that she’s too busy taking selfies to properly care for her kids.

But mostly, they’ve lambasted Jessica for allowing her husband to be too rough while playing with 4-year-old son Ace.

The latest outrage stems from the video below that Jessica posted on Instagram earlier this week.

She captioned the clip:

“A broken bone doesn’t hold this kiddo down #waterproofcast #ACEKNUTE”

This being the internet in 2018, fans proceeded to immediately lose their freakin’ minds.

“Why do u do that wow! So ridiculous!” wrote one hyper-articulate follower.

“Love you, Jess, but why throw a kid with a cast on? Even in water,” commented another, while a third described the stunt as “the most ridiculous thing to be doing as a parent.”

But don’t worry, Jess has her defenders, too.

And man, are they hoping she’ll call them up and ask to be besties.

“Your son obviously has great air sense (athletic body control while executing inverted aerial maneuvers). The fact that his arm is in a protective cast is not an issue at all,” wrote one such sycophant.

“His arm is not used in executing the maneuver other than being a balancing device. Your critics are probably not very experienced in this maneuver,” the aqua-batics expert continued.

“And he executed it with fins on??! He’s got talent and obviously as the parent you know his talent and lack of risk!!”

It’s one of those comments that reminds you that whether you’re talking politics or literally any other topic under the sun, there is no room for centrism on the internet.

Either your’re calling CPS on Jessica or praising her son’s “inverted aerial maneuvers.”

So we’re gonna do something truly subversive and fall somewhere in the middle on this:

The stunt was fine and probably perfectly safe, but we can see how it might shock fans who have never seen something similar.

Now can we all get back to talking about how drunk Jessica is all the time?

That’s much more entertaining.


Friday, February 23, 2018

Jessa Duggar Claps Back at Mom-Shaming Fan!

Jessa Duggar has had enough!

The mother of two is criticized for just about everything these days from her “messy” home to the way she homeschools her kids.

And it seems she’s finally decided to give the internet’s most vocal mom-shamers a piece of her mind.

The latest snide remark was seemingly provoked by nothing.

On a photo of Jessa and her husband, Ben Seewald, a follower commented, “Training is for dogs, not humans.”

The remark references the Duggars use of the word “training” when discussing child-rearing.

Jessa and her sisters are often criticized for advocate such practices as “blanket training,” in which a child is told to remain seated on a blanket and struck with an object if he fails to do so.

At times, Jessa has graciously acknowledged that some of her family’s practices can seem extreme to outsiders.

This time, however, she was having none of it:

“We train for occupations, we train for jobs, we hire personal trainers for fitness… and we train/teach our kiddos for right behavior in the hopes that they will grow up to be caring, thoughtful and responsible adults,” she responded.

“But I agree—dogs are not humans. Thank you for making that distinction,” Jessa added.

Like we said, Jessa clearly didn’t feel like turning the other cheek this time.

And naturally, her fans responded as though they’d just witnessed the climactic rap battle in 8 Mile:

“Mic drop… nice reply Jessa,” commented one follower.

“You seem like an amazing mother! Keep doing what you’re doing!” remarked another.

“I love that you comment on negative comments and defend yourself you are a great mom. Dont ever let ANYONE. tell you different,” offered a third.

Maybe next time, snarky Instagram users who feel the need to point out that diaper pail is full will think twice.

No one wants to catch the wrath of Angry Jessa.

Watch Counting On online for more of the usually calm and collected Jessa Duggar-Seewald.
